_ A scoph or e.—-Epiphyllous ; spots orbicular, large, pallid or
cinereous,h iwnish in the centre; perithecia crowded,circinating,
minute, snbrotund, black ; asci cylindrical ; sporidia elongated,
cylindrical, obtuseatthe extremities,hyaline.—De Not.Schema,p.
64. Cooke Seem. Journ. 1866, t. 50, / . 17. Sphæria brassicæ, B. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 656*, t. xii./. 42. Sphæria braasicoecola, Duby,
Bot. Gall. ii. p. 712.
On cabbage leaves. Autumn and Spring. Common.
Nothing can be more common than this on cabbage leaves in autumn and
spring, but it is not often found with perfect fruit.—B. & Br.
2 7 6 9 . S ph æ re lla rum ic is . Desm. “ Dock Sphærella.”
Spots amphigenous, minute, numerous, orbicular, scattered,
brown ; perithecia epiphyllous, conglomerate, somewhat innate,
very small, globoso-depressed, becoming concave, olivaceous,
then black, pierced with a simple pore; asci large, cylindrical,
slightly curved ; sporidia ovate-ohlong, obtuse, uniseptate.—
Cooke Seem. Journ. 1866, t. 50, / . 28. Cooke, exs. no. 168. Gonn.
& Rabh. V. t. 4 , / 53. Sphæria rumicis, Desm. exs. no. 1298. B. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 658. Sphæria lichenoides, Johnst. Fl. Berw ii
p. 131.
On living dock leaves. Common.
Sporidia ('0006 in.) '015 m.m. long.
2 7 7 0 . S phæ re lla a llic in a . Awd. “ Onion Sphærella.”
Perithecia amphigenous, black, covered by the grey epidermis,
densely gregarious or confluent ; sporidia biseriate, oblong,
rounded at each end, straight, uniseptate, hyaline, not constricted
—Awd. in Gonn. & Rahh. v. p. 19, t. 5 , / 69. Sphæria allicina, Fr.
S.M. ii. p. 437. Rabh. F .F . no. 639.
On Allium. Shere (E.C.).
2 771. S phæ re lla an a r ithm a . B .& B r . “ Scattered Grass
Scattered, minute ; perithecia globose, penetrating the cuticle
by the small papillæform ostiolum ; asci clavate ; sporidia biseriate,
sublanceolate, strongly constricted in the centre, uniseptate.—
Goo*« Seem. Journ. t. 50,/. 29. Sphæria anarithma, B. &
B r .A n n .N .H .n o .8 6 3 ,t.ll,f.3 7 .
On Aira cæspitosa. Oct.—March. Batheaston.
Sporidia (-0012 in.) '03 m.m. long.
2 7 7 2 . S p h æ r e lla r e c u t i t a . Fr. “ Linear Grass Sphærella.”
CoNiDiA.—Flooci fasciculate, short, simple, septate, yellow,
forming little tufts on bleached spots ; conidia oblong, didymous,
yellowish.— Scolicotrichum graminis, Fckl. exs. no. 130.
S p e r m o g o n ia .—Perithecia innate, minute, black, numerous,
aggregated, pierced, disposed in parallellines between the veins ;
spermatialinear, straight, or flexuous.— Septoria graminum,Desm.
Ann. Sc. Nat. xix. (1843), p. 339.
A s o o p h o r e .—Hypophyllous. Perithecia aggregate, innate,
slightly prominent, very minute, black, forming long parallel
striæ ; asci clavate ; sporidia uniseptate, hyalme.—Cooke Seem.
Journ. (partly). FcM. exs. no. 820. Sphæria recutita, Fr. S.M.
ii.79. 524. Berk. Fng. F I . y .p .218.
On grasses.
“ The perithecia grow in rowa, but are quite distinct.”—M.J.B. The
figure and description of fruit given in Seem. Journ. Bot. (1866),t. 50, f. 30,
taken from a specimen published in Eabenhorst’s Fungi Europæi exs. no.
740, do not belong to this species, but to S. culmkola, Er.
2 7 7 3 . S phæ re lla lin e o la ta . D eN o t. “ Lineolate Sphærella.”
Amphigenous, erumpent, with a brownish stroma ; perithecia
very small, disposed in lines ; asci clavate ; sporidia oblong, with
from three to five sporules or nuclei.—De Not. Schema p. 63.
Cooke Seem. Journ. (1866). t. 50, f . 31. Gonn. & Rabh. v. t. 8 ,f.
113. Sphæria lineolata, Roberge, Desm, B .& B r.
Ann. N.H. no. 616.
On Ammophila arundinacea. Sands of Barrie.
Sporidia ‘0125 m.m. long (at length uniseptate).
2 7 7 4 . S phæ re lla hederæ. Som. “ Ivy Sphærella.”
P y c n i d i a .—Scattered ; perithecia innate, rather prominent,
convex, even, black, ostiolum white ; stylospores ovate, pellucid.
— Sphoeropsis leucostigma,Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1846), p. 296. B. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 420. Sphoeropsis hederæ, Curr. Linn. Trans.
xxii.79. 332.
A s o o p h o r e .—Scattered ; perithecia, together with the innate
epidermis, rather prominent, convex, even, black ; _ ostiolum
pierced, white ; sporidia lanceolate, triseptate, constricted, nucleate.—
Sphæi'ia hederæ. Sow. t. 371,/. 5. Fng. Fl. Y.p. 278.
On dead ivy leaves. Shere. (Dr. Capron.)