2 5 6 4 . Sphæzia c an e sc en s. P e n : “ Hoary Sphæria.”
Perithecia aggregate, globose and orate, hairy, papillate,
hoary ; sporidia colourless, straight, or curved, subacuminate.—
Pers. Syn. ii.y>. 448. Fr.S.M. ii.p. 261. Fries, exs. no. 50. Fng.
F l.Y .p .2 6 \. Curr. Linn. Trans, x x ii.t. 57, f .14. Berh.exs.no.
On decayed wood. [Low. Carolina.]
Perithecia forming a dense stratum of a cinereous brownish or greenish
hue, very hairy, brittle. Sporidia (’OOll-’OOld in.) '025-085 m.m. long.
2 5 6 5 . Sphæzia stz ig o sa . A .& S . “ Bristly Sphæria.”
Perithecia aggregate, globose and ovate, papillary, beset all
round with long, rigid, hoary hairs ; sporidia elongated, somewhat
curved, pale tawny, simple.—Fr. S.M.H.p. 448. A. & S.
t. 5, / . 7. Fng. Fl. v.y>. 261. Leptospora strigosa, FcJcl. Sym. Alyc.
p. 144. Sph. mucida, FcU. exs. no. 948.
On decayed wood. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Distinguished from S. canescens hy its closer habit, and tongb, not brittle
substance. Tbe bairs of both, though giving the peritbecia a hoary appearance,
are not always wbite, but frequently of a brownish or yellowish hue.
— M.J.B. Mr. Currey does not thhiinnkt the) ttwwo species distinguishable.
2 5 6 6 . Sphæzia e x i l i s . A . & S. “ Hairy Pine Sphæria.”
Black, very minute ; perithecia globose, then depressed, at
length collapsed, concave, astomous, clothed with short hairs ;
sporidia cylindrical, curved, simple, hyaline.—A. & S. t. 9 ,/. 4.
B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 606. FcU. exs. no. 2023. Nitschkia exilis,
FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 165.
On pine twigs. Wraxall. [Low. Carolina.]
2 5 6 7 . Sphæz ia su p e z iic ia lis . Ctirr. “ Currey’s Hairy
Perithecia hairy, subglobose, very small, seated on a hairy
subiculum ; sporidia uniseriate, overlapping, elliptical, or subturbinate,
rarely slightly curved, colourless.—Curr. Linn. Trans.
xxii. p. 317, t. 57, f . 25.
On fir wood.
Sporidia ('0003-'0004 in.) '0076-'01 m.m. binucleate.
2 5 6 8 . Sphæzia c a lv a . Tede. “ Tode’a Hairy Sphæria.”
Perithecia scattered, depresso-glohose, papillary, even, black.
beset below with short hispid hairs, above smooth and shining.
— Todef. 83. Fr. S.M. H.p. 451. Eng. Fl. Y.p. 262.
On decayed wood and branches.
Sporidia hyaline, septate or nucleate.
2 5 6 9 . Sphæzia m-atabilis. Pers. “ Changeable Sphæria.”
Perithecia subglobose, covered with a yellow or greenish, then
ferruginous down ; ostiola subpapillæform, blackish ; sporidia
biseriate, colourless, curved, acuminate; endochrome 4 partite.
—Pers. Ic. & Desc. t. 7 ,/. 6. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 447. Sturm, t. 64.
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f . 20.
On hard wood, oak, &c. [Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia ('0008 in.) '02 m.m. long.
2 5 7 0 . Sphæzia sc ab z a . Curr. “ Rough Purze Sphæria.”
Perithecia very hairy, seated on a dense subiculum, erumpent;
sporidia biseriate, fusiform, constricted in the middle, colourless,
with many nuclei.—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. 79. 315, t. 57, f . 13.
On furze. Oct. Weybridge.
Sporidia ('0012-'0014 in.) '03-'035 m.m. long.
2571. Sphæz ia ca llim o zph a . Mont. “ Hairy Bramble
Perithecia minute, gregarious, globoso-depressed, ovoid, even,
black, shining, papillate, surrounded by erect, black hairs ; sporidia
cymbiform, triseptate.—Mont. S y ll.p . 227. B. & B r. Ann.
N.H. no. 872. Mont. Ann. des Sc. Nat. ser. ii. vol. i.p . 306, t. 13,
f . 5 .
On bramble. Leicestershire.
I t is doubtful whether this is really distinct from S. ruborum, Lib. M.
Westendorp unites them, but we have never examined an authentic specimen
of Moutagne’s.
2 5 7 2 . Sphæzia maczotzicha. B. 4Br. “ Long-haired
Subicnlum creeping ; perithecia ovate, clothed below with long
hairs, attenuated above and naked, collapsing with the papillæform
(Jstiola ; asci clavate ; sporidia fusiform, uniseptate, 6-
nucleate.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 619, t. 9 ,/. 2.
On dead leaves of Carex paniculata m à Beech mast.