roo E L V E L L A C E l. E L V E L L A C E l. 701
I? m'
N.H. (1866), no. 1167. Helotium imberbe, Berle. Outl. p. xvii.
Ann. N.H. no. 963. Fchl. exs. no. 1148.
On willow. Mossburnford.
Sporidia ("0004 in.) '01 m.m. long.
2 3 9 5 . P e z iz a m in u tissim a . Batsch. “ Very minute Peziza.”
Whitish ; ctips obovate, substipitate ; margin incurved ; hymeninm
concave ; asci clavate, elongated ; sporidia fusiform, 4-
scptate, joints rather swollen, paraphyses filiform.—B. & Br.
Ann. N.'H.\865, no. 1071, t. 15,/. 21. Batsch.f. 143. P. Helmin-
thosporii, Blox. M S S .
On Helmintliosporia. Jan. Twycross. Batheaston.
Pallid; cups davate, substipitate; margin incurved; sporidia ('0014 in.)
■035 m.m. long, quadriseptate. Interesting from tbe marked character
afforded by tbe sporidia.—A/./.B.
Sect. 2. Mollisia—sessile, waxy, soft.
S 0 9 6 . P e z iz a c la v u s . A . 4 S. “ Swamp Peziza.”
Fleshy or gelatinous, somewhat firm, nearly ob-conic, purplish;
disc convexo-plane ; pileiform ; stem thick ; sporidia regularly
oblong, elliptic, with a sporidiolum at either extremity.—Fr.
S.M.H.p. 137. A .& .S .p .3 Q 6 ,t.U ,f.5 . Ann. N.H. no. 575.
On leaves, &c., in swamps. March—April.
2 0 9 7 . P e z iz a v in o sa . A . & S. “ Vinous Peziza.”
Minute, sessile, sub-tremellose, nearly plane, smooth, quite
entire, fleshy-red.—Fr. S .M .ii.p . 141. A. & S .p . 308. Eng.Fl.
V. p. 205. Rav. exs. iv. no. 19. Calloria vinosa, Fckl. Sym. Myc.
p. 283.
On fallen branches. Autumn—Spring.
[Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
When dry it is much more concave, and appears to be held down by gelatinous
filaments, which vanish as the plant swells on the application of
moisture, and assumes a much paler tin t.—Bng. Fl.
Sporidia acicular-fusiform, simple,‘Oll-'Oie X ‘001-'0015 m.m. — Nyl.
2 0 9 8 . P e z iz a auzicolor. Blox. “ Golden Peziza.”
Soft, subgelatinous, orange ; cup marginate, springing from
a stratum of delicate, hyaline filaments ; sporidia narrow.—B.
& Br. Ann. N .H. 1865, no. 1068.
On the under side of a fallen tree. Gopsal.
Cups with a hroad raised margin, springing from delicate, radiating, hyaline,
interwoven hairs. Tbe evident afiinity of this species to B . vinosa, in duces
us to place it in Mollisia rather than Tapesia.—M.J.B.
2 0 9 9 . P e z iz a a tro v iz en s. Pers. “ Dark-green Peziza.”
Sessile, sub-tremellose, when young globose, green, when
adult hemispherical; disc plane, with a flesh-coloured tinge.—
Fr. S.M.H. p. 141. Pers. Syn.p. 635. E n g .F I .y .p .205. Grev.
Fl. ed.p. 425. Coryne virescens, Tul. Carp. H i.p.103, t. xyiii.f.
On decaying wood. [Mid. Carolina.]
2 1 0 0 . P e z iz a cin e z e a . Batsch. “ Cinereous Peziza.”
Sessile, soft, minute, scutellate, cinereous ; margin quite entire,
whitish.—Fr. S .M .ii.p . 142. Batsch.f. 137, 219. Sow. t.
64. Nees.f.260. B u ll.t.4 1 6 ,f.l. F l.D a n .t.l4 0 0 ,f.2 . Cooke
exs. no. 890. Eng. Fl. y.p. 205. Niptera cinerea, Fckl. Sym. Myc.
p. 292.
On decaying wood, &c. Autumn—Spring. Common.
[Mid. Carolina.]
Crowded, 1-2 lines broad, either equal or lobed, and waved at the margin.
Hymenium pale or grey, watery, paler towards the oironmfereuce, substance
s oft and sometimes almost gelatinous.—Orev.
Sporidia oblong, rarely slightly curved, simple, -OOe-’Oll X ’0015-'0025
Sporidia straight or curved, •006-'012 X •001--0025 m.m.—Karst.
2101. P e z iz a la c u s tz is . JN. “ Swamp Peziza.”
Sessile, becoming plane, orbicular, soft, waxy, plano-convex,
dingy blackish ; sporidia colourless, crowded at the apex of the
ascus, pellucid, elliptical, rounded at both ends, often slightly
curved, sometimes with an indistinct minute nucleus at each extremity.—
Fr. S.M. ii.p. 143. Fr. exs. no. 173. Curr. Linn. Trans.
Rahh. F .E . no. 231. Niptera lacustris, Fckl. Sym. Myc. p. 202.
On submerged stems of Alisma plantago. Near Blackheath.
Sporidia ('0005-'0006 in.) '012-’015 m.m. in length; paraphyses filiform or
Pries “ Summa Veg. Scan.” makes this the type of a new genus, Niptera,
which he places near Ascoholus.
When young adnate, plano-convex, 4 line hroad, even, smooth, black,
then dilated, plane, free beneath, except the central point of adhesion, externally
sooty-black, quite black when dry ; margin at first connivent, then
open, infiexed, entire ; disc turgid, soft, when moist dingy, when dry black.
Sporidia oblong, 1-3 septate, •022-‘03 X ’OOe-’OOO m.m—Nyl.