.m r
i l l
Sphæ ria D e sm a z ie rii. B. & B r . “ Desmazieres’
Siibiculnm very widely effused, tomentose ; peritbecia large,
nestling, globose, here and there confluent, somewhat scabrous •
ostiola papillæform ; asci elongated ; sporidia elongated-cymbi-
form, 6-7 nucleate, brown.—®. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 618, i. 9 ,/
1. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f . 2. ’
On the ground in woods. Aug.—Oct.
Spreading widely over the ground, fallen leaves, <feo., and covering them
with a mouse-coloured tomentose subiculum which consists of somewhat
branched anastomosing threads, tips often subdivided, forming little racemes
snrmounted by oblong conidia. Peritbecia large, half immersed in the subil
cnlum, which m age acquires a darker hue, somewhat scabrous, dull pitchy
black, or plumbaginous, globose, with a central papillæform ostiolum; asci
elongated, clavate ; mner membrane, furnished witb an oblong process at the
tip ; spondia large, cymbiform, elongated, subacuminate, at first hyaline
with two or three variously sized globules, at lengdi dark brown, ooutaining
SIX or seven globose nuclei.—B. &Br. Sporidia ('0013 in.) ’03 m m .
Sporidia coloured, septate.
2 5 5 2 . Sphæz ia phæostzoma. Mont.
“ Large-spored Ground
Co n id ia .—Apical on the threads of the subiculum, oblong biseptate,
dark-brown.—Fckl. Sym.Myc.p. 166. ’
A scophore. - Peritheciagregarious, crowded, snbovoid, black,
rugulose, semi-immersed in a thick, blackish-brown subiculum ;
asci cylindrical ; sporidia cylindrioal; slightly curved, triseptate,
colourless at each end, clear brown in the middle.—J/owi. Stdl.p
226. ®. R. & M. Fl. Alg. t. 26, / . 2. ®. & Br. Ann. N.H.no. 605.
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f. 12. S. tristis, var. R. Fng. Fl. v.
75.260. Chætosphæria phoeostroma, Fckl. Sym. Myc. V 166 t 2.
f . 40. Rabh. F.F. no. 51. a u i
[Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia (■0014-‘0016)'035- 04 m.m.
2 5 5 3 . Sphæ ria ra co d ium . Fr. “ Brittle nestling Sphæria.”
Perithecia subglobose, rugulose, hairy, black, papillary, emerg-
ing from a broad, black, tomentose subiculum ; sporidia biseriate,
pale brown. 7-septate.—Ur. N .J f.ii.75. 449. Fries, exs. no. 310.’
Fng. Fl. V. p. 261. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f . 15. Berk. exs.
no. 283. Lasiosphceria racodium, Fckl. Sym. Myc. p. 147. Fckl.
exs. no. 951.
On decaying wood. Common. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Scattered or densely gregarious, brittle, the base immersed in the matrix,
subiculum sometimes present on one part of tbe wood, and wanting on another.
Sporidia C002--0026 in.) ■05--06m.m.
Sporidia hyaline.
2 5 5 4 . S p hæ ria t r i s t i s . Tode. “ Black nestling Sphæria.”
Perithecia crowded, globose, punctato-rugulose, collapsed,
mouthless, black, seated on a strigose, subiculum ; sporidia minute,
oblong, curved, biseptate, or trinucleate.—Tode.f. 67. Pers. Ic.
& Des. 1.12,/. 5, 6. Ur. S.M. H.p. 444. Fries.exs. no. 386. Fng.
FI.y . p. 260. Ann.N.H. no. 618* 181. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii.
t. 57, f . 11 (?) Cooke exs. no. 269.
On dead sticks.
Resembling at first sight one of tbe larger Edminthosporia. Peritbecia
minute, collapsing.
2555. S p hæ ria h ifo rm is . Pers. “ Two-formed Sphæria.”
Perithecia subovate, slightly tuberculate, black, clothed with
strigose hairs of the same colour; ostiola somewhat elongated.—
Pers. Syn. t. 2, f . 14. Ic. Piet. t. 24, f . 4. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 448.
Fng.Fl. v. p. 261.
On wood.
mr. |3. t e r r e s t r i s . Perithecia crowded, seated upon a crustlike,
strigoso-villous snhicnlum. Sow. t. 373, f . 7. Fng. F I.y .p .
On the naked earth.
2 5 5 6 . S p hæ ria in v e s ta n s . Coohe. “ Investing Sphæria.”
Gregarious, or scattered, globose, papillate, brown-black, erumpent,
throwing off the cuticle, seated upon, and at first covered
hy a dirty-brown woolly subiculum, at length the upper portion
of the perithecia naked ; sporidia broadly lanceolate, uniseptate,
of two opposed cones, constricted at the septum, surrounded by a
broad hyaline membrane, each cell with a large basal, and small
apical nucleus, hyaline.
On rotten twigs. Shere. (Dr. Capron.)
The outline of the investing membrane of the sporidia ia broadly lanceolate,
and not constricted, length (-0008-'0009 in.)
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