: *1':
2119. P e z iz a p e iis tom ia lis . B .& B r . “ Holly Peziza.”
Minute, cylindrioal, pallid, month furnished with long white
triangular teeth ; disc nearly plane ; asci lanceolate ; sporidia
biseriate, fusiform, multi-nucleate.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. (1866),
no. 1169,/. 5 ,/. 32.
On holly. Penzance.
A most exquisite object under a moderate magnifier, resembling some
Actinia in miniature. Sporidia (’001 in.) '025 m.m. long.—B. & Br.
2120. P e z iz a v ib u zn ic o la . B . 4 Br.
‘ Guelder-rose
Subglobose, then hemispherical, grey, externally granulated ;
margin denticulate, furfuraceous ; hymenium paler.—B. & Dr.
Ann. N.H. (1866), no. 1170.
On either side of dead leaves of Viburnum. Shere, Surrey.
Minute, punctiform, externally speckled with little dark tnfts of cells,
wliich sometimes give out a few short, flexuous hairs; asci clavate ; sporidia
lanceolate c00ü4-'0005 in.) '01-’012 m.m. long.
2121. P e z iz a n e z v ise q u ia . Besm. “ Plantain-leaf Peziza.”
Seriate, black ; cups nestling in an indurated, linear subiculum.—
Fr. S.M. i\.p. 153. Pers.AI.F.p.368. Desm. exs.no. 2012.
B. 8s Br. A nn.N. H. (1866), no. 1171.
On leaves of Plantago lanceolata. Feb. Near Batheaston.
Sporidia ('0004 in.) '01 m.m. long.
Sect. 3. Durella—indurated, persistent, lichenoid.
2 1 2 2 . P e z iz a z e sinæ . Fr. “ Eesin Peziza.”
Sessile, hard, urceolate, then patellate, orange ; margin evanescent.—
Ur. ii. p .l4 2 . B. & Br. Ann. N.H. [1866), no.
1173. Fchl. exs.no. 1166. Pezizicula resinoe, Fchl. Sym. Myc.
p . 279.
On resin. Jedburgh.
2 1 2 3 . P e z iz a m e lan o th e ja . Fr. “ Little Black Peziza.”
Sessile, minute, externally between farinaceous and villous,
reddish yellow ; disc becoming concave, black.—P. melanoxantha,
Fr. ® Jf.ii. p. 97.
On oak branches. [Mid. Carolina.]
Small, hut beautiful, gregarious, granuliform ; disc at length plane,
opaque ; the margin prominent and entire.
2 1 2 4 . P e z iz a compze ssa. A . & S. “ Compressed Peziza.”
Sessile, innate, thin, blackish; disc black, when dry compressed,
conchiform.—Ur. S.M. ii. p. 152. A. & S .p . 340. Fng.
F l.Y .p .2 6 7 . Durella commutata, Fchl. Sym. Myc. p. 280. Tul.
Carp. iii. t. 22, f . 8-14.
On hard wood. Perennial. Appin. [United States.]
Minute, scattered or crowded, black, opaque, externally often brownish,
suhrotund, elliptic, or angular; disc homogenous, black.
Sporidia cylindrical, curved, obtuse, triseptate. This seems more closely
allied to Patellaria than to Peziza. The triseptate sporidia are those of a
2 1 2 5 . P e z iz a fle x e lla . Fr. “ Pine-wood Peziza.”
Immersed, compressed, minute, concave, variously flexuose,
black.—Ur. S.M. i i . p . 152. Fng. Fl. Y . p . 207.
On dead wood, especially pine. Perennial. Appin.
[Low. Carolina.]
Smaller than P. compressa, purer black.—M.J.B.
Gen. 2 9 7 . H B LO T IUM , Pr.
Disc always open, at first punctiform,
then dilated, convex or concave,
naked. ExcipiJum waxy, free,
marginate,externally naked.—Berk.
Disc convex
Disc concave
{Fig. 332.)
Kg. 332.
Sub-Gen. 1 . P e l a s t e a , Pr.
Disc convex. Receptacle hollow beneath, or flattened.—
Berh. Gutl. p. 371.
2 1 2 6 . H e lo tium iib u lifo zm e . Fr. “ StafE-like Helotium.”
Firm, head convex, yellow, black-brown beneath, as well as
the short, thick, subvillose stem.—Ur. ® Jf. ii.p. 155. Fng. Fl.
Y .p . 207. Bolt. 1 .176.
On elm.