1 4 8 5 . P u c c in ia glom e ra ta . Grev. “ Ragwort Brand.”
U b e d o - s p o e k s . Spots obliterated ; sori solitary or regularly
crowded, subrotund and oval, on the under surface, surrounded
by the ruptured epidermis; spores subglobose, orange.—AvjcAo-
basxs senecionis, Berk. Outl.p. 332. Cooke M.F. t. 7 ,/. 145 146.
Cookeexs. no. 66. Uredo senecionis. Fng. FI. Y .p . 379 Desm exs
no. 673.
B r a n d - s p o e e s . Spots pale, sori roundish, depressed, often
confluent; spores oblong, very variable ; peduncles short —
Berk. Fng. Fl. v p. 365. Cooke M.F.p. 198. Cooke exs. no. 37.
Berk. exs. no. 220.
On leaves of Ragwort, [ Senecio jacobaea.)
Somewhat similar in habit to P . syngenesiarum, but more pulverulent.
1 4 8 6 . P u c c in ia virgauzeae. IAT>. “ Goldeu-rod Brand.”
U e b d o - s p o r e s ?
B r a n d - s p o r e s . Spots orbicular, pallid, then yellowish. Sori
blackish-brown, minute, punctiform, shining, clustered nearly
stellate, convex; sporidia oblong, subconstricted, yellowish-brown
above, attenuated and yellowish-white below ; peduncles short.
— Lib. exs. no. 393. Corda. iY .t. 5 ,/. 42. CookeSeem. Journ. Rabh.
X Lp. 24. Cooke exs. no. 45. Dothidea solidaginis^ j3. Fr. S.M. ii.
S '/ - 12. Asteroma atratum,
Chev. FI. Par.p. 449. Fckl. exs. no. 343. Kl. exs. ii. no. 1989.
On leaves of Solidago virgaurea. August.
o flh ^m in S rso ri!* '“ “ *’'® or radiate and dendritic arrangement
1 4 8 7 . P u c c in a v a z ia b ilis . Grev. “ Variable Brand.”
U e e d o - s p o r e s ?
B r a n d - s p o r e s . Sori amphigenous, minute, roundish, sur-
rounded by the ruptured epidermis, nearly black ; spores variable,
obtuse, cells often subdivided ; peduncle very short
C o o k IV./. 64. Anl. B .f. 4, 5. eM .F .t.lJ .8 2 ,83. Corda
On leaves of Dandelion. Summer and autumn.
1 4 8 8 . P u c c in ia valantiae. Pers. “ Crosswort Brand.”
U e e d o - s p o r b s ? Trichobasis galii. Lev. in part ?
B b a n d - s p o e e s . Spots obliterated; sori small, subrotund,
scattered or crowded; spores pale-brown, obovate, attenuated
below, the upper segment globular, easily separating.—Pers.
Syn.p.227. F n g .F I.Y .p .365. Cooke Fng. F I .y .p . 198. Coohe
exs. no. 38. Kl. exs. no. 697. Coohe L.F. no. 14.
On Galium cruciatum. Autumn.
1 4 8 9 . P u c c in ia galio zum. L ink. “ Bedstraw Brand.”
U r e d o - s p o r e s . Spots yellowish; sori subrotund, aggregate,
closed; spores globose, reddish.—Trichobasis galii, Berh. Outl.
p. 332. Coohe M.F.p. 299. Coohe exs. no. 72.
B r a n d - s p o r e s . Spots obliterated; sori hypogenous, partly
covered with and surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, scattered;
spores brown.—Linh. Sp. ii. p . 76. Fng. FI. Y. p . 366.
Cooke M.F. t. 8, f . 172,173. Fckl. exs. no. 351. Kl. exs. ii. no.
792. Ann. N.H. no. 253.
On leaves of several species of Galium, and Asperula odorata.
[United States.]
1 4 9 0 . P u c c in ia diffozmis. Kunze. “ Goosegrass Brand.”
U r b d o - s p o r e s ?
B r a n d - s p o r e s . Spots yellowish; sori variable, compact,
often in rings; epidermis búllate ; spores obovate, obtuse, on
short pedicels,brown.— Cooke M. F . Fd. ii.p. 223. Coohe exs. no.
On Galium aparine. Autumn.
Usually occurring on or near spots previously occupied by jEcidium ^
Very distinct from either Puccinia galiorum or P. mlantia, the sori are firm
and compact like little spots of pitch.
1 4 9 1 . P u c c in ia um-bellifezazum. B.C. “ Pignut Brand.”
U e e d o - s p o r e s . Spots yellowish ; sori suhrotund and ovate,
scattered, on the under surface, surrounded by the ruptured
epidermis; spores ovate, oval, and oblong in the same heap,
brown.—Trichobasis umbellatarum. Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. Cooke M.F.
p. 209. Cooke exs. no. 42, A. Cooke L.F. no. 38. Uredo umbellatarum,
Johnst.Fl. Berw. ii.p. 202. Berk. Fng. FI. Y.p . 880.
B r a n d - s p o r e s . Spots obliterated; sori small and scattered,
snbrotund, surrounded by the remains of the ruptured epidermis
; spores brown, broadly elliptic, much constricted ; peduncle
dhoxi.— B.C. FI. Fr.Yi. p. 58. F ng.F I . y . p . 366. Cooke. M.F. t.
4 ,/. 71. 72. Cookeexs.no. 39,19. Fckl. exs. nos. 351-359. P.