2 6 5 7 . Sphæ ria s a lic e lla . IV . “ Minute-willow Sphæria.”
C o n i d i a .— C o n i d i a o b l o n g , s t r a i g h t o r c u r v e d , o b t u s e , h y a l i n e
u n i s e p t a t e .—Discella carbonacea, B. & Br. no. 426. Phacidium.
FcU. exs.no.llOO.
A s c o p h o h e .— C o v e r e d ; p e r i t h e c i a d i s t i n c t , m i n u t e , s e a t e d b e -
n e a t h e l o n g a t e d p a l e p a t c h e s o f t h e e p i d e rm i s ; o s t i o l a c y l i n d r i -
c a l , e r u m p e n t ; s p o i - i d i a b i s e r i a t e , c o l o u r l e s s , u n i s e p t a t e , e l l i p t
i c a l , o f t e n c o n s t r i c t e d .— U r . S.M. i i . p. 377. Fries.exs. no. 188.
Fing, b I. Y .p. 278. Fckl. exs. no. 800. Diaporthe salicis, Nke.
Fckl. exs. no. 1987. Cryptospora salicella, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p.
193. S. salicina, Curr. Linn. Trans, x x i i . t. 4 8 ,/. 149.
On willow branches. Common. [Up. Carolina.]
Sporidia (-0009 in.) -022 m.m. long.
2 6 5 8 . Sphæ ria o c e lla ta . Fr. “ Eyelet Sphæria.”
Scattered ; perithecia immersed, globose, persistent, black ;
ostiola solitary, umbilicate, exserted from a trunc.'ite white disc ;
sporidia colourless, slightly curved, rounded or acute at the ends.
—Ur. S.M. ii. p . 480. Fng. Fl. Y .p . 268. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii.
t. 5 8 ,/. 86. S. brevis. Sow. t. 394,/. 4. Halonia ocellata, Fr. S.V.
S. p . 397. Cryptosphceria ocellata, De Not. Schema p . 57.
On branches of ash, willow, &c.
Erfernally it at first sight resembles the state of Stictis radiata with an enJ»
tire border, on a more minute investigation it might be taken for Valsa nivea
Z-' the perithecia are solitary without any conceptaculum.
M.J,3 . bporidia (*0004 in.) ’01 m.m. long.
2 6 5 9 . Sphæ ria fa r c ta . B .& B r . “ Stuffed Sphæria."
Covered, scattered ; perithecia solitary, globose, at length collapsed
; neck short ; ostiolum obtuse, at length perforating the
cuticle ; asci clavate, obtuse ; sporidia oblong, rather obtuse at
either end, 3-4 nucleate.—®. ÿ ®r. Ann. N.H. no. 631,1. 10 f
,0 n dead elm twigs. Jan. Batheaston.
Scattered, scarcely conspicuous externally except from the slight proiec-
rion over each perithecinm, which is at length perforated by the obtuse os-
tioium. Perithecia globose, collapsing when dry ; neck short; asci clavate,
sabcylindrical, obtuse, filled with numerous oblong-linear sporidia, which
are slightly obtuse at either end, and contain three or more globose nuclei,
^semlfies externally V. hypodermia, but the perithecia are solitary and the
iruit ainerent.—B, <& Br.
2 6 6 0 . Sphæ ria r e v e la ta . B . & B r . “ Uncovered Sphæria.”
Covered, globose, large ; ostiola short, papillæform, ultimately
exposed ; asci linear, flexuous ; sporidia uniseriate, oblong, biseptate.—
B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 6 34,1.11,/. 18.
On branches of lilac, alder, &c. Jan. Apethorpe.
At first completely concealed beneath the rough bark, and at length only
manifest from the ostiola thrusting off Uttle patches of the matrix, and then
appearing solitary or scattered on white spots. Perithecia globose, large ;
ostiola papillæform, distinct ; asci linear, fiexuous ; paraphyses long, slender ;
sporidia uniseriate, oblong, hyaline, biseptate, with very distinct eudo-
chromes.—B. & Br.
2 6 6 1 . Sphæ ria q u a d r in u c le a ta . Curr. “ Four-nucleate
Perithecia small, subglobose ; ostiola mamillate, piercing the
outer-bark; sporidia biseriate, closely packed, colourless, narrowly
oblong, pointed or rounded at the ends, quadrinueleate.—
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. p. 325, t. 58, / . 90.
On sticks. Sept. Weybridge.
Sporidia ('0006 in.) ’015 m.m. long.
2 6 6 2 . Sphæ ria a u c t a . B . 4 B r . “ Appendiculate Alder
Scattered, covered; perithecia globose, collapsed, minutely
tomentose, neck oblique, constricted below, confluent with the
shortly fusiform ostiolum ; asci large ; sporidia oblong-elliptic,
appendiculate at either end, 1-3 septate.—®. ^ ®r. An«. A.U.
no. 628,1.10, f. 11. Fckl. exs. no. 1998. Calospora aucta, Fchl.
Sym. Myc. p. 191. Cryptospora aucta, Tul. Carp. ii.p. 152.
On twigs of birch and alder.
Scattered, scarcely visible externally, except from the swelling of the
bark above the perithecia. Perithecia globose, obscurely tomentose, soon
collapsed. Asoi broad, delicate. Sporidia elUptio, with a truncate process
at either extremity ; at first uniseptate, with an endochrome of the same
form as the cells. This eventually is divided into two nuclei, between which
a new septum is formed, so that the sporidia have either one or three septa,
iu which latter case there is a constriction a t each articulation.—B. & Br.
2 6 6 3 . Sphæ ria d ito p a . Fr. “ Variable Alder Sphæria.”
Scattered ; perithecia covered, free, globose, at length collapsed,
black ; ostiola erumpent ; asci polysporous, or octosporous
; sporidia hyaline. — Cryptospora suffusa, var. minor,
Tul. Carp. H. p. 145.