l i
I i
On wood-anemone.
Extremely minute, at length gray-brown; flocci simple, abbreviated, their
tips denticulate.
1777. P eronospora g a n g lifo rm is . BerS. “ Lettuce Peronospora.”
Threads of the mycelium stout, now and then torulose;
suckers vesicular, obovate, or clavate ; fertile threads 2-6 times
dichotomous, sometimes trichotomous; stems and primary
branches slender, dilated or inflated above ; the ultimate ramuli
inflated at the apex into a turbinate or subglobose vesicle bearing
from 2-8 subulate processes or spicules ; acrospores minute,
subglobose ; apices with broad, depressed papill®, produced on
the spicular processes.—Goohe Micr. F .t. 1 4 ,/. 265. Pop. Sc.
Rev. iii. Í. 8 ./. 4. Botrytis ganglioniformis. Berh. Journ. Hort. Soc.
i. t. 4. Ann. N.H. no. 526. Fchl. exs. no. 33. Coohe exs. no. 190.
Rahh. exs. no. 1775, F .E . no. 290. Bremia lactucw. Reg. Bot.
Zeit. 1843, t. 3. B. Botrytis geminata. Ung. Bot. Zeit. 1847, t. 6,
/ .9.O
n lettuce leaves. Spring. Common.
1778. Perono spo ra p a r a s itic a . Pers. “ Cabbage Peronospora.”
Threads of the mycelium thickened and much branched ;
suckers numerous, branched; branches clavate, obtuse; fertile
threads thick, soft, flexile, equal, or unequal, 5-8 times dichotomous,
rarely trichotomous; branches always repeatedly trifúrcate
; acrospores broadly elliptical, very obtuse at the apex,
Yfhite.— Coohe Micr. Fung. t. 18, f . 262. Pop. Sc. Rev. iii. t. 8 ,/. 1.
Berh. exs. no.881. Botrytis parasitica. Eng. F I .y . p . 848. Pers.
C h s .\.t.5 ,f.h . Mucor botrytis. Sow. i. 359. Ayres, exs. no. 50.
Corda.Y.f. 18. Babh. exs. no. 175 and 324, F .E . no. 86. Fchl.
exs.no. 5.8.28. Goohe exs.no. 193.
On cruciferous plants. Common. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
1 779. P e rono spo ra vicia e . JBerk. “ Pea Peronospora.”
Fertile threads densely csespitose, erect, equal, rarely unequal.
6-7-8 times dichotomous ; ultimate ramuli shortly subulate,
acute ; acrospores ellipsoid, very obtuse at the apex, obtuse or
slightly acute at the base ; membrane with a violaceous tint.—
Coohe Micr. F. 1.15, / . 266, t. 10,/. 212. Pop. Sc. Rev. iii. t. 8 ,f.
5. Botrytis vicias. Berh Journ. Hort. Soc.i. p. 81. B.Sf. Br.Ann.
N.H. no. 524. Babh. exs. ii. no. 490.
On leaves of peas and tares. Common.
Berk.1 7 8 0 . Peronospora arenariae. “ Sandwort Perouospora.”
Fertile threads slender, 6-7 times equally, rarely unequally,
dichotomous ; branches spreading ; ultimate ramuli slender,
acute,_ subulate, nearly erect; acrospores broadly elliptical,
oftentimes very obtuse, small; membrane scarcely violaceous.—
^o h e Micr. F . t. 7 , / 268, 1.10,/. 211. Pop. Sc.Bev. iii. t. 8 ,f. 6.
Botrytis arenarias. Berh. Journ. Hort. Soc. i. p. 31. B .^ -B r .
Ann. N.H. no. 523. Fchl. exs. no. 18. He Bary Ann. Sc. Nat.
(1863),xx.Z. 1 3 ,/8 , 9.
On leaves of Arenaria trinervis. June.
1781. Peronospora e ffu sa . Grev. “ Spinach Peronospora.”
_ Fertile threads fasciculate, short, thick, 2-6, rarely 7 times
dichotomous above ; acrospores broadly ellipsoid, sometimes
very obtuse ; membrane with a violaceous tint.— Coohe Micr F
Í. 1 0 ,/. 214,215. Rabh. exs. no. 1880. Fchl. exs. no. 11, 12.
Botrytis effusa. Grev. FI. ed.p. 468. Eng. FI. v. p. 343. Desm.
Ann. Sc. Nat. (1837), viii. 1.1. Coohe exs. no. 293. Berh. exs. no.
On the under side of
autumn. ■ Common.
Forming effused spots 2-6 hnes broad, generally rendering the leaf yellow,
xlocci very snort, often abruptly recurved.
1 7 8 2 . Peronospora u r t i c « . Casp. “ Nettle Peronospora.”
Fertile threads small, loosely 4-6 times dichotomous; branches
flexuose, ultimate ramuli subulate, arcuate, often deflexed;
acrospores large, broadly ovoid or subglobose, distinctly pedicellate
; apices very obtuse; membrane violaceous.— Coohe Micr.
F .p . 216. Be Bary Ann. Sc. Nat. (1863), xx. p. 116. Botrytis
urticas. B . ^ B r . Ann.N.H.no. 522. Coohe exs. no. 292.
On leaves of common nettle.
Patches small, orhicnlar, greyish lilac; flocci loosely divided above,
branches forming an acute angle ; extreme ramuli simple or forked, sometimes
curved, very rarely inflated. Acrospores large, ovate, apex papillae-
leaves of spinach, &c. Spring and
1783. Peronospora trifoliorum .
De B y . “ Clover
_ Fertile threads csespitose; equally or unequally 6-7 times
dichotomous, rarely trichotomous; ultimate branches subulate,