slightly pubescent ; sporidia yellowish, elliptic ; stem 3 in. high, J in. or
more thick, slightly attenuated downwards, loosely stuffed, by no means
hollow. - Emj. Fl. 324.)
1 9 5 0 . Verpa c o n ic a . Sow. “ Tellow-stemmed Verpa.”
Pileus campanulate, nearly even, brown ; margin snbsinuated,
yellow beneath, as well as the equal stem.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 24.
Sow. 1.11. Fl.Dan.t.654. Fng. F I .y .p. 185. Corda. Sturm, t. 11.
On the ground. Rare.
Gen. 2 9 0 . M IT R U LA , Fr.
Soft and fleshy, simple, capitate ;
stem distinct ; hymenium surrounding
the inflated club.—Berh. Outl.p.
360. {Fig. 325.)
1 9 5 1 . M it r a la cu cu lia ta . Fr.
“ Hooded Mitrala.”
Head ovate, hood-shaped, even,
sub-ferruginous ; stem thread-
shaped; asci elongated-clavate; sporidia
narrowly lanceolate, hyaline,
with 2-3 nuclei.—Krombh. t. 5 ,/ .
23-24. Berh. Outl. p. 360. Batsch.
f . 132. Coohe exs. no. 232. Sow. t. 84.
Fig. 325. Berk. exs. no. 254. Pers. Disp. t. 3, / .
12. Grev. t. 81. Fr. S .M .i.p . 492. Geoglossum cucullatum. Fng.
FL Y .p . 179. FL Dan. t. 1670,/. 2. Fabh. exs. no. 37. Bisch. f.
3378. Fchl. exs. no. 1237.
Amongst fir leaves.
Often overlooked from its small size.
1 9 5 2 . M it r a la p a lu d o sa . Fr. “ Marsh Mitrala.”
Head ovate, obtuse, inflated, even, orange ; stem pale, hollow;
asci linear; sporidia lanceolate, hyaline.—Fr. S.M. i.p . 491.
Ray. Syn.p. 23. Bull. t. 463,f . 3. Sow. t. 293. Dichs. t. 9 ,/. 10.
Pers. Syn. t. 3 ,f. 15. FL Dan. t. 1377. Grev. t. 312. Berh. exs.
«0.278. Huss.i.t.9. E n g . F I .y .p .l8 0 . Bail. t. 21.
238. Fchl. Bav. exs.Y. no. 36.
On leaves, in ditches, &c. Local. [S. Carolina.]
Pileus very variable in form, hollow, of a delicate bright orange-yellow ;
asci linear, containing about four linear truncate sporidia.- Grev. {Fig. 325.)
E L V E L L A C E l .
Disc capitate, compressed,
running down into the stem on
either side.—Berh. Outl. p.
360. {Fig. 326.)
1953. S p a th u la iia flavida.
Pers. “ Yellow Spathularia.”
Head spathulate, compressed,
even, yellow ; stem whitish;
asci clavate ; sporidia linear,
ii. / . 125. Krombh. t. 5, / . 22.
Price t. 5 ,/. 34. Fr. S.M. i. p.
Fig. 326.
491. Berh. Outl. t. 21, f . 7. Grev. 1.165. Pa y .f. 21-375. Selmff.
¿.149. Schmid, t. 50,/. 1. Sow.t. 35. Berh. Schm. Nees.f.l56 A.B. Fng. FI.y.p . 119. KL exs. no. 815.
Corda. Anl. t. G.f. 66, 6-10. Fchl. 1143.
In fir woods. July—October.
Mostly gregarious, 3-5 in. h ig h ; pileus hollow, yellow, rarely reddish,
much compressed, more or less of an erect obovate form, slightly inflated,
undulated or even lacunose, sometimes bifid, or inclining to be lobed. The
stem appears to pass along and eventually penetrate the pileus half way or
near the summit; sporidia discharged elastically.—(?re». {Fig 326.)
Gen. 2 9 2 . L EO T IA , Hill.
Receptacle pileate, supported
in the centre by the stem ; margin
revolute, covered everywhere
with the smooth, somewhat viscid
hymenium.—Berh. Outl. p. 360.
{Fig. 327.)
1 9 5 4 . L e o tia lu h iic a .
“ Slimy Leotia.”
Tremelloid ; pileus swollen, répand,
greenish yellow ; stem hol-
327. low, subequal, yellow ; asoi cylindrical;
paraphyses branched ; sporidia oblong, obtuse, curved,
hyaline.—Fr. S.M. ii.p. 29. Berh. Outl. t. 22, f . 1. Grev. t. 56.
Corda. ii.f. 126. Rav. exs.yi. no.11. V a i l l .t .l l ,f . 1-9. Coohe
I '