650 P E E I S P O E IA C E I .
times the length of the diameter of the conceptacles.— Calocladia
comata, Lev. Ann. des. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv. p. 157, t. 9 ,/. 23.
Coolce Seem. Journ.t.xly. f .5 . Coohe.exs.no. 94. Cooke M.F. ii.
ed.p. 226. Fchl. exs. no. 692. Frysibe Fuonymi, DC. Fl. Fr.yi.
79. 105. F . penicillata, e. Fuonymi,Fr. S.M. iii. p. 244.
On the leaves of Fuonymus Furopmus. September.
Gen. 2 8 2 . E S .Y S IFH E , Hedw.
Mycelium arachnoid; appendages
floccose, simple, or irregularly
branched.—Berh. Outl. p.
404. {Fig. 317.)
* Sporangia 2-spored.
1 9 2 4 . E iy s ip h e L in k i l. Lev. “ Mugwort Blight.”
Amphigenous ; mycelium web-like, fugacious or persistent ;
conceptacles minute, globose, scattered, emersed ; appendages
white, interwoven with the mycelium ; sporangia 8-20, pyriform,
with elongated pedicels.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.79.
161, i. 1 0 ,/. 29. C o o h e M .F .t. xii. f. 248,249. Cooheexs.no
199. Fchl. exs. no. 648,649. F . communis. Fng. F I .y . p . 325
On leaves of mugwort. Autumn.
1 9 2 5 . E ry siph e lam p ro c a ip a . Lev. “ Composite Blight.”
Amphigenous; mycelium web-like, fugacious, or persistent;
conceptacles minute, globose, scattered, or gregarious ; appendages
coloured, interwoven with the mycelium; sporangia 8-16,
shortly pedicellate.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851,xv. 7). 163,1.10,/.
31. C o o h e M .F . 1. 12, f . 250, 2 5 i: Cooke exs. no. 200. Fchl. exs.
no. 650-658.
On leaves of Salsify, Scorzonera, Plantain, &c. Autumn.
(Fig. 317 , Conceptacle, and Sporangium magnified.)
1 9 2 6 .
** Sporangia 3-8 spored.
E ry siph e g z am in is. B.C. “ Grass Blight.”
Amphigenous or epiphyllous ; mycelium effuse, floccose, persistent
; conceptacles large, gregarious or disseminated, hemispherical,
at length depressed and semi-immersed; appendages
simple or interwoven with the mycelium ; sporangia 20-24,
ovate, pedicellate, with 8 spores.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.
p. 1 65,1.10,/. 33. Coohe M.F. t. xi. / . 235, 236. Ayres, exs. no.
23. Tul. Carp.i.p.212. Fchl.exs.no. 659.
On leaves of grasses. Autumn.
The oonidiiferous condition of this species is Oidium monilioides. Link.
1 9 2 7 . Ezy siph e m a z tii. Lh. “ Pea Blight.”
Amphigenous ; mycelium web-like, very often evanescent,
globose ; appendages short, interwoven with ' the mycelium ;
sporangia4-8 globose, pedicellate, with 4-8 spores.—Lev. Ann. So.
Ahi. 1851, XV. 79.166, i. 10,/. 34. CookeM.F. t. xi. f . 237-239.
Coohe exs.no. 96. Fchl. exs.no. 660-671. E . pisi. Tul. Carp.i.
79.216, i. 5 ,/. 7, a. b. E. communis. E ng.F I . y .p . 325 {partly).
On leave of peas, beans, Umbelliferce, &c. Antumn. Common.
[ÜP- Carolina.]
1 9 2 8 . Ezy siph e M o n ta gn e i. Lev. “ Burdock Blight.”
Amphigenous or hypophyllous; mycelium web-lilre, evanescent;
conceptacles minute, globose, gregarious or scattered; appendages
distinct from the mycelium ; sporangia 8, ovate, rostrate,
with 2-3 spores.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv. p. 169, t.
11,/. 36. Coohe M.F. p. 220. Goohe exs. no. 97. Fchl.exs.no.
673, 674. F . communis. Eng. Fl. v. p. 325 {partly).
On leaves of Burdock.
1 9 2 9 . Ezy siphe to z tilis. Lh. “ Cornel Blight.”
Hypophyllous ; mycelium web-like, effuse, evanescent ; conceptacles
minute, globose ; appendages ten times as long, free
from the mycelium, flexuose ; sporangia 4, ovate, rostrate, with
4 spores.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, x v . 79. 170,1.11, f . 35. Coohe
M.F. i. xii./. 245, 246. Coohe exs. no. 98. Eng. Fl. v. p. 327.
Tul. Carp. i.p . 213. Fchl. exs. no. 672. Berh. exs. no. 204.
On leaves of common Dogwood. Autumn.