gated, uniseptate, constricted at the septum, attenuated towards
each extremity, with two sporules in each cell.— Goohe Seem.
Journ. {1866) t. 50,/. 16. Gonn.&R a b h .Y . p . 10,t.2, f.2 6 .
On dead leaves of sycamore. Shere, Surrey.
Sporidia ('002 in.) '05 m.m. long.
2 7 5 5 . S phæ re lla a c e r ife r a . Coohe. “ Maple Sphærella.”
Hypophyllous. Perithecia scattered, innate, globose, minute,
black ; asci broadly cylindrical ; sporidia large (three times as
long as broad), almond-shaped, hyaline, containing two sporules
or nuclei.—Coolce Seem. Journ. (1866) t. 5 0,/. 18.
On dead leaves of Acer campestre. Shere, Surrey.
Sporidia ('0075 in.) -02 m.m. long.
This is referred doubtfully by Auerswald ( Oonn. 4 Rabh. v. p. 4) to Sphærella
sparsa,, Wallr.
2 7 5 6 . Sphæirella c a zp in e a . Fr. “ Hornbeam Sphserella.”
Hypophyllous. Perithecia gregarious, innate, at first covered,
black, commonly scattered over the entire leaf ; asci subclavate ;
sporidia biseriate, broadly and shortly cymbiform, the least curved
side heing a little hollowed out towards either apex.— Coohe
Seem. Journ. t. 5 0 ,/. 19. Gonn & v. f. 2 ,f. 16. Rabh.
exs. no. 365. West. exs. 275. Sphæria carpinea, Fr. Sys. Myc. ii.
p. 523. Desm. PI. Crypt, no. 981. B. 8ç Br. Ann. N.H. no. 655, t.
12, f . 41. Cookeexs. no. 165. Cooke L .F . no. 86. Ascospora
carpinea,Fr. Summ. 425. Rabh. exs. 365. Fckl. 466.
On dead leaves of hornbeam.
Sporidia ('0005 in.) '015 m.m. long.
2 7 5 7 . Sphæxe lla p in a s t r i. Duby. “ Pir-leaf Sphærella.”
Perithecia minute, scattered, globose, depressed, immersed,
piercing the epidermis with their short ostiola ; asci clavate ;
sporidia crowded, colourless, elliptical, often acuminate.— Cooke
Seem. Journ. t. 50, / . 27. Sphæria pinastri, Duby, Bot. Gall. ii.
79. 704. Grev.t. 13. Fng. F I .y . p. 270. Curr. Linn. Trans.-scxH.
79. 324, i. 58,/. 82.
On fallen fir leaves.
Sporidia (*0003-'0004 in.) *0075-*01 m.m. long.
2 7 5 8 . Sphæ ze lla in æ q u a lis . Cooke, “ Unequal Sphærella.*’
Hypophyllous. Perithecia scattered, innate, globose, black,
surmounted by three or four stiff hairs or setæ which pierce
through the epidermis ; asci ventricose, attenuated upwards ;
sporidia biseriate or crowded, uniseptate, the upper cell subglobose,
the lower cell twice the length of the upper, slightly yellowish.—
Cooke Seem. Journ. (1866) t. 50, / . 26. Cooke exs. no.
173. Cooke. L.F. no. 85. Sphærella cinerascens, Fleisch. Rabh. 45 (notN. cinerascens, Fckl. 824).
On dead leaves of Pyrus aria, ash, hawthorn, pear, apple, &c.
Sporidia (-0005 in.) '013 m.m. long.
2 7 5 9 . Sphæxella v a c c in ii. Coohe. “ Bilberry Sphærella.”
Perithecia minute, innate, black, shining, numerous, crowded
together on the under surface in definite cinereous patches, determined
by the veins of the leaves ; asci subfusiform ; sporidia
elongated, narrow, uniseptate, hyaline. — Cooke Seem. Journ.
(1866) t. 46,f. 11. Sphærella myrtilli, Awd. Gonn. & Rabh.Y. t.
4 ,/ . 46. Coohe exs. no.116.
On semi-pntrid leaves of Vaccinium myrtillus. Shere, Surrey.
Often on the same leaves as Venturia myrtilli. Asoi'04 m.m. long. Sporidia
('0007 in.) '013 m.m. long.
2 7 6 0 . Sphæxe lla lig u s tx i. Rob. “ Privet Sphærella.”
Epiphyllous, rarely hypophyllous. Perithecia very minute, numerous,
densely scattered, black, subglobose, then collapsing and
umbilicate ; asci clavate ; sporidia oblong, with three or four
sporules.— Cooke Seem. Journ. t. 50, / . 22. Sphæria ligustri, Rob.
Desm. exs. ed. 1, no. 1296, ed. 2, no. 796. Ann. S.N. (1843) xix.
79.361. Fckl. exs. no. 835. Gonn. & Rabh. y . t . l , f . 67.
On dead privet leaves.
Asci '04 m.m. long. Sporidia ('0003 in.) '01 m.m. long.
2 7 6 1 . Sphæ x e lla exyngii. Fr. “ Sea Holly Sphærella.”
Amphigenous. Perithecia innate, very small, globose, black,
crowded together in brownish spots ; asci large, cylindrical, flexuose;
sporidia biseriate, uniseptate, constricted at the septum,
attenuated towards each extremity, colourless.—Cooke Seem.
Journ. t. 50, f . 21. Fckl. exs. no. 860. Sphæria eryngii, Fr. Duby
®oi. ii.79. 710. Desm. exs. n o .1300. B. &.Br. 657.
On dead leaves of Fryngium.
Sporidia ('0008 in.) '02 m.m. long._
Fuckel refers as spermogonia to thisÏ species Asteroma reticulata, Chev.