2 3 4 8 . N e c tr ia co ccine a . Fr. “ Scarlet Nectria.”
Cæspitose, perithecia ovate, oven, bright red ; ostiola papil-
læform ; sporidia colourless, uniseptate, elliptical, subacuminate.
—Sch. coccinea, Fr. S.M. ii. p. 412. Fng. F I.y .p .253. Pers.Ic.
& Des. 1.12, f. 2. Moug. exs. no. 180. Fries, exs. no. 183. Sph.
mori. Sow. t. 255. Baxt. exs. no. 25. Curr. Linn. Trans. nkH. t.
42, f . 174, 175.
On dead twigs. Common. [United States.]
Sporidia (’0005 in.) '0127 m.m.
2 3 4 9 . N e c tr ia cu cu rb itu la . Fr. “ Orange-red Nectria.”
Cæspitose ; perithecia ovato-globose, even, orange-red, at
length collapsed, cup-shaped, ostiola obsolete ; sporidia colourless,
irregularly elliptical, mixed with asci, producing minute,
curved sporidia.— Tul. Carp, iii.p. 86. Sph. cucurbitula, Fr. S.M.
ii.p. 415. Tode.f. 110. N e e s .f 327. Fries, exs. no. 263. Berh.
Ann. N.H. no. 174-609. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 42, f . 178.
On dead branches. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Easily distinguished from all similarly coloured species by its asci being
filled with numerous minute curved sporidia (‘0001-’0002 in.) ’0025-*005 m.
m .~
2 3 5 0 . Ne ctx ia sin o p ic a . Fr. “ Brick-red Ivy Keotria.”
Sub-cæspitose ; perithecia small, globose, even, somewhat
brick-red, at length collapsing and cup shaped ; disc brown ;
ostiola papillate ; asci linear ; sporidia elliptic, uniseptate.—Tul.
Carp. iii. p. 89, t. xi. f. 1-10. DeNot. Sfer. Ital. t. 2 ,f. 6. Sph.
sinopica, F r.F l. ii. p. 81. Berh. Ann. N.H. no. 97. Curr. Micr.
Jour. iii.p. 210. Moug.exs.no. 1335. Desm. exs. «0.1259.
On shoots of ivy. King’s Cliffe.
Each articulation of the sporidia sometimes contains a single nucleus.
Perithecia when young frosted with a yellowish meal.
2 351. Nectzia. aq u ifo lia . Berh. “ Large-spored Holly
Cæspitose ; stroma yellowish within ; perithecia globose, rugulose,
amhilicate from collapsing, at first brick-red, then pale,
at length black ; sporidia colourless, elliptical, psendo-sej)tate,
by division of endochrome.—Berh. Outl. p . 393. Tul. Carp. iii.
p. 87, t. X. S. aquifolia, Fr. Fl. ii. p. 82. Fng. Fl. y. p. 253.
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 42, f 183.
On dead holly. Apethorpe.
Sporidia (’0005 in.) '0127 m.m.
Tulasne unites N . inaurata with this species.
“ Fungus oetosporus simul et macrosporus, sporis saepius muticis.=iV.
aquifolia, B.
Fungus polysporus et microsporus, vel oetosporus cum sporis minimis et
appendioulatis.=iV. inaurata, B ,”
2 3 5 2 . N e c tz ia in au z a ta . B. 4 B r .
“ Small-spored Holly
Cæspitose; perithecia globose, then depressed, at length
brown tinged with red, frosted with yellow ; ostiola papillæform,
at length impressed, naked, black-brown ; asci and sporidia of
two kinds, some clavate, with numerous small curved sporidia,
others cylindrical, with eight elliptic sporidia, appendiculate at
both ends.—B. & Br.Ann. N.H. no. 781*. Gard. Chron. 22nd
J u ly ,1854. Tul. Carp.iii. p .81.
On dead holly. Bath.
The larger asoi are clavate, containing curved, minute sporidia, not exceeding
('OOOIS in.) '0035 m.m. The smaller cylindrical asoi contain eight
elliptic, uniseptate sporidia (’OOOS-'OOOG in.) ■0125-'015 m.m. long, furnished
with a delicate, hyaline appendage at either end.
2 3 5 3 . N e c tz ia R a lf s i i . B . 4 B r . “ Ealfs’s Nectria.”
Cæspitose ; perithecia thick, orange, densely clothed with
whitish meal, strongly collapsed when dry, mouth obscure, papillæform
; asci clavate ; sporidia elongated, uniseptate.—Ann.
N.H. no. 780.
On dead branches (beech and furze).
Cæspitose. Perithecia orange, globose, but strongly collapsed, when dry
covered with whitish fnrfuraceons scales ; mouth generally obscure, sometimes
minutely papillæform ; asoi clavate ; sporidia oblong, elongated, uniseptate,
with one or two nuclei in each division, varying greatly in size,
from (-0006-'001 in.) •015-'025 m.m. long. The hymenium is sometimes exposed,
apparently from the splitting off of the upper portion of the perithecium.
2 3 5 4 . N e c tz ia h iz ta . Blox. “ Hairy Nectria.”
Perithecia minute, subglobose, with a slightly prominent
ostiolum, of a pinkish- salmon colour, covered with prominent
white hairs; sporidia biseriate, curved, colourless, tapering
slightly at each end, multiseptate.—Gurr. Linn. Trans, xxiv. t.
2 5,/. 24. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no.1101.
On decaying rails. Twycross.
A small but beautiful species, remarkable for its hairy perithecia, and the
great size of its sporidia, which differ entirely from the ordinary form of
fruit in Nectria. Sporidia ('003 in.) '075 m.m. long.