A s c o p h o r e .—Loosely circumscribed; peritbecia scattered
(sometimes crowded), large, saucer-shaped; ostiola erumpent,
somewhat united ; sporidia cylindrical, curved, obtuse.—Diatrype
stipata, B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 843-970». S. dissepta, Fr. S.M.
ii. p. 392. Fries, exs. no. 224. Fng. Fl. v. p. 249. S. stipata,
Curr. Phil. Trans. 1857. Linn. Trans. xxn. t. 49, / . 197, Coohe
exs.no.239. S. saturnus, Sow.t. 216. Valsa hypodermia, B.&.
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 862,1.1 0 ,/ 18 (not Fries). Quaternaria dissepta,
Tul. Carp. iii. p . 107.
On branches of elm, &c.
The soutellæform conceptaculum 1^-2 lines broad is most distinct, elliptic
or slightly flexuons from the confluence of two individuals ; in tbe centre is
a single perithecium, rarely two, covered with a dingy substance with a
darker, slightly prominent ostiolum in the centre, and a slender neck, separated
from the cqneeptaoulum by the loose wood-coloured cortical stroma.—
A f.g .E . sporidia (’0007-’0009 in.) '0177“‘022 m.m., sometimes reachiner
(•001 m.) *025 m.m. long. ®
2 4 6 8 . V a lsa co ntro v e rsa . Fr. “ Variable Valsella.”
Circumscribed ; stroma cortipal, black ; perithecia immersed ;
ostiola erumpent, rather prominent ; asci subclavate ; sporidia
biseriate, hyaline, ovato-oblong, containing four nuclei.—Fr.
S .V .S . p. 411. Sph. controversa, Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. ii.
vol.xvii.p. 102. Desm. exs. no. 1255. B. & Br. Ann. N H no
On dead twigs of ash, Sophora Japónica, herbaceous stems,
Varying somewhat in external appearance on different plants, a greater or
less number of peritbecia being collected together, and the spots of a more
or less deep-black.
2 4 6 9 . V a lsa d ry in a . Gurr. “ Brown Oak Valsella.”
Perithecia pyriform, imbedded in a dirty-brown stroma ; ostiola
rather shorter than the perithecia, somewhat thickened towards
the apex ; sporidia biseriate or crowded, colourless, strongly
curved; asci and sporidia very delicate and hyalme. Curr.
lAnn. Trans, xxii. t. 48, / . 135 h. B. & Br. Apn. N.H. no. 850.
On dead oak branches. Weybridge.
Sporidia ('0003 in.) ’0076 m.m. long.
2 4 7 0 . V a lsa concam ez a ta. Curr. “ Woolly Oak Valsella.”
Perithecia raising the inner bark into a dome-shaped conceptaculum,
tufts of perithecia united by white woolly fibres ; sporidia
crowded, colourless, curved.—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 48,
/. 134. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 867.
On oak.
Sporidia ('0004 in.) '01 m.m. long. Mr. Currey appears to be doubtful
whether this may not be a form of V. ceraiopkora,
7 . Obvallatæ.
2 471. V a lsa co ronata. Fr. “ Coronated Valsella.”
Perithecia rather irregular, disposed in a circle ; ostiola even,
obtuse, at first globose, crowded, at length beaked; sporidia
colourless, biseriate, cylindrical, curved, simple.—Fr. S .V .S . p.
412. S. coronata, Hoffm. V.C. i. t. 5,/. 45. Schm. M.H. ii. t. i.f.
14. Fr. S.M.H, p. 395. Eng. F l .v .p .249. Klotsch.exs.no. 543.
On oak, dog rose, and hawthorn. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
2 4 7 2 . V a ls a ceratophora. Tul. “ Horned Valsella.”
S p e r m o g o n i a .—Spermatia, minute, simple.— Cytispora sp.
A s c o p h o b b .—Erumpent, splitting the epidermis in a somewhat
stellate manner ; perithecia globose, with very long scabrous
necks ; asci numerous, linear-oblong, eight-spored ; sporidia
minute,sausage-shaped,pallid.—Tul. Carp. ii. p. 191, i. 22,
/ . 1-11. Coolce Seem. Journ. (1866) / . 1. Sphceria ceratosperma.
Along, exs. no. 567. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 864 {partly). Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. 75. 292, i.4 7 ,/. 93. Fng. F l . v .p .244. Valsa coronata,
Duby in Rabh. exs. (I860) no. 250. Nhe. Pyr. Germ.p. 180. Cooke
exs. no. 251. Diatrype ceraiosperma, Fr. S. V.S. p. 411.
On branches of elm, holly, &c.
var. ro sa rum . Ostiola abbreviated.— Valsa rosarum, De Not.
Sfer. Ita l.t. 42. {8\>BxmogoiHa=Cytispora Rosæ, Fckl. exs.no.
624.) Grev. t. 20.
On stems of rose.
var. qu e rc ico la . . Valsa decorticans, Fr. S .V .S . p. 412 (in
part). Fckl. exs. no. 606.
On oak branches. (Fig. 388.)
£ 4 7 3 . V a lsa a b ie tis . Fr. “ Fir-tree Valsella.”
8vEB.uoQomÀ..=Cytisporapini. Fckl. exs.no. 628.
A s c o p h o r e .—Immersed ; stroma thin, dirty white ; perithecia
ovate, aggregate ; ostiola oblong, even, thick, collected into