B. & Br. Arm. N.H. (1866), no. 1159, t. 4, f. 20. Sturm, xxxiii. t.
n cottage walls. Sept. N. Wales.
Asci short, oblong, subclavate j sporidia biseriate (■00''6 by ’0009 in.),
•015 by '022 m.m. or nearly globose.—B. tbBr.
Sect. 5. Encælia—^more or less coriaceous.
2 0 0 9 . P e z iz a fa sc ic u la z is . A . & S. “ Crisped Peziza.”
Cæspitose, sessile, membranaceous or coriaceous, irregular,
rugose, blackisb, externally rather mealy ; sporidia cylindrical,
oblong.—Fr. S.M. ii.p. 75. Fckl. exs. no. 1128. Berk.exs.no.
154. A.& S . t . l 2 , f .2 . Eng. F I . y . p . 191. Rabh. F .E .n o .7 2 \.
Karst, exs. no. 69. Karst. Mon. Fez.p. 129. Dermatea fascicularis,
Fckl. Sym, Myc.p. 278. P. crispa, Sow. t. 425./. 1, 2. Purt. t. 7.
On branches, bursting through the bark.
Cup 2-4 lines broad, generally in tufts resembling in form the convolutions
of the human brain, but sometimes scattered and solitary, growing upon the
bark, not upon the wood, beneath the epidermis.—Bay. Fl.
Sporidia oblong, curved, -Oll-'Oie X '0035 m.m.—Nyl.
Sporidia cylindrioo-oblong, 'Oll-'OIG X '003 m.m.—Karst.
2010. P e z iz a fu z fu z ac e a . Fr. “ Branny Peziza.”
Sessile, between fleshy and coriaceous, externally pallid, mealy;
margin involute, entire ; disc cinnamon-blackish.—Fr. S.M. ii.
p. 76. Eng. F I . y . p. 192. R o th .ii.t.9 ,f.3 . Karst, exs. no. 326.
Karst. Mon. P e z .p .129. Fckl. exs. n o .1842. Rav. exs. Y i.n o . 86.
Dermatea furfuracea, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 278.
On alder branches.
Varying greatly in size from lines to i an in. broad.
Sporidia subcylindrioal, curved, -006--01 X '002 m.m. C00023--0003 X
•00007 in.) with 2-5 nucleoli.—Barsi.
2011. P e z iz a fz a x in ic o la . B.&Br. “ Ash-twig Peziza.”
Scattered or clustered; cups externally pale-fawn colour, furfuraceous,
internally brown; hymenium slightly depressed;
sporidia uniseriate, elliptic.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), no.
1160, t. 4 ,/. 21.
On ash twigs. Northamptonshire.
Cups at first closed, then opening with an irregular aperture, at length
orbicular, slightly depressed, pale fawn colour, and furfuraceous externally,
umber-brown within; asoi elongated, clavate; sporidia uniseriate, elliptic
(•00045 in.) •012 m.m. long.—B. Br.
Series 2. Laclinea, Fr.
Veil distinct, decidedly villous, or pilose, persistent ; cup, in
consequence, bristly or hairy, always closed when young ; substance
waxy. Arm, rarely fleshy.—®er/;. Outl.p. 367.
Fleshy, or between fleshy and waxy , ,
Waxy, dry, externally villous
Nestling on a dense mycelium
Externally fibroso-striate, with adpressed hairs
Sect. 1. Sarcoscyphce—fleshy, or between fleshy & waxy.
2 0 1 2 . P e z iz a c o c c ín e a . Jacg, “ Carmine Peziza.'’
Cup infundibuliform, externally, as well as the stem, whitish
tomentose, with short, adpressed down; disc carmine; sporidia
oblong.—®V. S.M. ii.p. 79. Jacq. Autr. 1 .169. Eng. Fl. v. p. 192.
Bolt. t. 104. Fckl. exs. no. 1213. Buxb. iv. t. 2 9 ,/ 4. Nees. f.
288. Batt. t. 3 , f N.O. Ray. Syn. iii.p. 19. no. 15. Grev. t. 161.
P. epidendra, Bull.t. 469; Sow. t. 13. P .poculiformis, Hoffm.
Cr. t, 7, / . 5. Gonn. Rabh. iii. t. 4 ,f. 5. Plectania coccinea, Fckl.
Sym. Myc.p. 324.
On sticks. Spring. Local. [Up. Carolina.]
Cup 1 in. or more broad, deep carmine within ; stem J-1 in. high.
Sporidia ellipsoid-oblong, •028--038 X •011--014 m.m.—By /.'Ba rsi.
Spondia -012--014 m.m. broad, and about twice as long.—(?. &B.
2 0 1 3 . P e z iz a m e la s tom a . Sam. “ Black and red Peziza.”
Cup fleshy ;■ disc urceolate, black, externally brick-red flocculose
; stem short, rooting hy means of thick black, strigose
down.—BV. S.M. ii. p. 80. Sow.t. 149. Eng.Fl. y . p. 192. Fckl.
exs. no. 1214,1215. A. & S. t. l , f . 4. P. atro rufa. Grev. t. 315.
Plectaniamelastoma, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 324.
On sticks lying on the ground. Rare.
This species varies greatly as to degree of pubescence, being sometimes
almost naked, sometimes beset with down, or even bristly hairs; the base
Imwever, is always furnished with long, black, rooting, strigose filaments.—
Eng. Fl.
Asoi very long, s tip ita te ; sporidia oblong, hyaline.—Bc/t/.
2 0 1 4 . P e z iz a p y gm e a . Fr. “ Furze Peziza.”
Cup concave, at length plane, orange externally, as well as
the somewhat thickened stem, tomentose, pallid ; sporidia small
fusiform, without nuclei.— S.M. ii. p. 79. B. & Br Ann
N.H. (^1865/ no. 1066,1.15, f . 18, no. 1160* t. 4 , f 22.