exs. no. 23. Mich. t. 82, f . 2. Berh. exs. no. 255. Bull. t. 473, f . 2.
Fchl. exs. no. 1138. Sow.t.lQ. Nees.f. 1G2.1441?. Pers. M E .
t. 9 ,/. 4-7. Fl. Dan. ¿.719. Fng. Fl. v. p. 186. Corda. Anl. t. G.
f . 66,15-17. Kl. exs. no. 911. Price t. ii./. 10.
In woods. Common. [S. Carolina.]
Varying greatly in size and form ; stem at first pnlpy within, sometimes
' Q—M .J .B . (Fig.Z27.)
Gen. 2 9 3 .
T IB R I S S E A , Fr.
Eeceptacle capitate, supported
in the centre hy the stem, covered
above with the hymenium ; margin
adnate to the stem; asci and
filiform sporidia bursting forth, and
rendering the hymenium velvety.
—Berh. Outl.p. 361. {Fig. 328.)
Fig. 328.
1955. V ib risse a t iu n c o iu m . Fr. “ Golden Vibrissea.”
Simple; head orbicular, golden yellow ; stem cylindrica,l,
glaucous, then blackish.—Fr. S.M. ii.79. 31. Bisch.f. 3374. Bail.
t. 21. Corda. Anl. t. G.f. 66,1-2. A. & S. t. 3 ,f. 2. Pers. M.F. t.
1 1 ,/. 9. Moug. exs. no.781. Eng. F I .y . p . 186.
On wood in water. Eare. [Mid. Carolina.]
Eeceptacle 1-2 lines broad, barren beneath; stem 2 lines—1 im or more
high.—M. J. B. {Fig.ozo.)
Gen. 2 9 4 . GEOGLOSSUM, PEeceptacle
clavate, simple, confluent
with the stem; hymenium surrounding the
club.—Berh. Outl.p. 361. {Fig. 329.)
1 9 5 6 . Geoglossum vizide. P. ‘ Green
Subfasciculate, verdigris-green, clubs
distinct; stem squamulose; sporidia elliptic,
colourless.—Fr. S .M .i.p .489. Grev.t.
211. Fl. Dan. 1.1258./. 1. Eng. Fl. v. p.
179. Holms, i.p.24, with fig. Pers. Comm,
t. 3 ,f. 3. Ditm. Sturm, t. 48. Bisch.f. 3389.
Pay.f. 379. Schnzl. 1.16, f . 11,12. Kl.exs.
no. 1613. Nov. Act. (1842), t. 57, f . 146-148. Fchl. exs. no. 1140.
Krombh. t. 54, f . 26-27.
In woods.
1 957. Geoglossum oliv a ceum. P. “ Olive Geoglossum.”
Smooth, dry, dingy-olive ; clubs compressed, distinct.—Fr.
S.M. i.p. 489. Ann. N.H. no. 765. Pricet. 16, f . 192.
var. (3. purpureum. Dingy purple.— Outl. t. 22, f . 3.
On lawns. Oct. Eare.
Sporidia ('0006 in.) '015 m.m. long.
1958. Geoglossum g lu tiu o sum . P. “ Glutinous Geoglossum.”
Smooth, blackish; clubs compressed, distinct; stem viscid.
—Fr. S.AI. i. p . 489. Eng.Fl. Y.p. 178. Kl. exs. no. 641, ii. no.
Grassy places. Eare.
Stem nearly equal, 1 in. or more high, clothed with tenacious gluten, reddish
brown, inclining to black ; receptacle somewhat lanceolate, obsoletely
viscid, blacker than the stem.—Fries.
1 959. Geoglossum v isc o sum . P . “ Viscid Geoglossum.”
Smooth, viscid, black ; clubs cylindrioal, confluent with the
stem ; sporidia linear, rounded at the ends, curved, triseptate,
pale-brown.—®r. N.iif. i. 79. 489. Eng. F I .y .p . 178. Gh-ev.t.55.
Loud.f. 16186. Fchl. Sym. Myc.p. 333.
Moist meadows, pastures, &c.
1 9 6 0 . Geoglossum glabzum. P. “ Smooth Geoglossum.”
Smooth, dry, blackish; stem subsqnamnlose ; sporidia fasciculate,
linear-fusiform, 3-4 septate, dark brown.—Krombh. t. 5,
f . 20, 21. Price t. 3 ,f. 17. Fckl. exs. no. 1142. Fng. Fl. Y.p. 178.
Fr. S.M. i. p. 488. Vaill. t. 7 ,/. 5. Mich. t. 87, f 4. Bull. t. 372.
Clav. ophioglossoides. Bolt. t. I l l , / 2. Fl. Dan. t. 1076,/. 2.
Schm. exs. no. 47. Corda. Anl. G.f. 65,1-4. Bisch.f. 3379. Kl.
exs. no. 239.
Grassy places. [Mid. Carolina.]
1961. Geoglossum hizsutum. P. “ H airy Geoglossum.”
Black, hairy ; head confluent with the stem ; sporidia fasciculate,
elongated fusiform, somewhat curved, 15-septate, dark
brown.—Go?’* , ii./. 124. Eng. Fl. Y . p . 178. Fr. S.M. i . p . 488.