Gen. 251.
Kg. 286.
Gen. 2 5 2 .
M U C E D IN E S .
Flocci erect, jointed ; articulations swollen
in the middle, and bearing obovate spores on
little spicules.—Berk. Outl.p. 354.
{Fig. 286.)
1851. G onatob otiys sim p le x . Corda.
“ Simple Gonatobotrys.”
White ; tufts lax, minute, arachnoid ; flocci
simple, long, straight, erect, then nodding ;
heaps of spores globose ; spores ovate, apiculate
at the base.— Corda. Muced. t. 5. Berk.
Outl.p. 354.
On fruit of Tamus, &c. {Fig- 286.)
Flocci jointed above; branches and
branchlets quaternate, subcapitate, clothed
with spores, forming distinct spikes.—
Berk. Outl. p. 354. (Fig. 287.)
1 8 5 2 . Clonostachys a rau c a r ia . Corda.
“ Compact Clonostachys.”
White, arachnoid; branches fastigiate;
spikes cylindrical; spores oblong, obtuse,
white.—Corda. Muced. t. 15. Curr. Micr.
Jmrn. v. p. 126. Stachylidium araucarium,
Bon. Handb. t. vii./. 155.
On bark of small twigs.
Eemarkable for tbe peculiar arrangement of tbe
snores, wbiob form long dense spikes like ears of com.
I c u r ) . (Fig. 287.)
BO TRYO SFO R IU ia , Corda.
Flocci slightly branched, bearing patent
branchlets, each of which is surmounted by
a few spicules, bearing a head of spores.—
Berk. Outl. p. 354. {Fig. 288.)
1 8 5 3 . Botryosporium pulch rum . Corda.
“ Beautiful Botryosporium.”
Tufts broadly expanded, lax, white, farinose
; flocci simple or dichotomous, lax ;
racemes very long, suhcylindrical; heads
of spores globose, quinate ; spores ovate,
colourless. — Corda. Muced. t. 19. Curr.
Fig. 288. Micr. Journ. Y.p. 117. Cooke exs. no. 353.
On herbaceous plants. Oct.
Forms large wbite mealy patches. Tbe flocoi are very delicate, forming a
woolly looking mass, and tbe spores are arranged in four or five compact
elobular masses at the extremities of short ramuli, which are alternate upon
the main threads.-C'iirr. (F-^- 288.)
1 8 5 4 . B o try osp orium d iffusum . Corda. “ Diffuse Botryosporium.”
Fertile flocci branched, white ; fertile branchlets scattered,
bearing quaternate spores ; spores at length collected at their
apices in globular masses.—Corda. Sturm, t. 5. Stachylidium
diffusum, Fr. S.M. iii._p. 392. Fng. Fl. v. p. 341. Botrytis diffusa,
Grev. 1.126,/. 2. Wern. Tr.p. 7 2,/. 7.
On decayed herbaceous plants, especially potatoes.
Forming loose tufts, 3-4 lines high ; branchlets at first hearing quaternate
spores ; they are usually crowned with globular masses of giobose, or sometimes
elliptic spores.—M.J.B.
Gen. 2 5 4 . F A F U IA S F O B A , Preuss.
Flocci decumbent, jointed, producing
short erect branches, each
of which produces a cellular
head studded with erect spores,
the endochrome of which is b ipartite
or quadripartite. — Berk.
Outl.p.354. (Fig. 289.)