il.ù i/1
I Ih ì '■ m i !i
S FH Æ R E L L A , De Not.
Perithecia membranaceous, immersed
or _ semi-immersed, scarcely papillate;
sporidia elliptical or oblong, two or
more celled, rarely simple, hyaline, pale
or colourless.—D i Not. Schema, p. 62.
Sphæria {Foliicolæ), Fr. {in part), Cooke
Brit. Fungi, edit. 2 ,p. 159.
{Fig. 397.)
Kg. 397.
2742. Sphærella maculæfozmis. “ Patchy Sphærella.”
S p e r m o g o n ia .— Spots minute, rounded, whitish with a brown
inargm ; perithecia 1-3, very minute, innato-prominent, black
pierced ; spermatia elongated, very slender, curved.—
quercina, Desm. Ann. So. Nat. 1847, viii. 25. Fckl. exs. no. 433.
A s c o p h o r e .— Perithecia innate, but slightly prominent, punctiform,
globose, black, crowded together into an unequal spot (or
scattered); asci small, cylindrical; sporidia uniseriate or biseriate,
uniseptate, the lower cell narrower than the. upper.__
Cooke Seem. Journ. 1866, i.4 9 ,/. 7. Fckl. 817,1781,1782
1783. Sphæria maculæformis, Pers. Syn.p. 90. Fr. Sys. Myc ii’
79.524. Berk. Fng. F I .y . p . 2, p . 278. Outl.p.AQl. Sow.t. 376,
J. 7. Berk. exs. no. 338. Cooke exs. no. 170. Cooke L .F . no. 83.
Johnst. Fl. Berw. ii. 79.129.
On fallen leaves. Common.
var. 3 . æqualis. Perithecia cæspitose; sporidia havinn
both cells nearly globose and equal. [United States.]
Sporidia (’0003 in.) '0075 m.m. long.
2743. Sphærella sparsa. Awd. “ Scattered Sphærella.”
Hypophyllous. Perithecia black, innate, more or less densely
scattered, or somewhat gregarious, globose ; asci cylindrical •
sporidia biseriate or uniseriate, obovate-oblong, uniseptate upper
cell broadest, constricted, hyaline.—AwcZ. Gonn. & Rahh. Y . p . 4
i. 2,/. 27,22. Sphæria sparsa, Wallr. p.772. Sphæria corylaril.
Wallr. p. 776. Coohe L.F. no. 88. Fckl. exs. no. 847. Sphærella
maculæformis, var. a. centigrana. Seem. Journ. Bot. (1866) no.
1. Coohe 466.
On chesnut and hazel leaves.
2 7 4 4 . S phæ re lla sa lic ic o la . Fr. “ Willow-leaf Sphærella.”
Maculæform or scattered ; perithecia innate, punctiform, globose,
black, shining ; asci cylindrical ; sporidia uniseriate or biseriate,
uniseptate, hyaline.—Sphæria salicicola, Fr. S .M .ii.p .
On leaves of Salix. April. Shere. (B. C.)
The perithecia have a very peculiar appearance -with their large ostiola.
Habit of S. maculæformis, but spores t-wioe the size, '0006 iu.
2 7 4 5 . S ph æ re lla c r a tæ g i. IcM . “ Hawthorn Sphærella.”
Hypophyllous. Perithecia scattered, or loosely gregarious,
black, innate, subglobose, pierced, asci broadly clavate ; sporidia
fasciculate, elongated, fusiform, obtuse, hyaline, uniseptate.—
Fchl. exs. no. 2162. Gonn. & Rahh. t. 7, f . 94 (imperfect).
On leaves of hawthorn. Shere. (Dr. Capron.)
Auerswald describes the sporidia as entire, whereas, when mature, they
are uniseptate ; asci ("002 in.) '05 m.m. long. Sporidia ('0015 in.) '04 m.m.
2 7 4 6 . S phæ re lla oh liv ia . Coohe. “ Chestnut Sphærella.”
S p e r m o g o n ia .—Perithecia brownish-black, minute, numerous ;
spermatia elongated, linear, oozing out in flesh coloured tendrils.
—Sepioria castanæcola, Desm. (See no. 1337, ante.)
A s c o p h o r e .—Perithecia semi-innate, black, closely agglomerated
in small hut dense maculæform spots consisting of from ten
to twenty individuals ; asci cylindrical ; sporidia biseriate, curved,
uniseptate, the lower cell the narrowest, slightly yellow.— Goohe
Seem. Journ. (1866) t. 46, f . 8. S. maculæformis (partly) Gonn. &
R a b h .Y . t. 1 ,/. 7.
On the under surface of dead chestnut leaves, mixed with S.
maculæformis. Darenth Wood, Kent.
Sporidia ('0005--0006 in.) '0125--015 m.m. long.
2 7 4 7 . S ph æ re lla a rc an a . Coohe. “ Hidden Sphærella.”
Perithecia minute, subinnate, either collected in “ macnlæ-
form” spots or scattered, black and shining; asci broadly fusiform
; sporidia crowded, linear, straight, obtuse at the extremi