I I . B y s s i s e d æ .
2 3 5 5 . N e c tr ia A lb e x tìn i. B . 4 B r . “ Koseate Neotria.”
Perithecia gregarious, ovate, acute, papillate, rose coloure/
seated on a roseate tomentose subiciilnm; spondia swollen in
the middle, fusiform, uniseriate.—Ann. N.1Í. no. 97 1, «• i / , /-
24 a. Sphæria rosella, A. & S. t. 9 ,/. 3. Curr. Lmn. Trans.
xxii. Í. 57,/. 3. T, • + 1
On lh , ground, on ntiol», 4o. N » r
Differs most distinctly in the fruit from Nectria rosella. Fr. which is now
included under Hypomyces.
2 3 5 6 . N e c tr ia flav id a . Fr. “ Yellow Nectna.”
Stroma floccose, delicate, yellow; perithecia subglobose,
minute, orange, covered with thin yellow down ; ostm.a n a k e /
rounded; sporidia elongated, zM Z T n 'h
p. 388. s 7 . fiavida, Corda.ir.t. 8, / . 117. B. & Br. Ann. N .II.
no. 610.
On decayed stumps. Leigh Wood, Bristol.
2 3 5 7 . N e c tr ia fu ñ ic ó la . B . & B r . “ Eope Nectria.”
Perithecia scattered, orange, ovate, attenuated upwards,
clothed with scattered, short, obtuse t o ; asci clavate; spondia
oblong-elliptic, triseptate.—®. & Br- Ann. N.H. no. 6 .
On decayed rope. Oct. King’s Cliffe.
septa into four parts.—E. & Br-
IV. D b n u d a t æ .
2 3 5 8 . N e c tr ia p e z iz a . Fr. “ Cup-like Neotna.”
Gregarious, soft; perithecia glo^^ose, even sub-papillaY,
orange-pink, concave when collapsed; spondia broadly elliptic
S r l e L , Mniseptate.-U?- ® F .;S .P ¿ |8. ’
24 f. 6 Sph. Bezizoe, F r .S .M .n . p. 452. T o d e .f.l¿ ¿ . Moug.
e x ’s no. 483. Fries.exs.no. 235. S tu rm .t.l2 . FcU. exs.no.282.
S P H Æ E IA C E I . 785
B e rk .e x s.n o .il 6. Grev.t. 186,/. 2. Hoff. B .T .t. 12, f .2 . Nees.
f . 361. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 51, f 44. Fng. Fl. v. p. 262.
Peziza hydrophora. Bull. t. 410,/. 2. Sow. t. 23.
On decayed stumps. [United States.]
Sporidia C0004--0006 in.) -Ol-'OIS m.m. long.
N e c tr ia au re a , Grev. t. 41.
Messrs. Berkeley and Broome state (Ann. N.H. 1866, p. 128) that the
Splueria aurea of Greville is a Nectria allied to N. peziza.
2 3 5 9 . N e c tr ia p la t a s c a . B e r k “ Touchwood Nectria.”
Scattered; perithecia orange, globose, confluent with the
siihohtuse ostiolum ; base immersed ; asci broad above ; sporidia
oblong, triseptate, quadriniicleate.—Berh. Outl. p. 393. Sph.
platasca, Fng. Fl. Y . p . 263.
On touchwood. Rockingham Forest.
Perithecia globose, but tapering above into the ostiolum, which varies
somewhat in length, so as to have a slightly ovate appearance, immersed in
the soft white wood, almost to the base of the ostiolum, of the same colour
as Peziza aurantia, with now and then a few indistinct filaments ; asci broad
above ; sporidia oblong, divided into four articulations, each containing a
2 3 6 0 . F i\ N e c tr ia san g u in e a . “ Blood-red Nectria.”
Scattered, soft, minute ; perithecia ovate, papillary, blood-red ;
sporidia elliptical, colourless, uniseriate, uniseptate.— Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. t. 51, f 45. Fr. S. V.S. p. 888. Sph. sanguinea, Fr.
S .M .ii.p . 453. Fng. F I .y . p . 263. Bolt.t. 121. Sow.t. 254.
Fries, exs. no. 264. Grev. 1.176,/. 1. Baxt. exs. no. 75. Berh. exs.
no. 83 (var. cicatricum).
On sticks, wood, Hypoxyla, &c. Common. [United States.]
Sporidia (•0004--0005 in.) •01-'0127 m.m.
2 3 6 1 . N e c tr ia epispheeria. Fi'. “ Parasitic Nectria.”
Gregarious, soft, very small, blood-red ; perithecia somewhat
compressed, collapsing ; papilla convexo-oblong ; sporidia colourless,
elliptical, acuminate, or round at the ends, endochrome
bipartite or binucleate.—Tul. Carp, iii.p. 91. Curr. Linn. Trans.
xxii. t. 51, f 41. Sph. epispheria, T o d e .f 89. Fr. S .Al. ii. p..
454. Fries, exs. no.265. F n g . F I . y .p.263. Grev.t. 175,/. 2.
On Hypoxyla, &c. [United States.]
Sporidia C0002--0004 in.) -OOS-’Ol m.m.
2 L
zM ■ (.a