il i
ii s;
E L V E L L A C E l .
On the ground.
Sporidia ('0009 in.) '022 m.m. long, by ('0005 in.) ‘0127 m.m. wide. Other
specimens ‘0000 by '0003 in. Differing from F. trechispora in its smooth elliptic
B . 2022. P e z iz a tzechispoza. & B r . “ Eough-spored
Depressed, nearly plane, orange-red, externally clothed with
pallid, tawny bristles ; sporidia globose, ecbinulate.—B. & Br.
Ann. N.H. xviii.yi. 77. Cooke exs. no. 288.
On naked ground in woods, or wet banks of rivulets. King’s
Cliffe. Bristol, &c.
Cup 4 in. or more broad, depressed or slightly concave, orange, paler externally,
and clothed with rather rigid tawny bristles; asci elongated ; sporidia
globose ('0008 in.) ‘02 m.m. diameter, sharply tuberculate. Paraphyses
very slender, linear. Resembles P. scutellata, though distinguished at once
by its very different sporidia.—M. J. B.
2 0 2 3 . P e z iz a v ite llin a . Pers. “ Egg yellow Peziza.”
SnhcsBspitose, large, flexuose, bright yellow, margin setose.—
U?’. N.flf. ii.yj. 84. Pers. M .E. p . 251. Eng.Fl. y . p. 193. B.&
Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), no. 1163*, t. 4, f. 29.
On the ground. Autumn. Appin, Wareham.
Sporidia (‘0009 in.) '022 m.m. long, by (‘0005 in.) ‘0127 m.m.
2 0 2 4 . P e z iz a um b z a ta . Fr. “ Shady Peziza.”
Depressed, nearly plane, flesh-coloured or vermillion, clothed
externally with short bay bristles; sporidia subglobose, minutely
ecbinulate.—Fr. S .V .S .p .351. P. umbrosa. F r .S .M .H .
p . 85. MicA. f. 86,/. 19. B .& B r .A n n .N .H .{1866),n o .ll6 3 ,t.
4 ,/. 28. Rabh. F .E . no. 217. Humaria umbrorum. Fckl. Sym.
Myc. p. 322.
On the ground. Berwick.
Sporidia ('0008 in.) '02 m.m. long (-0007 in.) '0177 m.m. wide. Paraphyses
Sporidia ellipsoid, •014-'018 X •01-‘012 m.m,—Karst.
2 0 2 5 . P e z iz a s c u te lla t a . L . “ Shield-like Peziza.”
Becoming plane, vermilion-red, externally paler, hispid towards
the margin with straight black hairs.—Fr. S.M. n.p. 85.
Ray. Syn. ed. 2, p. 29, no. 41. Fckl. exs. no. 1210. Sow. t. 24.
Bull. 1.10. Fl. Dan. 1.1457,/. 2. Schceff. t. 284. Eng. Fl. Y. p .
193. B.& Br.Ann. N.H. no.768. P. ciliata. Hoffm. Cr. ii.t .! ,
E L V E L L A C E l . 683
/ 5. Holms, ii. 1.18. Hedw. t. 3 ,f. B. Humaria scutellata. Fckl.
Sym. Myc. p. 321.
On stumps, &c. [United States.]
Sporidia (’0008 in.) '02 m.m. long, by (-0005 in.) -0127 m.m. wide. Cups 3
hnes broad.
Sporidia ellipsoid, -018--024 X "OlO-Vld m.m.—Nyl.
Sporidia ellipsoid, •017-V24 X 'OIO-VM m.m.—Karst.
2 0 2 6 . P e z iz a coezulea. Bolt. “ Blue Peziza.”
Soon becoming plane, cileated, externally blackish, hairs pallid
; disc coBi-ulean blue.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 86. Enq. Fl. v. p. 193.
Bolt. 1.108, f .2 .
On trunks of firs. Oct. Near Halifax.
About 2 lines broad.
2 0 2 7 . P e z iz a liv id a . Sch. “ Livid Peziza.”
Hemispherical, becoming plane, internally livid-glanoous, externally
dingy, clothed with long strigose hairs.—Fr. S.M. ii. p.
86. Batsch. f. 154. Ann. N.H. no. 558. Fl. Dan. t. 1915, / . 3.
Humaria livida. Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 322.
On fir chips. Lockerbie.
A beautiful species with the habit of P . scutellata, but with a livid disc,
and more convex.—B. 4" Br,
2 0 2 8 . P e z iz a ste z c o z e a . Pers. “ Red dung Peziza.”
Gregarious, concave, dingy-red, beset near the margin, with
nearly straight brown hairs, ciliated.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 87. Eng.
Fl. Y .p . 194. Ray. Syn. t. 24, f 3. P. equina. Fl. Dan. t. 779, f .
3. Sow.t.552. H e dw .t.3 ,f.A . P . scutellata. Bolt. t.l0 8 , f . 1.
Bull. t. 438, f . 2. Humaria stercorea. Fckl. Sym. Myc. p. 321.
On cow dung. Common. [Mid. Carolina.]
Paraphyses simple, not capitate as in P . granulata, which frequently accompanies
i t ; setas jointed, yellowish, or greenish in decay, 1-2 Hnes broad.
—Eng. PI.
Sporidia eUipsoid, •016-'022 X 'OOg-'Ol m.m.—By/. Karst.
2 0 2 9 . P e z iz a th e le b o lo id e s . A . 4 S. “ Hop Peziza.”
Spherical, then tub-shaped, whitish, mouth concave, dingy-
yellowish^externally hispid, with pallid hairs ; asci linear ; sporidia
elliptic.—Ur. S .M .ii.p . 88. A. & S. t. 12, f. 4. Ann. N.H.
« 0 .1065, Í. 15,/. 17.
' On spent hops. [Mid. Carolina.]