1 5 6 9 . Vredo filicum . Desm. “ Fern Uredo.”
Spots yellowish ; sori subrotund, búllate, scattered and aggregate
on the under surface ; epidermis at length bursting; spores
subglobose, yellow.—Z>«sm. exs. no. 530. Eng. FI. v. p. 383.
Cooke M.F. p. 204. Sow. t. 320. Moug. exs. no. 289. Berk. exs.
no. 339.
On fronds of ferns {Cystopteris, &c.).
1570. Vredo p u s tu la ta . P. “ Willow-herb Uredo.”
Spots yellowish ; sori snbrotund, minute, closed, scattered
and confluent on both surfaces ; spores globose, yellow.—
Syn. p. 219. Eng. FI. y . p. 381. Cooke M.F. p. 204. Cooke exs.
no. 210. Cooke L.F. no. 29.
On Epilobium palustre, &c.
1571. Vredo hypericorum. B.C. “ St. Jo h n ’s-wort Uredo.”
Spots yellowish; sori snbrotund, small, búllate, distinct, scattered
on the under surface ; epidermis at length bursting ;
spores subglobose, cohering, orange.—B.C. FI. /> . vi. p. 81.
Eng. FI. Y. p . 380. Cooke M.F. t. 8, / . 174, 175. Cooke exs. no.
118. Baxt. exs.no. 42.
On various species of Hypericum. August.
1572. Uredo c a r y o p h y lla c e a rum . Jolinst. “ Stitoh-wort
Spots yellowish; sori subglobose, scattered and aggregate,
minute, generally on the under surface ; epidermis closed; spores
oval, at length yellow.—JoAnsi. FI. Berw. \\.p . 199. Eng. F I .y .
77.381. Coolce M.F. p. 204. Cookeexs.no. 69. Cooke L.F.no. 39.
On various Caryophyllacem. Autumn.
1 573. Vredo qu e rcu s. Brand. “ Oak-leaf Uredo.”
On the under surface ; sori yellow, then orange, minute,
ovate, and orbicular, slightly prominent, scattered, solitary or
agglomerated into minute patches, surrounded by the ruptured
epidermis ; spores subglobose, pellucid, not cohering.—Eng. FI.
Y. p. 383. Cooke M. F .p . 205. Cooke exs. no. 281. Berk, exs no
On green oak leaves. Sept.
We have always found it on yonng oak scrub the second year after it has
been cut down, never on trees. The sori are very much scattered, and but
lew on a leaf.
1574. Viedo p ad i. Eze. “ Bird-oherry Uredo.”
Spots purplish; sori snbrotund, small, aggregate, bypo-
genous; epidermis at length ruptured ; spores coherent, subglobose.—
Kze. exs. no. 187. B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. 1865, xv. p.
401, no. 1045. U. porphyrogenita. Link. Sp. ii. p. 31. Cooke
M.F.p. 205.
On leaves of Prunus padus. Scotland.
1575. Vredo va cc in iozum . P. “ Bilberry Uredo.”
Spots yellow-brown; sori snbrotund, minute, aggregate, and
scattered, on the under surface of the leaves ; epidermis seldom
ruptured; spores ovoid, yellowish.—E n g . F I . y . p. 378. Lk. Sp.
ii.77. 15. Cooke M.F.p. 295. Cooke exs. no. 119.
On Vaccinium myrtillus and V. vitis-idata.
[Low. Carolina.]
1576. Vredo coniluens. B.C. “ Confluent Uredo.”
On the under surface, depressed, yellow, oblong, concentric,
at length confluent; spoyes nearly oval.— D.C. FI. Fr. il p.
233. Eng. FI. Y.p . 383. Cooke. M.F. t. 7 ,/. 133,134. Cookeexs.
On Mercurialis perennis and M. annua.
May. June. Comvar.
a. euonymi. Spots yellowish; sporidia ovoid and
slightly coherent, tawny-yellow.—Mart. FI. Mosq.p. 230.
On leaves of Euonymus Europceus.
var. |3, orchidis. Spots reddish-brown; sporidia nearly
oval, bright yellow.—Mart. FI. Mosq. 229. Cooke exs. no. 61.
Credo conjluens, y . Orcliidis. Alb. ^ Sch.p. 122. Uredo circinalis,
a. Orehidis, Strauss. Wett. Ann. ii. 88. Cceoma orchidum. Lk. Sp.
PI. Up. 9.
On leaves of Listera ovata and Orchis latifolia.
1577. Vredo e iu pe tri. B.C. “ Crowberry Uredo.”
Hypogenous ; spots obliterated; sori oval, scattered, the epidermis
at first convex, afterwards ruptured and concave; sporidia
ovoid or subglobose, bright yellow.— D.C. FI. Fr. Yi . p. 87.
Moug.exs.no. 391. Cceoma empetri. Lk. Sp. PI. ii. p. 16. Cooke
Seem. Journ. iv. p. 99.
On Empetrum nigrum. May. N. Wales.