Cup at first obovate or subcylindrieal, concave, and expanded, when mature,
of a bright orange colour within, beset externally with delicate, erect, white
hairs, which are hyaline under tlie microscope, and seated at first on a delicate
white subiculum, which disappears as the plant advances to maturity,
and the cups become crowded. Sporidia ('0005 in.) -0127 m.m. long C00025
in.) '065 m.m. wide.—B. &Br.
2 0 3 0 . P e z iz a a lb o -sp a d ic e a .
P e z iz a .”
Grev. “ Eed-brown an d white
Sessile, gregarious, globose, at length quite plane ; external
surface, and margin strigose, with reddish-brown h a irs;
hymenium white.—Grev. Fl. F d .p . 420. Fng. Fl. Y . p . 194.
On the ground.
About 2 lines broad, globose when yonng, gradually becoming plane.
Hymenium white, smooth, with aslight tinge of grey in moist weather ; externally
covered with reddish-brown hairs, which form also a border to the
Sect. 2. Dasyscyphce. Waxy, dry, externally villous.
2 0 3 1 . P e z iz a c il ia r i s . S chrad. “ F rin g e d white Peziza.”
Stipitate, cyathiform, snow-white, externally beset with long
scattered hairs.—Schrad. Journ.p. 65. Fr. S .M .H .p . 89. Fckl.
exs. no. 1209. Ann. N.H. no. 559. Hyalopeziza ciliaris. Fckl.
Sym. M yc.p. 298.
On dead oak leaves. [Mid. Carolina.]
^A sc i oblong, stip ita te ; sporidia fusiform, straight or curved, hyaline.—
2 0 3 2 . P e z iz a v ir g ín e a . B atsoh. “ Virgin wh ite P e z iz a .”
Stipitate, white, eup hemispherical, externally beset with
crowded patent hairs.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 90. Fckl. exs. no. 1208.
Eng. Fl. v. p. 194. Mich. t. 36, f . 15. Bull. t. 376,/. 3. Fl. Dan.
i. 1016,/. 4. Holms. H. t. 14. P. nivea. Sow. t. 65. Gonn. &
Rabh. Hi. t. 5, f . 10. Dasyscypha virginea. Fckl Sym. Myc. p.
On stumps, twigs, &c. Common.
[Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Gregarious; cup 1 line high, externally pilose, the margin dlleated, and
often studded with dew drops.—Eng. Fl. -
Sporidia fusiform, -OOe-'Ol X •002-V025 m.m.—By/.
Sporidia elongated-fusoid, straight, 'OOS-'Ol X •0015--0025 m.m.—Karst.
Sporidia fusiform, -002--0027 m.m. broad^ and 3-4 times as long.—f t & R .
2 0 3 3 . P e z iz a n iv e a . Fr. “ Snowy Peziza.”
Stipitate, white; cup turbinate, externally villoso-tomen-
tose.—Ur. S.M. ii.p. 90. Fng. F I .y . 195. Hedw. t.8 ,f.B . F l
Dan. 1.1440,/. 2. Bull. t. 416, f . 5. Fckl. exs. no. 1199. Bav.
exs. vi. no. 80. Peziza Aspidii, Fckl. exs. no. 1193. Triclio-
peziza nivea, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 296.
On stumps, &c. [Low. Carolina.]
Differs from P mrginia in the nature of the down; stem, less distinct, in.
crassated upwards, villous ; cup less expanded.—Fnes.
Sporidia fusiform, •005-'007 X '0015 m.m.—Nyl.
Sporidia straight or curved, •005-'012 X '0015 m.m.—Karst.
2 0 3 4 . P e z iz a c a ly c in a . Schum. “ White and orange Peziza.”
_ Stipitate, erumpent, funnel-shaped, externally whitish, villous;
disc nearly plane, inclining to orange.—Ur. S.M. ii.p. 91. Fckl. 1206. Batsch. f . 135. Hedw. t. 22. Berk. exs. no. 261.
Fng. F I . y . 195. Dasyscypha calycina, Fckl. Sym. Myc. p. 305.
Rav. exs. vi. no. 83.
On hark of firs. Scotland. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
var. ¡3 . a b ie tis . When fresh of a golden egg-yellow; stem
blackish at the base.
On Scotch fir. Appin.
var. ry. la r ic is .
On larch boughs. Scotland.
Cup 1-2 lines broad, varying greatly in colour, and in the length of the
stem, often fasciculate.-Buy. Fl.
Sporidia fusiform-oblong, -005--009 X •002-'003 m.m.—Bv/
Sporidiafusoid •005-'009 X '001--002 m.m.—Karst.
2 0 3 5 . P e z iz a bicoloz. Bull. “ Two-ooloured Peziza.”
Subsessile, globose, tomentose, white ; disc inclining to orange;
sporidia cylindrical, straight.—Ur. S.M .ii.p . 92. Fng. Fl. Y . p .
195. F l.D a n .t.7 1 9 ,f.2 . Bull. t. 410, f . 3. Sow.t.17. Ayres,
exs. no. 55. Fckl. exs. no. 1205. Berk. exs. no.155. Dasijscypha
bicolor, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 305.
On dead twigs.
Nylander and Karsten unites this with P. calycina.
2 0 3 6 . P e z iz a ce zina. P. “ Wax-coloured Peziza.”
Hemispherical, villose or furfuraceous, yellowish-olive ; disc
concave, yellow.—Ur. N.ilf.ii.p. 92. Fng. Fl. Y . p . 195. Holms.
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