very short.—AmL Sp. ii.p. 82. Fng. FI. Y.p . 368. Coohe M.F.
p. 201. Coohe 51. Baxt. 83. Fckl. exs. no. 330.
Cooke L.F. no. 22. Corda, iy .f. 68. Kl. 590.
On leaves of plum-tree, Rhamnus catharticus, &c.
[Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
1512. P u c c in ia fabae. L in k . “ Bean Brand.”
Uredo-spores. Spots obliterated ; sori snbrotund and oval;
búllate, scattered and aggregate, surrounded by the ruptured
epidermis ; spores ovoid, hxo\Yn.— Trichohasis faha¡, Lev. Ann.
Sc. Nat. Cooke M.F .p . 209. Cookeexs. no. 71. Cooke L.F. no.
B rand- s po r e s. Spots none; sori snbrotund, or elongated,
surrounded by the ruptured epidermis ; spores at length black,
ovato-globose; peduncle slender.—Link. Sp. ii. p. 82. Eng. FI.
Y . p . 369. Cooke AT.F.p.201. Ung. F x a n .t.7 . f.39 B. P . globosa.
Grev. t. 29.
On beans. Aug.—Sept. [United States.]
1513. P u c c in ia fa lle n s . Cooke. “ Clover Brand.”
U rbdo- s pores. Spots obliterated; sori amphigenous, numerous,
scattered, snbrotund, brown, surrounded by the remains
of the ruptured epidermis ; spores subovate; pedicels short, hyaline,
evanescent; epispore verrucose.— Cooke Seem. Journ. vol.
iv. 1866. Cooke L.F. no. 40. Uredo faliens, Desmz. Ann. des Sc.
Nat. ser. 3, iii.y:. 357. Exs. ed. i. no. 1325. ed. ii. no. 725.
B rand- s pohes. Sori few and small, scattered, intermixed
with pustules of Uredo-spores sporidia obovate, on rather long
pedicels of a tawny colour, and slightly constricted at the septum ;
epispore smooth.— Cooke Seem. Journ. vol. iv. 1866.
On Vida septum and Trifolium.
1514. P u c c in ia b u x i. B.C. “ Box Brand.”
U rbdo- spoeeb ?
B rand- s po e e s . Spots none; sori suhrotund, convex, scattered
; spores brown, oblong, rather strongly constricted, lower
cell slightly attenuated; peduncle very loTog.—B.C. FI. Fr. yi.
p. 60. Eng. FI.y. p . 369. Cooke M .F. p. 201. Cooke exs. no. 52.
Sow. t. 439. Moug. exs. no. 676. Kl. exs. no. 1992, ii. 684. Berk,
exs. no. 109. Cooke L .F. no. 23.
Gen. 1 6 8 . G Y iaNO SPO RAN G IUm, B.C.
Peduncles extremely
long, agglutinated
by gelatine
into a tremelloid
expanded mass ;
spores uni-septate.
—Berk. Outl.p. 330.
Eng.FI. y .p . 861.
{Fig. 203.)
Fig. 203.
1515. Gymnosporangium ju n ip e z i. Lk.
Forming a soft, gelatinous, irregular, orange mass; spores
ovate or subelliptic, filled with subglobose granules.—Fckl. exs.
no. 413. B isch .f 3881. Berk. Outl. t. 2, f . 5. Eng. F I . y . p . 361.
Nees.f 23 a. Cooke M.F. p. 201.
On living twigs of Juniperus communis. [United States.]
Forming a very soft, gelabinoiis, irregular, orange mass, whiclijdries^up, so
as frequently to leave scarcely any trace.—i f . J .B . (Fig'. 203.)
Gen. 169. PODISOSXA, Lk.
Peduncles extremely
long, agglutinated by
gelatine into a common
stem, spreading out
above into a clavarim-
form mass ; spores
mostly uniseptate.—
Berk. Outl. p. 331.
[Fig. 204.)
Fig. 204.