On dead larvie and pupae of moths, buried on the ground.
Antnmn. [United States.]
Head ) in. long, broadly elliptic, quite diatinot from tbe stem, changing
from chestnut to bright red-brown, minutely dotted with the ostiola, of a
tough, fleshy censistenoe, nearly white within ; stem 2 inches high, 1 line
thick, nearly equal, pale above, darker below, of the same colour as the
head, slightly mottled, almost smooth, giving out a tth eh a se numerous root-
like filaments; perithecia completely sunk in the flesh, much elongated,
tapering to the orifice, brown, contents of the same colour.—Af./.B.
(Fig. 367.)
2 3 1 8 . T o r ru b ia g r a c ilis . B . “ Slender Torrubia.”
Head roundish-ovate, even, brown; stem rooting, elongated,
cylindrical, somewhat flexnons.—Tul. Carp, iii.p. 15. Cordyceps
gracilis, BerTc. Outl.p. 382. Eng. Fl. v. p. 233. Grev. t. 86. D. &
M .F l.A lg . i. p. 449,/. 2 5 ,/. 2.
On the ground in moist places (on larvae).
Differs entirely from C. ophioglossoides in form, and in being destitute of
any yellow tinge ; the sporidia are also different.— A/. J-B. I t is somewhat
doubtful whether this is really distinct from T. entomorrhiza.
2 3 1 9 . T o rru b ia m ilit a r is . Fr. “ Red Torrubia.”
C o n id ia .—Subcæspitose, white ; stem
distinct, simple, becoming smooth ; clubs
incrassated, mealy ; conidia globose.—
Isaria farinosa, Fr. S.M. Hi. p. 216. Link.
Diss.f.32. Sturm, t. 34. Nees. f . 85. Eng.
F I .y .p. 328. Ramaria farinosa. Sow. /. 308.
Holms, i. f. 7. [Fig. 368.)
A s c o p h o r e .— Fleshy, orange-red ; head
clavate, tuberculose; stem equal ; sporidia
long, breaking up into joints.—Tul. Carp.
iii. p. 6, /. 1 ,/. 19-31. Fchl. exs. no. 1067.
Cordycepsmilitaris, Fr. S.M. ii.yi. 325. Curr.
Linn. Trans, xxii. /. 45,/. 3. Berk. Outl. t. 23,
f. 6. Sphæria militaris, Fl. Dan. t. 651, f . 1. Vaill. t. l , f . 4. Buxb.
iv ./. 66,f .2 . Nov. Act. N.C. iv. t . l , f . 5. Bull.t. 426, f . l . Bolt,
t. 128. Sow. t. 60. Nees.f. 305. Purt. t. 23. Price./. 63,partly.
On pupæ of moths buried in the ground. Aug.—Oct.
[United States.]
Fig. 368.
2 3 2 0 . T o r ru b ia my rm e coph ila . lu l. “ Ichneumon Torrubia.”
Ochraceous white ; stem thread-shaped; club ovoid, sterile
below, ribbed ahoYQ.— Tul. Carp.Hi.p. 19. Cordyceps myrmecophila.
Berk. Outl. p. 382. H yp o c r ea myrmecophila, Rabh. exs.no.
1033. B. &. Br. Ann. N.H. no. 591.
On an Ichneumon. May. Leigh Wood.
2 3 2 1 . T o rru b ia ophioglossoide s.
Tul. “ Adder’s tongue
Fleshy; head clavate, hrownish-hlack; stem rooting, olive,
becoming blackish; sporidia cylindrioal, long, breaking up into
joints.—TwZ.Uarp. iii.p. 20, /. 2 ,f. 1-9. Cordyceps ophioglossoides.
Fr. S.M. ii.p . 324. Schmied. t. 5 ,lower fig. Bull. t. 440,/. 2.
P e r s . M.E. t.lQ ,f.5 -6 . Eng. F I . y . p . 233. Moug. exs. no. 565.
Fries, exs. no. 301. Schm. exs. no. 26. Berk. Mag. Zool. & Bot. no.
92, /. 7,/. 4. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. /. 45,/. 7.
In woods on Elaphomyces muricatus. Oct. [Mid. Carolina.]
Asoi very long : paraphyses extremely slender ; head i-1 in. or more long,
yellow within, as well as the stem, which at the base divides into long roots,
sometimes tufted ; joints of sporidia (-0001 in.) '0025 m.m. long.
2 3 2 2 . T o r r u b i a c a p i t a t a . Fr. “ Capitate Torrubia.”
Fleshy, head ovato-globose, bay-brown_; stem yellow, then
blackish ; sporidia colourless, jointed, the joints rod-shaped or
cylindrical.—TnZ. Uai’p. iii.p. 22, /. 2 ,/. 10-15. Cordyceps capi-
tata, Fr. S.M. ii.p. 324. Fl. Dan. t. 540. Bolt. t. 130. Sow. t.
354! Holm. i. p. 38. Pers. M.E. 1.10,/. 1-4. Eng. Fl. Y. p. 233.
Aloug. exs. no. 763. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. /. 4 5 ,/. 10.
In pine woods on Elaphomyces granulatus.
[Low. Carolina.]
Often tu fte d ; stem 1-4 in. high, 2-4 lines thick, equal, smooth lemon-
coloured, at length fibroso-strigose and blackish. The colour of the hea,d
borders on yellow, red-brown, and black.—Fries. Joints of the spondia
(•0003 iu.) '0076 m.m. long.
2 3 2 3 . T o r r u b i a (? ) p i s t i l l a r i a e f o r m i s . B .& B r . “ Doubtful
Very small, club brown ; head oblong-ovate ; stem cylindrical,
pallid,dilated at the base, sub-equal.—Uordpcgps pistillariwformis,
B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 969, /. 16, /. 22.