1712. Helminthosporium nan um. Nees. “ Dwarf
Flocci scattered, simple or forked, obtuse, icnotty, tbeir apices
forming large, sub-cylindric, 3-4 septate spores, slightly shorter
than the flocci.—Nees. Nov. Act. ix. f . 18. Fr. N.flf. iii. 73. 359.
E 71g .F l.Y .p .886. Bisch. f . 8111.
On herbaceous stems. Winter.
Sporidia of a dark pellucid brown.
1713. Helm in th osp orium s im p le x . Kze. “ Simple
Flocci aggregate, simple, or slightly branched, obtuse, black;
spores fusiform, acute, pellucid, septa evanescent.—Nees. N.A.
C u r .ix .f.ll. Corda, Fr. S.M. iii.p. 889. E 71g .F l. y . p. 831.
Bisch.f. 3715.
On rotten branches.
Forming a thin, dirty, uniform stratum like that of some Torulaj septa
1714. Helminthosporium t iliæ .
Fr. “ Lime Helmin-
Flocci simple, obtuse, obscurely annulated, brown-black, fasciculate,
on a convex erumpent stroma, the greater part changed
into spores.—Fr. S.M. iii. p. 360. Eng. FI. Y.p . 337. Bisch.f.
3787. Ann. N.H. 230, i. 13,/. 18. Exosporium Xilice, Grev. t. 208.
Sphceria echinata. Sow. Herb.
On lime branches. Oommon.
1715. Helminthosporium R o u s se lian um . Mont. “ Eoussel’s
Flocci simple, congregated, sooty black, bulbous at the base,
apex pellucid, oblong, incrassated, and nodulose, remotely septate
; spores fusiform, hyaline, 3-5 septate.—Mont. Ann. Sc.
Nat. iii. Nov. 1849,73. 300. B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no. 508*.
On beech, with Sporochisma mirabile, B. of which it is a
secondary form of fruit.
1716. Helminthosporium tu rb in a tum .
shaped Helminthosporium.”
“ Top-
Flocci slender, simple ; spores elongato-turhinate, truncately
apiculate, 4-7 articulate, opaque.—B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no. 608,
i . 5 , / 6 .
On dead wood. July. Lancashire.
Patches thin, effused, finely velvety ; threads short, linear, slender, obscurely
articulated, even when most transparent ; spores of a deep rich
brown, varying greatly in size and length, but always more or less turbinate;
attenuated greatly below, obtuse above, with a sadden more or less truncate
apiculus, which often seems as if a joint had separated from it. Distinguished
from all the other species by the peculiar shape and character of
the spores.—J3. tfcBr.
1717. H e lm in th o sp o r ium ob o v a tum .
Berk. “ Obovate
Flocci subulate,multi-articulate,nearly equal; spores obovate,
brown, biseptate.—BerTc. Ann. N.H. no. 232,1.18, f . 19.
On old planks exposed to wet.
Forming a short dense velvety-black stratum, flocci very slightly attenuated,
subulate, either nearly straight, or slightly flexuous ; spores broadly
obovate, with two dissepiments, which divide them into three very unequal
articulations.-AT./. B.
1718. H e lm in th o sp o r ium d e lic a tu lum . Berk. “ Delicate
Very delicate, flocci subulate, mnlti-articulate ; spores oblong,
obtuse, 4-5 septate, pellucid ; with an occasional vertical septum.
—BerTc. Ann. N.H. no. 233,1.18, f 20.
On stems of Umbellifers. King’s Cliife.
Forming very delicate soft patches of scattered filaments, presenting to
the naked eye a cloudy black spot; flocci very slender, subulate, multi-
. • 1 1 1 - _ 1 _____ J. n r, n . - . n u l - n /I ,-vl/1T1 Û CS O n V> I /UT> CT W i r . n
3 occasionally dissepiment.'
1719. H e lm in th o sp o r ium s t ic t ic um .
Helminthosporium. ”
B . S( B r . “ Grass
Spots gregarious, punctiform, black; spores oblong-clavate,
uniseptate.—B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no. 758,1.18, f . 10.
On decaying leaves of grass. Batheaston.
Disposed in minute specks, je t black, threads fasciculate, nodose or irregular
; spores .0016 in. long, oblong, swollen above, uniseptate. The punoti-
form spots, black not olivaceous hue, and uniseptate spores are the characteristics
of this species.—B .& B r .
1 7 2 0 . H e lm in th o sp o r ium c ia v a r ia rum . Besm. “ Parasitic
Flocci densely aggregated, simple, very short, straight, obtuse,
septate, black; spores large, oblong, 1-2 septate, pellucid or