■ ì , '
Seem. J. Bot. M a y ,1864. Bond. Ann. Sc. Wai. (1869), x. t . l , f .
12. A. marginatus, Schum. Saell. ii.p . 437.
On horse-dung. August.
2 2 0 3 . A sco bolus g lab e r . Pers. “ Smooth Ascobolus.”
Sessile, minute, smooth, shining, somewhat convex, marginate,
colour variable from white or orange to vinous-brown ; asoi
nearly equal; sporidia at first hyaline, then amber-coloured, at
length deep violet, reticulated.—Pers. Ohs. i. t. 4 ,f. 7. Syn.p. 667.
U-. ii.p. 164. Fchl. exs. no. 1184. Berh. Fng. F I .y. p .202.
Outl.p. 374. Coohe Seem. J.Bot. May, 1864,fig. 4. B. & Br. Ann.
N.II. no. 1085* t. 16, f . 27. Bond. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1869), x. t. 7,
/ . 13-15.
On cow dung and rabbits’ dung. Autumn. Bathford and
Ascot. [Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia (-0005 in.broad, -OOOQ-’OOl in long), -0127 X •022--025 m.m.
2 2 0 4 . A sco b o lus Im m e rsu s.
Pers. “ Large-spored
Very small, clear greenish-yellow, smooth, suhcylindrical or
hemispherical; hymenium flat; asci large and wide; sporidia
very large, ovoid, surrounded by a wide, hyaline membrane, purple
violet; paraphyses colourless, filiform.—Pers. Ohs. t. 4,f . l ,
d.e. Bond. Ann. Sc. N a t.{1862),X. t.8, f i l l . Nees.f. 221. A.
macrosporus. Crouan Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1857, vol. vii. p. 74, t.4 ,5 ,
8. Coohe Seem. J. Bot. May, 1864, fig. 1. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no.
1089, t. 1 7 ,/. 33.
On old cow dung, and on sheep and horse dung. Autumn.
Receptacles small; the cells which compose it anastomose, and form a
reticulated tissue.
‘ ‘ Mr. Currey observes that the amethyst-coloured epispore tears off in
riband-like shreds.”
Sporidia ('0025 in.) "Oe-’OeS m.m. long.
2 2 0 5 . A sco b o lus bzun n eu s. Coohe. “ Brown Ascobolus.”
Cups minute, globose, then depressed, sessile, externally
pilose, pale ochre ; asci broadly clavate, short ; paraphyses filiform
; sporidia elliptic, at first hyaline, and granular, at length
brown.—Cookeexs. no. 286 (1867). PledwigiaYÌ.p. 154, not A.
hrunneus. Bond. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1869.)
On cow dung. Shere.
Sporidia J001-'0015 in. long, '0006 in. broad), •025-’035 X ’015 m.m.
C. S a o c o b o l u s . Bond.
2 2 0 6 . A sco b olus K e iv e zn i. Crouan. “ Golden Ascobolus”
Very small, fine golden-yellow, sessile, hemispherical, sometimes
suhcylindrical; hymenium flat or convex; asci wide, incurved,
spores elliptical, first white, then rosy, and finally of a
beautiful violet, disposed at the summit of the ascus, in an oblong
mass, enclosed in a hyaline membrane ; paraphyses simple, filiform,
a little thickened at their summit, and of a yellow colour.
—Crouan. Ann. des So. Nat. 1858, vol. x. p. 193,1.13, f. B. 7-11.
Fckl. exs.no. 1836. Coohe Seem. J. Bot. May, 1864, fig. 8. B. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 1090 t. 11, f 34.
In small groups upon old cow dung. Oct. Bathford.
Receptacle composed of a thin filamentous tissue, anastomosing in a reticulated
manner. . • , i j -ro-i,
“ The sporidia are dark violet when mature, and not reticulated. W hen
young they nearly fill the asous, but when mature are confined to a small
space. When their proper envelope bursts, a number of minute globular
bodies escape, apparently of a different character from the coarser ones
which fill the space between the primary and secondary membranes when
they are immature.”—B. & Br.
2 2 0 7 . A scobolus depau pe z a tu s.
B . & B r. “ Pallid
Cups minute, plane, pallid, then vinous ; asci sh o rt; sporidia
obtusely fusiform, lurid violet, even ; paraphyses slightly incrassated.—
B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 1084,1.14, / . 6.
On dung of sheep, horse, and deer. Bathford, &c.
Cups minute, not exceeding 1-lOOth in. diameter, yellowish when young,
becoming vinous, but sometimes when old, losing their purplish t i n t ; sporidia
as in A . vinosiis and some others, collected in a distinct sac, (-0004-
•0005 in.) •01--0127 m.m. long, by (-00025 in.) '0065 m.m. wide, which is only
half the dimensions of those of A. vinosus, the cups of which, moreover, are
many times as large.—B, & Br.
D. A s c o p h a n u s . Boud.
2 2 0 8 . A sco bolus gz anu lifo zm is.
Crouan. “ Graiu-like
Sessile, sphærical, pale yellow-ochre, translucent, opaque in
the centre, smooth; asci very small, wide; sporidia hyaline,
oval ; paraphyses colourless, thickened into a club-shape at their
ap&x. —Crouan. Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1858, vol. x. p. 196, 1.13, f. 27-
31. Fchl. exs. no. 1850. Goohe Seem, J. Bot. May, 1864, fig. 5. li