I ,
i :
t ■
A ' ■
S.M. ii. p. 568. Grev. 1.118,/. 2. Mem. Mus. iii. t. 3 ,/. 5. Nees.
/ . 20. Pers. Disp. t.2, f . 4. Schm. exs. no. 31. Moug. exs. no.Mb.
Eng. F I.y . p. 220. Tul. Carp.in.p. 119,/. 1 5 ,/. 13-22- FcU.
exs. no. 1084, 1085. Berk. exs. no. 43.
On willow leaves. Common. [Low. Carolina.]
The plant does not appear with an open disc until the spring, the dead
leaves having laid on the ground through the winter, when, as in the next
species, the fruit is matured ; sporidia ’1 m.m. long. {Riff- 357.)
Gen. 3 2 3 .
T R IB L ID IV M , Reb.
2 2 7 9 . R h y tism a a ce z in um . Fr. “ Maple Rhytisma.”
S p e r m o g o n ia .—Bpipbyllons, scattered or confluent, forming
black, suborbicnlar pustular spots, encircled witb a discoloured
zone ; spermatia cylindrical, linear, hyaline, straight or curved,
•0065 m.m. long.—Melasmia acerina. Lev.- Ann. Sc. Nat. 1846,
p. 276. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 443.
A s c o p h o r e .—Innate, spots irregular, confluent, rugose, bursting
hy flexuose labiate fissures ; disc growing pale ; asci obovate-
lanceolate ; sporidia filiform-lanceolate, flexuose.—Fr. S.AI. ii.
p. 569. Bull. t. 504,/. 13. Berk. exs. no. 194. Cookeexs. no. 181.
Nees.f. 21. Mem. Mus.Hi. t.3 ,f.2 . Grev.t.118,f . l . Schm. exs.
no. 105. Mo u g .e x s.n o .il. Eng. F l.^ . p. 220. Tul. Carp.iii. p.
117, t. X V ./. 9-12. FcU. exs. no. 1082.
On sycamore and maple leaves. Common. [United States.]
Sporidia '08 m.m. long.
2 2 8 0 . R h y tism a p u n c ta tum . F r. “ Punctate Rhytisma.”
Innate, crowded, angular or roundish, rugose, shining black,
bursting in little fragments, internally brownish-black ; sporidia
linear, the length of the ascus, hyaline.—Fr. S.M. \\. p. 562.
Mem. Mus. iii. /. 3 ,/. 4. Eng. Fl. Y . p . 291. Moug. exs. no. 411.
On sycamore leaves. [Mid. Carolina.]
I t is doubtful whether this is really distinct from the foregoing. I think
not, but never having met with perfect fruit it is inserted.
2 2 8 1 . R h y tism a uzticse. Fr. “ Nettle Rhytisma.”
Innate, cohering in an elongated, ambient crust, tubercles
slightly prominent, even, bursting by a slightly flexuous fissure ;
sporidia filiform, the length of the ascus.—Fr. S.M. H.p. 570.
Eng. F I .y .p . 221. Fries, exs. no. 202. Moug. exs. no.865. Fckl.
exs.no. 1089. Cooke exs. no. 322.
On nettle stems. Winter and spring.
Perithecium labiate, splitting
from the centre towards the circumference.—
Berk. Outl. p. 379.
(Fig. 858.)
2 2 8 2 . T z ih lid ium c a lic iifo zm e .
Reb. “ So litary/riblidium.”
Solitary, sub-sessile, globoso-
depressed, rugoso-verrucose from
minute cracks, opaque, black.
Fig. 358. bursting with obtuse laciniæ ; disc
pallid : asci cylindrical, tetrasporous; sporidia broadly elliptical,
fenestrate.—Fr. S.M. H.p. 183. Pers. M.F.H t. 2 ,f. 3, 4. Fckl.
exs. no. 1101. B. &Br. Ann. N.H. no. 775. Chev. t. 8 ,f. 9. Phacidium
caliciiforme, Eng. Fl. Y . p . 291.
On branches of lime and oak. [Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia variable in length, aometimes ('002 in.) '05 m.m. (Fig. 358.]
Gen. 3 2 4 . H Y S T E R IV M , Tode.
Perithecium labiate, border
entire ; orifice narrow, linear ;
asci elongated.—Berk. Outl.p.
380. Fr. S.M. ii.y?. 579.
{Fig. 359.)
Fig. 359.
Sub-Gen. a. G e n u in æ .
Sporidia ovoid or ellipsoid, tri- or multi-septate, or muriform,
mostly coloured.
2 2 8 3 . H y s te z ium p u lic a z e . Pers. “ Common Hystermm.”
Superficial, elliptic or oblong, longitudinally striate, black ;
lips obtuse ; disc linear ; asci clavate ; paraphyses filiform ;
sporidia oblong, triseptate, brown, the terminal joints soon hya-
line.—Duby, Hist.pYZh, Fr* Mich,t, 04=,/, 2*