878 S P H Æ E IA C E I .
idia brown or yellowish brown, elliptical, triseptate.—Fr. S.M.
ii. 7?. 479. Fries, exs. no. 316. Fng. Fl. Y.p. 267. Curr Linn.
Trans, xxii.?;. 58, / . 77.
On dried branches (ivy, &c.). [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Spots rounded when there is but one perithecium, subelliptic when there
are two together, and not distinctly defined at the base ; perithecia immersed
in the wood, depresso-glohose, not stuffed, furnished with a short neck j os-
tiola rather prominent, at length pierced. I find also apparently the same
Bpecies with several perithecia beneath each black elliptic spot, and the spots
are 2-3 lines long.—A/. J . B. Sporidia C0005-'0007 in.) -0127--0177 m.m.
* 6 3 2 . Sphæzia m e lan o te s. B . & B'r. “ Black-spot Sphæria.”
Spots elongated, blackish ; perithecia covered ; ostiola minute ;
asci linear ; sporidia elliptic, brown.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no
623, i. 9,/. 6.
On oak palings. Dec, Batheaston.
Forming oblong, somewhat irregular, black patches about an inch long,
sprinkled with the punctiform ostiola ; perithecia immersed, scarcely visible
except from their ostiola; asoi linear; sporidia elliptic, brown ('0005 in.)
•0127 m.m. long. With somewhat of the habit of S. livida, but smaller perithecia,_
and different fruit. The black spots are soaroely at all raised. The
perithecia do not raise the surface of the wood into little waves, as in 8ph
aiiserina. P.—B. & Br.
2 6 3 3 . Sphæzia hypotephza. B . 4 B r . “ Grey-spot
Spots effused, cinereous ; perithecia covered, subglobose ; ostiola
rather obtuse, emergent ; asci linear ; sporidia elongated,
curved, at length triseptate.—B. & Br.Ann. N .H.no. 624, t. 9 ,/.
On oak rails. Nov. King’s Cliffe.
Forming large cinereous spots. Perithecia covered, globose ; ostiola rather
obtuse, protruding; asci linear; sporidia uniseriate oblong, slightly curved,
rathernarrow, about (’001 in.) ’Ü25 m.m. long, at length 3 septate, often binucleate.
Allied to S. mdanotes, but distinguished by the pale spots and differently
shaped, larger sporidia.—B. & Br.
2 6 3 4 . Sphæzia hem itaph a . B .& B r . “ Bleached-spot
Perithecia globose, semi-immersed, opaque, growing on white
spots ; ostiola papillæform ; sporidia elliptic-oblong, triseptate.
—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 885,1.11,/. 30.
On felled oak. Feb. Bath.
n y u n u i a . X — — / — — ------- o > O O i u u g - o i u y u . u , a u x o g i , . . . . i . o c y
tate, but not torulose. Very near to S. hypotephra, but there are no cinereous
spots, the perithecia are half exposed, and the sporidia larger.—B. & Br.
2635. Sphæzia a p ic u la ta . Omr. “ Buried railing Sphæria.”
Perithecia large, subglobose, deeply buried ; ostiola somewhat
gaping ; sporidia olive-brown, straight or slightly curved, biseptate,
with a hyaline tip {not S. apiculata Wallr. Fl. Germ. p. 778,
nor Fchl. exs.no. 9 1 8 /—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii.p. 326, i. 5 8 ,/.
96. Coohe. exs. no. 212.
On railings.
Curious both in habit and fruit. The perithecia are completely and deeply
buried in the wood, and are sometimes scattered, sometimes in groups ; the
perithecia seem eventually to throw off the wood above the ostiola, le a /n g
deep depressions in the surface of the wood. Sporidia uniseriate, olive-
brown, straight or very slightly curved, biseptate, each furnished with a hyaline
tip, which is shut off from the rest of the sporidium by one of the septa ;
length of sporidia (’001 in.) ’025 m.m.—F.O.
2 6 3 6 . Sphæzia b a c illa t a . Cooke. “ Long-spored sunken
Perithecia scattered, ovate, immersed, at length the upper
portion more or less exposed,black; ostiolum conical, erumpent,
pierced ; sporidia linear, straight, obtuse at the ends, the length
of the ascus, multiseptate, hyaline, yellowish.—Sphceria longi-
spora, Capron, M S S .
On decorticated rotten sticks. Shere. (Dr. Capron.)
Sometimes only the ostiolum is visible above the surface of the matrix,
sometimes nearly one third of the perithecium is emergent, mostly following
the course of the fibres. The sporidia are (’0076 in.) ’2 m.m. long, divided
by septa throughout their entire length. This certainly does not accord
with the brief characters of Currey’s S. longispora, neither does 3 it :
belong to
the same section.
2 637. S p h æ z ia a n s e z in a . Peri. “ Wavy Sphæria.”
Perithecia ovate, immersed, raising the wood into minute
papillæ; ostiola obtuse, erumpent; asci sublinear; sporidia
elliptic, uniseriate, uniseptate.—Pers. Ic. & Desc. t . l , f . 8. Fr.
S.M. ii.yi. 480. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 889.
On dry wood. Shrewsbury.
The surface of the wood is raised by the perithecia into little waves.
Sporidia (’OOOS-’OOl) ’02-’025 m.m., resembling the common type of
'?he S. anserina of Eng. Fl. V. p. 268, is a Sphoeropsis (B. & Br. Ann. K.H.
BO. 623), probably a stylosporous condition of the above.