a disc ; asci linear-oblong ; sporidia biseriate, cylindrical
colourless, curved.—Ur. S .V .S .p . 412. Fchl.exs.no. 609. Curr'
Unn. Trans, xxii. t. 48. f . 147. S. abietis, Fr. S.M. ii » 39s '
Frieg. exs. no. 77. Fng. FL y.p. 249. Cucurbitariapinastri, 'orev'.
t. OU.
On branches of Pinus abies.
Sporidia (-OOOS-'OOOS in.) -0076--015 m.m. long.
24,74. V a lsa au r e a . Fckl. “Almond-gpored Valsella.”
Forming dark búllate spots, caused by the black perithecia
nestling beneath the thin epidermis, somewhat depressed around
the ostiola, which are at first covered with a bright orange disc
at length naked ; perithecia from 4-6 in a group, black, with
straight convergent necks, never confluent ; asci cylindrical
contaimng eight almond-shaped, large, uniseriate, hyaline spori-
m a .-F c k l. Emm. U U ./y . 20 (1861), Nke. Pyr. Germ, p 220.
Valsa amygdahna, Cooke Seem. Journ. Bot. t.f. 21 (1866) no
446. Cooke exs. no. 250. Valsarutila, Tul.Carp.H.p. lOQ
Wuestneia aurea, Fckl. exs. no.f>87.
On small twigs of hornbeam.
Sometimes on the same twigs as V. litorulom, from which it is distinguished
with the naked eye by the dark prominent perithecia orariigG uisc. and brig° ht
2 4 7 5 . V a lsa am b ien s. Fr. “ Circle Valsella.”
Speemogonia.—Conceptaculum none, cells black, circinating •
disc dingy, tendrils pale; spermatia minaW— Cytispora cw-
pliosperma,Fr.SM.H. p. 543. Eng. Fl. v. p. 282. Cytispora leu-
cosperma, Fr. S.M. 11.79. 543. Desm. exs. no. 489.
A s c o p h o r e .— Perithecia immersed, disposed in circles ; ostiola
even, subglobose, surrounding a dirty-white waxy disc •
sporidia colourless, 4 or 8 cylindrical, curved, obtuse, hyaline -1
Ur. N.FN 79. 412. Tul. Carp. H.p. 176. Fckl. exs.no. 616. Cooke
exs. no.2o6. Curr. Lmn. Trans, xxii. t. 48, f. 138. Sphæria ambiens,
F rS .M . 11. p. 403. Fries, exs. no. 8. Moug. exs. no. 872. Fl.
Dan. t. 2039,/. 1 . Eng. FL v. p. 250. Berk. exs. no. 80. Valsa
Trans.xxH. t. 48, f . 148 (partly).Fckl. exs.
On dead branches, especially Bosaceæ. Common.
[United States.]
elevation above the general sur-
S p o rîSl coooe fm) -oL m!m longT^'“’^ Wack.-Af.F.iJ.
2476. V a lsa sa lic in a . F r, “ Willow Valsella.”
C o n i d i a .—Pulvinate, stroma fleshy brown, lentiform, black;
conidia conglutinate, suboblong, brown.— Coniothecium amenta-
ceanm, Corda. Ic. i. fig. 26. B.& Br. Ann. N .II. no. 460.
S p e r m o g o n ia .—Conceptaculum none ; cells black, circinating;
disc plane, dirty brown ; tendrils delicate, pale ; spermatia
minute.— Cytispora fugax,Fr. S.M.H. p. 544. Bull. t. 432,/. 5.
Eng.FI.y.p. 282. Cytispora salicina, Babh. exs. no. 439. Fckl.
exs. no. 623.
A s c o p h o r e . — Pustulate ; perithecia globose, disposed in
circles ; disc at length white, pierced with one or two pores ;
ostiola globose, very minute, at length exserted ; asci tetra-
sporons or octosporous; sporidia cyhndrical, curved, simple,
hyaline.—Ur. N. F.N. 79. 412. Fckl. exs. no. 615. Gookeexs.no.
377. N. salicina, Fr. S.M. ii. p. 401. Fries, exs. no. 10. Eng. Fl.
v.79. 250. Tode. f . 107. Valsa tetraspora, Curr.Linn. Trans.xxH.
t. 48,/. 148 (partly). Berk. Ann. N.H. no. 867. Fckl. exs. no. 614.
On willow twigs. Common. • [Mid. Carolina.]
Perithecia distinct, thin, minute, about 8 in every circle, their neoka
united into a minute waxy, slightly prominent disc, which is at first dingy,
then white, pierced with a black pore, when it is very like V. leucostoma, but
when perfect the disc is obliterated by the shining globose ostiola.—Urics.
2477. V a lsa p la tan ig e r a . B . 4 B r. “ Small Plane
Uisc minute, whitish ; perithecia few ; ostiola obscure ; asci
clavate ; sporidia lanceolate, minute.—B. & Br, Ann. N.H. no.
851, f. 9 ,/. 12.
On plane. Leicestershire.
Peritbecia 4-7 in a group, globose, subdecumbent, neck about the same
length oblique ; disc small, wbite ; ostiola obscure ; asci clavate ; spondia
hyaline, lanceolate (’0007 in.) -0177 m.m. long.—R. &Br.
2 4 7 8 . V a lsa te tr a p lo a . B .& O u r t. “ Four-ribbed Valsella.”
Perithecia crowded ; ostiola 20-30, forming a compact tuft,
sub-quadrisulcate ; sporidia minute, oblong, curved.—A«re. N.H.
no. 854.
On dead sticks. Feb. Elmhurst. [United States.]
Perithecia 20-30 crowded, tbeir ostiola, which are mostly quadrisuloate,
forming a little close tuft ; sporidia minute, sausage-sbaped.—A. 4B r.