1 9 8 6 .
P e z iz a p u s tu la ta . Pers. “ Dingy Peziza.”
Sessile, subglobose, pallid, somewhat dingy, externally whitish,
mealy ; margin entire ; sporidia oblong-oyate ; epispore granu-
lose.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 55. Hedw. Mus. f . r. t. 6, / . A. Batsch.f.
157. Fchl. exs. n o .1227. Plicaria pustulata, Fckl. Sym. Myc. p.
On the ground. Rare.
1 9 8 7 . P e z iz a r a d u la . B .
[Mid. Carolina.]
■ B r . “ Black waited Peziza.”
Large, cnp-shaped, sessile, at length depressed, externally
black and rough with sub-equal warts, vinous-brown within ;
sporidia globose, tuberculate.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. xviii. p. 77'.
Berh. Outl. p. 364.
On the ground in woods. Eare. Near Bristol.
Cup depressed, sessile, nearly an in. across, black externally, broken into
nearly equal, distinct, sub-conical warts, like those of Genea verrucosa.
Hymenium of a dark vinous brown ; asoi large, obtuse ; sporidia large, globose,
containing a single nucleus, rough with obtuse, distinct tubercles;
paraphyses septate, with the ultimate articulation clavate.—B. & Br.
1 9 8 8 . P e z iz a v iz id a ria . B . 4 B r. “ Greenish Peziza.”
Middle-sized; mycelium floccose, expanded, white; cups at
first globose, then hemispherical, at length expanded, watery-
grey, externally rough with brown furfuraceous particles ; asoi
linear ; sporidia widely elliptic.—®. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 555.
Berh. Outl.p. 364.
On damp walls and water butts. Eare. King’s Cliffe.
Cups a t first globose, then hemispherical, at length expanded, V i in.
broad, pale watery brown or cinereous, sessile, springing from a white cottony
effused stratum.—B. <6 Br.
** PruinoscB.
1 9 8 9 . P e z iz a cazbonazia. A . 4 S. “ Charcoal Peziza.”
G-loboso-campanulate, even, reddish-ochre, externally suh-
pi-uinose; margin mealy or crenate.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 64. B &
Br.Ann. A .i/. (1865), no. 1063, t. 1 5 ,/. 15. Rahh. F.F.no. 622.
Gonn. & Rahh. iii. t. 4 ,/. 4.
On burnt ground. Ascot.
Gregarious, thin, fragile, 3-8 lines hroad, almost smooth, sometimes sessile,
sometimes elongated into a slender stem ; colour variable, more or less in tense,
when young almost vermillion internally ; asoi cylindrioal, narrow •
sporidia elUptio, smooth; paraphyses narrowly clavate. ’
Sporidia ellipsoid '013-‘017 X "006-‘009 m.m.—Nyl.
Sporidia ellipsoid -013--017 X -006--009 m.m. ('OOOS-'OOOfi X •00023-'00035
in. —Karst.
Sporidia 'Oil m.m. broad, and twice as long. -G .& R .
1 9 9 0 . P e z iz a cu p u la z is . L . “ Scalloped Peziza.”
Sub-sessile, thin, glohoso-campanulate, fawn coloured, or
pallid, externally farinose ; margin crenate.—Fr. S.M. ii.yi. 62.
B. &. Br. Ann. N.H. no. 308. Vaill. t . \ l , f . 173. Fckl. exs. no.
1878. Bull, t.596, f .3 . Pers. Ohs.il t. 4, f 6,7. Eng. F I.y . p.
189. Gonn. & Rahh. iii. t. 4 ,f. 1. Pustularia cupularis, Fchl. Sym.
Myc.p. 328.
On the ground in gardens. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Sometimes yellowish. Stem J in. high, |t h in. thick, sometimes obsolete.
Pileus pale buff, thin, transparent, scalloped at the edge, shaped like the
cup of an acorn, about 1 in. in diameter.— Withering.
Sporidia ellipsoid, •014-‘02 X •01-'012 m.m. ('0005-'0007 X ’0003 in.) —
Sporidia '01-'012 m.m. broad, and about twice as long.—S'. ¿iR.
1991. Peziza. san io sa . Schrad. “ Brown-milky Peziza.”
Sessile, concave, milky, purplish-brown, externally pulverulent,
umber ; asoi linear ; sporidia oval, with two nuclei.—Fr.
S.M. ii.p. 65. Schrad. Journ. 1799,p. 64. Berh. Mag. Zool. &
Bot. no. 87, t. 7 ,f. 2.
On ground OYerrwa.-with. Thelephora sebacea. Autumn. King’s
1 9 9 2 . P e z iz a a z g illa c e a . Som. “ Clay Peziza.”
Sessile, yellowish, even, at first urceolate, at length cracked
and torn, rooting at the base, and hairy.—Fr. S.M. U p . 66.
Sow.t. 148. Fng. FI.y .p. 190.
On modelling clay.
Pileus 2 in. broad, held to the clay hy very fine, attenuated, cobweb-like
fibres from the sides, as it were, to assist the little knobby root.—Sowerby.
Observed only by Sowerby.
1 9 9 3 . P e z iz a co zn n b iensis. B . 4 B r . “ Downy-base Peziza.”
Middle sized, sessile, fixed by down ; margin alone free, somewhat
flattened, minntely villous externally ; hymenium orange ;
asci snb-cylindrical; sporidia oblong, rather rough.—Berh.
Outl.p. 366. Ann. N.H. no. 767.
On manured ground. Penzance.