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E L V E L L A C E l.
E L V E L L A C E l.
ternally pale farinaceous, internally pinkish yellow.—®. & Br.
Ann. N.H. no. 571.
On dead sheaths of wheat and grasses.
Minute, not exceeding 4 line diameter; cupa hemispherical, concave,
sessile, or at length expanded ; margin incurved, externally densely farinaceous,
pale, internally of a pinkish yellow, or flesh colour.—B.&Br.
2 0 6 3 . Peziza. v e c tis . B .& B r . “ Centaury Peziza.”
Minute, subglobose, somewhat depressed, dark-brown, rough
with short brown h a irs; disc concave, pale; sporidia between
filiform and fusiform.—Ann. Nat. Hist. no. 957.
On dead stems of Gentaurea nigra.
Sporidia ('0012 in.) '003 m.m. long.
2 0 6 4 . P e z iz a ilic in c o la . B, 4 B r . “ Holly Peziza.”
Fasciculate ; cups furfuraceous, externally dirty white, within
cinereous, tinged with rose ; asci clavate ; sporidia at first uni-
seriate, globose, with a large globose nucleus.—Ann. N.H. no.
958, t. xyi.fig. 17.
On holly. Nov.
Sporidia {’00025 in.) ’0065 m.m. diameter.
Sec. 3. Tapesia—crowded, or .seated on a tomentose
2 0 6 5 . P e z iz a au z e lia . Pers. “ 'Woolly-yellow Peziza.”
Sessile, scattered, sub-ventricose, golden-yellow; subiculum
thin, whitish.—Fr. S .M .ii. p .lO l . Pers. M .E. p. 213. Eng.Fl.
y .p . 199. Bav. exs. 41. Moug. exs. no. 783. Lib. 127.
Fchl. exs. no. 1191. P. Wauchii, Grev. 1.139. Arachnopeziza
aurelia, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 303.
On dead leaves, &c. Rare. [Low. Carolina.]
Cup 1-2 lines broad, woolly ; snhicnlum rad ia tin g ; sporidia oblong, at
length 1-3 septate, •014-"021 X ’003-'004 m.m.—Nyl.
P e z i z a a n o m a l a , Eng. Fl. v. p . 199. See Solenia ochracea.
2 0 6 6 . P e z iz a d om e stic a . Som. “ Plaister Peziza.”
Sessile, gregarious, obovate, strigose, salmon-coloured; subicnlum
thin, whitish.—Fr, S.M. n .p . 107. Sow. t. 351. Eng. Fl.
v._p. 199.
On whitewashed walls.
I t first clothes the places that have been wetted with a fine cottony or
membranaceous film, nearly as white as the plaister, which is in a short time
partly covered with salmon-coloured knobs. These at length form a kind of
upright Peziza, externally villous. - Sowerby.
2 0 6 7 . P e z iz a P ig g o tii. B .& B r . “ Piggot’s Plaster Peziza.”
Mycelium white, downy; cups nearly hemispherical, or cyathiform,
slightly concave; hymenium pale brick-red; asci
cylindrical; paraphyses linear ; sporidia elliptic, with a single,
very distinct nucleus, in the centre of which is a bright point__ 169.
On plaster ceilings.
Mycelium white, downy, but not spreading very widely, running up the
base of tbe hemispherical or cyathiform cups, which are about 2 lines broad-
margin generally acute ; sporidia (’0005 in.) '012 m.m. long, by (’0003 in j
■0076 m.m. wide.—B. & Br.
2 0 6 8 . P e z iz a cæ sia . Pers. “ Blue-eyed Peziza.”
Sessile, becoming plane, villous, whitish, base ending in a
subiculum of long interwoven hairs ; disc subgelatinous, bluish-
grey.—®V. S.M. ii.p. 108. Pers. Syn. p. 657. Ic. & Des. t. l , f .
1 . Nees.f.212. Sturm.iii.t. 31. Tapesia cæsia, Fchl. Sym. Alyc.
7?.301. > j y
On chips. Appin. [Low. Carolina.]
Also found in England by Mr. Baxter.—M. J. B .
Sporidia cylindrical, carved, hyaline.—Brf/.
2 0 6 9 . P e z iz a Chavetiæ. Lib. “ Dark-eyed Peziza.”
Gregarious, sessile ; cups minute, membranaceous, hemispherical,
concave, tomentose, white, with long hairs at the base, interwoven
with the web-like subicnlum, of the same colour ; disc
sub-tremellose, blackish-brown ; sporidia globose.—Libert, exs.
no. 26. Tapesia Chavetiæ, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 301.
On chips.
_ This resembles P. cæsia, but is known at once by the yellowish or tawny
tin t which it assumes in drying.—B. & Br.
I t is doubtful whether the two may not be the same species M.C.O.
2 0 7 0 . P e z iz a e iio b a s is . Berk. “ Cottony Peziza.”
Gregarious, but generally distinct; cups orbicular, tomentose,
fixed to little, round, snow-white, cottony spots, which are sometimes
confluent; when fresh white, when dry the disc has a yellowish
tinge ; asci slightly clavate, or obtusely lanceolate; sporidia
oblong.—Ann. N.H. no. 312.