Gen. 2 7 8 . FH Y L LA C T IN IA , LeV.
Perithecia liemispherical, at
length depressed, seated on a
persistent or evanescent mem-
branaceo-granular receptacle ;
appendages straight, rigid, aci-
cnlar, at length bent back.—
Berh. Outl.p. 404. {Fig- 313.)
1912. P h y lla c tin ia g u tta ta .
Lev. “ Hazel Blight.”
Amphigenous ; mycelium weblike,
often evanescent ; conceptacles
large, scattered, hemispherical,
at length depressed;
appendages hyaline, rigid, simple ; sporangia 4-20, containing
2-4 sporidia.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv. p. 144, t . l , J . 11.
Coohe il7.®.i.xi./. 219,220. Coohe exs. no. 92. 702-
710. Erysipheguttata, Eng. F l.r . p. 327. Baxt. exs. no. 96. Tul.
Carp. i.p. 194, t. i. Berh. exs. no. 205.
On leaves of hawthorn, hazel, ash, elm, alder, beech, birch,
oak, hornbeam, &c. Common. [United States.]
{Fig. 313, couceptacle magnified 300.)
Fig. 313.
Gen. 2 7 9 . U NCINVLA, Lev.
Mycelium fioccose ; perithecia globose;
appendages rigid, simple, bifid,
or dichotomous, uncinate, at length
bent upwards.—Berh. Outl. p. 404.
{Fig. 314.)
Fig. 314.
TTncinula ad u u c a . Lev.
“ Willow Blight.”
Mycelium variable; conceptacles
scattered or gregarious, minute ; appendages
simple; sporangia 8- 12,
sub-pyriform, containing 4 spores.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.
79.150,¿.7,/. 15. Coohe M .F . t. xi. f . 221-224. Fchl. exs. no.
699-700. E . Salicis, Tul. Carp. i.p . 198, t. 2. f . 1. E . adunca,
Eng. F l.v . p .327. Grev.t. 296. Baxt. exs. no. 95.
On leaves of willows, poplars, birch, &c. [United States.]
{Fig. 314, couceptacle magnified.)
1914. U n c in ula b ico rn is. Lev. “ Maple Blight.”
Amphigenous ; mycelium web -like, effuse, evanescent, or like
a membrane and persistent ; conceptacles large, hemispherical,
at length depressed ; appendages simple, bifid, or dichotomous,
uncinate ; sporangia 8, sub-pyriform, containing 8 spores.—Lev.
Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.79. 153, t. 7 ,/. 17. Coohe M .F .t.x i.f. 225-
228. Cookeexs. no. 93. Fchl. exs. no. 701. E . aceris, Tul. Carp.
i.79. 197, Í. 2 ,/. 2, 3. E.bicomis, Eng. F I.y. p. 327. Ayres, exs.
no. 78.
On leaves of maples, &c. Common.
1 9 1 5 . U n c in ula W a llro thii. Lev. “ Sloe Blight.”
Amphigenous ; mycelium web-like, evanescent ; conceptacles
minute, scattered ; sporanges 12-16, pear-shaped, 6-spored ; appendages
numerous, twice the length of the diameter of the
conceptacles.—ie«. Awra. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.79. 153, t. 7 , f . 16.
Seem. Joum.iv.p. 97. Coohe M.F. ii. ed.p. 226. Frysiphe Pru-
nastri, D.C. F l.F r . vi.79. 108. Tul. Carp.i.p. 199. Frysiphe
adunca, |3_ Prunastri, Duby.p. 870. Fr. S.M. iii.79. 245.
On the leaves of Prunus spinosa. October.
This species is very closely allied to adunca, from which the
length of the appendages, the number of sporanges, and of the spores, with its
evanescent mycelium, distinguish it.
Gen. 2 8 0 . PODOSFHÆRA, Kunze.
Mycelium effuse, web-
like, evanescent ; conceptacles
sphærical, containing
one, sub-globose,
8-spored sporangium ;
spores ovate; appendages
few, dichotomous,
thickened at their extremities,
hyaline. —
Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat.
{Fig. 315.)
Fig. 315.
1916. Fodosphæxa K u n z e i. Lev. “ Plum-leaf Blight.”
Amphigenous; conceptacles minute, scattered, globose; appendages
three times the length of the diameter of the concep-
1 ;1