1 9 7 9 . P e z iz a ce re a . Som. “ Waxy Peziza.”
Large, infundibuliform, waved, yellowish, externally wlutisb,
as well as the yillons, stem-like U s e .-F r . S .M .n . ^ 52 Scm.
t 3 F n g .F l.r .p .l8 8 . Plicaria cerea. FcM. Sym. Myc.p. ò l i .
Gonn. & Rabh. iii. t. 2 ,f. 1. FcM. exs. no. 1225.
On tan beds, &c. Eare.
Abundantly on leaves, &o., in a hothouse, at Uffington, Lincolnshire.
C-00Ö6 X -OOOBr-'OOOSSin.)-
^ U o r “ llip.oid, -OOS-'OOO m.m. broad, and about twice as lo n g .-
O. <£; R.
1 9 8 0 . P e z i z a v e s i c u lo s a . Bu ll. “ Bladdery Peziza.”
Large, entire, sessile, at first globose, somewhat top-shaped,
connivent ; then campannlate ; month suhcrenate, pallid brown,
externally furfuraceous; sporidia elliptic.— P j J ;
Bull. t. 457,f . 1. Mich. t. 36, / . 2. Sow. t. 4._ Grev. t. 10/ BMt
t . l l 5 ? Fng. F I.y . p .l8 8 . Pustular la vesiculosa. FcM. Sym.
Myc.p. 329. t -\
On dung-hills, hot-beds, &c. Common. [Mid. Carolina.]
The hymenium is generally separable from the substance of the cup.
x T o9-014 m.m. C0006--0007 X ■00035--0004
‘”i"Ë -iSsäiS: S
1981. P e z i z a m a c ro c a ly x . Biess. “ Violet Ground Peziza.”
At first buried, then half exposed ; cups subglobose, splitting
in a stellate manner, externally dirty blue, suhtomentose, internally
violet; stem short; asci cylindrical, truncate; sporidia
elliptic, with one or two nuclei; paraphyses t^ranched, jomted.
-F r e s .B e itr .p .7 5 ,t.9 ,f.7 . Smith Seem. Journ 1869,^. 345, i.
98. FcM. exs. no. 2196. Sarcosphcera macrocalyx. McM. bym.
Myc.p. 329.
Under fir trees. March.
“ I t is found underground, i V ^ r e s t s o f fir trees singly or f r j tw ^
the middle of its f M r i f p l T e '^ Ä e d
“ T h \° te te w Ä r aL ie ^ n t- fu r . and at the base «Hhe cup is a short ^tem.
palli a id later a darker violet. Sporidia ’025 m.m. long.-Fresemus.
1 9 8 2 . P e z iz a b u fo n ia . Pers. “ Warty Brown Peziza.”
Large, bright brown, externally verrucose ; stem short, rooting,
becoming pallid.—Pers. M.E. p. 225. Berk. Gard. Chron.
Jan. 13,1866. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), no. 1154, t. 3 ,f . 12.
On rubbish heaps. Grantham.
A fine species, agreeing in size and colour with P. umhrina, externally
rough, with conical warts, opaque, and of a dingy earth-colour, somewhat
resembling P. vesiculosa, but distinguished by the brown hymeninm and
verrucose cup. Sporidia (■0007o-'0068 in.) •018-'02 m.m. long.—B. & Br.
1983. P e z iz a miczopus. Pers. “ Short-footed Peziza.”
Middle-sized, oblique, dingy, pallid, externally squamulose,
mealy; base stem-like; asoi very long, cylindrical; sporidia
oblong-ovate, with two nuclei.—Fr. S.M. ii. t. 54. Pers. Ic. &
Hes. t. 8 ,f. 5. Berk. Outl. t. 22, f . 5. Pustularia micropus. FcM.
Sym. Myc. p. 328.
On beech stumps. Eare. [Mid. Carolina.]
1 9 8 4 . P e z iz a tz achycazpa. Curr. “ Eough-spored Peziza.”
Orbicular, then plane, very often nmbilicate ; disc blackish-
brown, rough, tuberculate, externally minutely granulated;
sporidia uniseriate, globose, muricate.—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv.
t. 51, f. 3. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. (1865) no. 1061, t. xiv. f. 13. Rabh.
exs. no. 620.
On burnt soil. , Ascot.
Cups J-J in. broad, adpressed to the soil, sub-stipitate, or obconio ; sporidia
uniseriate, globose, mnricate, brown, '012-'016 m.m. ('0005-'0007 in.)
diameter. Though the sporidia are brown under the microscope, when
thrown down on black paper they are of a whitish-grey.
1985. P e z iz a le io c a zp a . Curr. “ Smooth-spored Peziza.”
Cup at first connivent, sub-globose, externally (principally
towards the margin) rough, vinous-brown, thin, semi-pellucid,
sometimes pallid near the base, at length expanded, almost
plane ; hymenium olive-brown ; sporidia globose, even.— Curr.
Linn. Trans, xxiv.i. 51,/. 6. B.& Br.Ann. N.H. (1865) wo. 1062,
t. xiv./. 14. Babh. exs. no. 622.
On burnt soil. Ascot. Weybridge.
Cup 1Ì-2J in. hroad ; hymenium at first pale, then dark olive-brown ;
sporidia uni-or biseriate, globose, perfectly even, ‘OOffi-'Olm.m. ('0003-‘0004
in.) diameter. Eesembling at first P.jpasiiitoa.—iiaiscA