1771. B o tr y tis c it i in a . Berk. “ Lemon-coloured Botrytis.”
At flrst white; fertile flocci erect, articulated, branched;
branches snbcymose, lemon-coloured, as well as the obovate
spores.—Berh. Ann. N .H. no. 127, i. 8 ,/. 12.
On dead twigs of cherry. Summer. King’s Cliffe.
Forming thin delicate mneedinous patches, ahont an inch across; myoel-
iam nearly white, as indeed is the whole plant at first.
1772. B o tr y tis J o n e s ii. B . ^ B r “ Eectangular Botrytis.”
Flocci erect, branched above, branches and branchlets divergent,
mostly opposite, ultimate ramuli fasciculate, central always
sterile, very acute; spores subglobose, ecbinulate.—B. ^
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 760,1.15,/. 12.
On dung of dogs, rabbits, &c. Woolwich. Wothorpe.
Flocci erect, tinged with fawn colour, simple helow, with a few straight
main branches above, mostly at right angles, and often opposite. _ ihese are
again divided once or twice in the same way, the central one being always
barren, the others hearing about the middle fascicles of fertile branchlets,
each tipped with a sub-globose eehinulate spore {'OOOS in.) '0075 m.m. long.
B. '& Br.
1773. B o t r y t is t e i r e s t i i s . P. “ Terrestria Botrytis.”
Fertile flocci branched above, white, branchlets quaternate,
obtuse, sporiferons ; spores globose.—Pers. M .E .i.p . 88. B.4r
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 240, t. 1 4 ,/. 24. Stachylidium terrestre, Fr.
S .M .i i i .p .S n . Eng. F I .y. p. 841. Grev. W .T .t.5 ,f. 6. Grev.
On the naked ground.
The sporidia are seated singly on the tips of the ramuli. Myceliuni dense,
branched, intricate. Easily distinguished by a peculiar, scattered, dot-liKe
mode of growth.—M.J , B.
Gen. 2 3 0 . FERONOSFORA, De By.
Parasitic threads mostly inarticulate
; spores of two kinds,
conidia on the tips of the branchlets
; oospores large, globose, on
the creeping mycelium.—Berh.
Outl.p. 349. {Fig. 265.)
1 7 7 4 . F eronospo ia in fe s tan s . Mont. “ Potato Peronospora.”
Threads of mycelium slender, always destitute of suckers ;
fertile threads thin, gradually attenuated upwards, with one to
flve branches, one or more inflated vesicles near the apices of
the branches ; branches either simple or with short branchlets ;
acrospores ellipsoid or ovoid, apex furnished with a prominent
papilla.— Coohe Micro. Fungi, 1.14, f . 264. Pop. Sc. Rev. iii. t. 8,
/ . 3. Botrytis infestans. B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no. 521. Journ.
H o rt.S o c .i.t.4 . He Bary Ann. Sc. Nat. (1863). xx. t. 5, 6.
Besm. exs. no. 1492. Rahh. exs. no. 1879. Fchl. exs. no. 37. Coohe
exs. no. 192. Berh. exs. no. 345.
On potato stems, leaves, and tubers, &c. Common.
Producing the well-known potato disease.
1775. F eronospora n iv e a . TJng. “ Parsnip Peronospora.”
Threads of mycelium stout, often torulose; suckers numerous,
vesicular, obovate; fertile threads fasciculate, dwarflsh,
tapering or subulate, or once or twice shortly bifurcate, rarely
trifúrcate, with one to four horizontal branches near the summit,
once, twice, or three times bifurcate; acrospores subglobose or
ovoid, with an obtuse papilla at the apex.— Coohe Micr. F. p.
Botrytis macrospora. Ung. exs. t. 2, f . 14. B. Sf Br. Ann. N.H.
no. 527. Rabh. exs. no. 1172, F .E . no. 376. Fchl. exs. no. 27.
Cooheexs.no. 191. Botrytis crustosaFr. Berh. exs. no. 888. Enq
FI. Y.p. 343.
On various Umbellifers.
_ The roots of the plants which are infested with this mould are generally
diseased, like the tubers of potatoes attacked by P. infestans.
1776. Fezonospora pygmaea. Ung. “ Anemone Peronospora.”
Threads of mycelium thickened, often constricted and varicose
; suckers minute, obovate, or pear-shaped ; fertile threads
fasciculate (2-5 or more), simple above, or divided at the apex
into 2-4 short simple branches, or shortly twice dichotomous, or
all simple, obtuse, surmounted by 2-4 short spicules ; acrospores
ovoid or ellipsoid, variable in size; apices broadly and obtusely
papillate.— Goohe Micr. Fung. 1.15. / . 267. Ung. Bot. Zeit. 1847,
t. 6 ,/ . 8. Botrytis curta. Berh. Ann. N.H. no. 128, t. 8, f 13.
Berh. exs. no. 299. Corda. Y . f . 21. Babh. exs.no.878,874. Fchl.
exs. no. 2.