658 E L V E L L A C E l .
nearly smooth ; asci rather large ; spores large, oval, granular.
—Kromhli. t. 20. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv. t. 25, /. 25. Ann. N.H.
no. 1060.
On the ground. Blackheath Park.
Very variable in colour.
1 9 4 4 . HelveUa c r isp a . Fr. “ Pallid Helvella.”
Pileus deflexed, lobed, at length free, crisped, pallid ; stem
fistulöse, costato-lacunose ; asci sub-clavate ; sporidia ovate,
hyaline, granular.— Vent. t. 11,/. HO. Corda. Anl. t. G.f. 67, 7-
8. Bisch.f.3214. Fchl. exs. no.1242. Fr. S .M .ii.p .14. Berh.
Outl.t.21,f.4. Grev.t.l43. S ow . t. 39. Bay. Syn. ed. 3,p .8 ,no.
59. Schwff. t. 282. Bull. t. 466. Fl. Dan. 1.1560. Coohe B .F .f.
i. Mich. t. 86, f 7. Gled. t. 2 ,f. 3. Batt. t. 2 ,f. 9. Tratt. Ess. t. D.
D. Eng. FI.y. p .l8 4 . P r ic e .t.l,f. 47. Badli.i.t. 1 4 ,/. 2,ii. i. 5,
f . l . SmÜh E.M. f . 16. Vent. t . 3 l , f . 1,2. Eav. exs.yi. no.lö.
Berh. exs. no. 264.
In woods. Common. Esculent. [S. Carolina.]
Pileus whitish, flesh coloured, or yellowish. Stem 3-5 in, high, snowy-
white, deeply lacunose and ribbed, the ribs hollow.—Ä y . Fl.
1 9 4 5 . H e lv e lla la cu n o sa . A fz . “ Cinereous Helvella.”
Pileus inflated, lohed, cinereous black, lobes deflexed, adnate;
stem fistulöse, costato-lacunose ; asci cylindrical, stipitate;
sporidia ovate, hyaline.—B a d h .i ,t .l4 ,f .l . Fl. Boruss. t. 383.
Vent. t. 31, f . 4-5. Fl. Dan. 1.1968,/. 1. Bail. t. 21. Fchl. exs.
no. 1241. Price«. 16,/. 100. Fr. S.M. ii.p .15. Holms, ii. t. 24.
S c h a ft. 154, i. 162. Nees.f.l63. Coohe B .F .f.h . En g .F I.y .p .
184. Grev.t.36. Berh. exs. no.265.
In woods. Common. Esculent. [Low. Carolina.]
Stem white or dusky.
1 9 4 6 . H e lv e lla su lc a ta . A fz . “ Sulcate Helvella.”
Pileus deflexed, lohed, adnate; stem stuffed, equal, sulcate ;
spores broadly elliptic.—A/k. 1.10,/. 1. Fr. S.M. ii.p. 15. Batt.
t. 3,f. B. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. 1866, no. 764,1152.
Cn the ground. Cct. Bowood. [Mid. Carolina.]
Spores very broadly elHptic, with a single large globose nucleus (-0006-
■0007 in.)-OlS-’Oi/m.m. long. SoUtary, rarely gregarious, smooth. Stem
2 in. long 4 -5 lines thick, attenuated upwards, longitudinally sulcate;
pileus defiexed, equaUy 2-3 lobed, even, compressed, darker when dry.—
ß .& B r.
1 9 4 7 . H e lv e lla e la s t ic a . Bull. “ Peziza-like Helvella.”
Pileus free, even, inflated, at length acutely lobed; stem
elongated, thin, attenuated, pruinose.—Fl. Dan. 1 6 t8 ,/. 2.
Corda.y. f.lO . Corda. Anl. t. 61 ,f . 4-6. Coohe exs. no. 233. Kl.
exs.no. 131. Fr. S.M. ii.p. 21. Bull.t. 242. Bolt. t. 95. Sow.t.
154. Schceff. t. 220. Eng. F I .y .p .184. Ann. N.H. no. 86. Fchl.
exs. no. 2086. Kromb. ¿. 21,/. 21. Berh. exs. no. 266.
In woods.
Much resembling in some of its forms Peziza Triacropus. {Fig. 323.)
1 9 4 8 . H e lv e lla ephipp ium. Lev. ' Minute Helvella.”
Small; pileus deflexed, lobed, decidedly velvety beneath.—
Lev. Ann. So. Nat. ser. ii. vol. xyi.p. 240,1.14;/. 7. B.&Br. Ann.
N.H. no. 552. Schceff. t. 321. Bav. exs. vi. no. 14.
Cn the ground in wood. Spring and autumn. [S. Carolina.]
Scarcely 1 in. high. Very near to H. elastica, and differs principally in its
dwarf size and decidedly velvety coat.—B. Br.
Gen. 2 8 9 . VER.FA, Swartz.
Receptacle clavato-plicate, hollow
below, and inflated, or conical and
adpressed, equally deflexed all
round ; hymenium rugulose, but not
costate, or nearly even.—Berh. Outl.
p. 359. {Fig. 324.)
1 9 4 9 . Vezpa d ig ita lifo zm is. P en .
“ Finger-shaped Verpa.”
Pileus campannlate, finger-shaped,
rugulose, umber; stem equal, transversely
squamulose; sporidia yellow-
Fig. 324. ish, elliptic.— Fr. S.M. ii. p. 24. Pers.
M.F. t. l , f . 1-3. Berh, Outl. t. 21, f . 6. Corda. Sturm. 1.1, t. 6.
Fng. Fl. y.p. 184. P a y .f. 380. Kl. exs. no. 1629.
Under hedges. Rare.
Pileus at first nearly even, olivaceous-umber, dark at the apex; stem
obese, furnished at the base with a few subrufous radicles, wbite, with a
slight rufous tinge marked with transverse rufous spots, smooth to the naked
eye, but under a lens clothed with fine adpressed flocoi, the rupture of which
gives rise to the spots which are, in fact, minute scales. In the mature plant
the pileus is I in. high, campanulate, digitaliform, or subglobose, more or
less closely pressed to the stem, but always free, the edge sometimes in-
flexed so as to form a white border, wrinkled, but not reticulated, under side