F S ILO P E Z IA , Berk.
Indeterminate, immarginate, agglutinate; hymenium always
exposed.— Outl.p. 373.
The typical representative of this genns has only been found once. I t re-
Dn i R f included with the
frani those " T ì l l t a ^
2 1 6 2 . P s ilo p e z ia B ab in g to n ii,
JBerh. “ Babington’s
Small, convex above, mouse brown, fixed by the margin ; beneath
concave, pale watery-brown, slightly rugose, with obsolete
hbrils ; spores broadly elliptic; paraphyses linear, clavate.—
Berk. Outl. p. 313. Peziza Babingtonii. Ann. N.H. no. 554.
On rotten wood. Grace Dieu Wood, Leicestershire.
greatly in drying, irregular in outline,
convex above, mouse brown, concave beneath, and slightly wrinkled
border; asci linear ; spores paraphyses linear, their apices davate. broadlJy elliep ticc ,;
Gen. 2 9 9 . P A T E L L A R IA , Fr.
Receptacle patellæform, margined,
always open ; hymenium even, sub-
persistent, but dusty, from the breaking
up of the asci ; asci fixed.—BerTc.
Outl.p. 373. Fr. S.M. H.p. 158.
(Fig. 333.)
Fig. 333.
2 1 6 3 . P a te lla r ia a tr a ta . Fr. “ Large Black Patellaria.”
Snbcoriaceous, patellæform, sessile, plane, black, margin
swollen ; disc suhpruinose ; asci cylindrico-clavate ; sporidia
subclavate, 5-7 septate.—Fr. S.M. H.p. 160. Eng. Fl. Y.p. 208.
Hedw. t. 21, f . A. Nees.f. 265 B. Lecanidion atrum. Rabh. Hdbk.
p. 342. Fckl. exs. no. 1118.
On dead wood. [United States.]
^ o n d i a ('0018-'0025 in.) ’045-'06 m.m. long; paraphyses clavate.—
(7. E , E.
■ S' tirick Patdlaria similar to, hut smaller than P. atrata
in which the spondia are biseriate, broadly clavate, rounded at each end 9
septate, with a nucleus in each cell, except the terminal, ’0015--0020 in
(Fig. 333.)
P a te lla r ia zhabazbazina.
Minute, sessile, disseminated, plane, or slightly convex, och-
raceo-ferruginous, externally clothed with tawny, mealy pubescence
; flesh bright rhubarb-coloured; asci clavate ; sporidia
oblong; paraphyses spathulate.—Berk. Outl.p. 313. Rav. exs.Y.
no. 46. Peziza rhabarbarina. Eng. F I .y .p . 121. Berk.exs.no.
271. Ann. N.H. no. 89. Pez. ardenensis. Mont. Ann. Sc. Nat. v.
p. 287. Patellaria rubi. Lib. exs. no. 231. Pezicula rhabarbarina.
Tul. Carp. xH. p. 183. Helotium rubi. Rahh. F .E . 717.
Fckl. exs. no. 2075.
On dead bramble. [United States.]
2165. P a te lla r ia c itr in a . B. & Br.
‘ Lemon-coloured
Cups plane, externally pallid ; hymenium lemon-coloured ;
asci davate ; sporidia filiform.—Ann. N.H. no. 583. Berh.Outl.
p. 373. Ascobolus citrinis. Chev. F. III. i. t. 31.
On rose twigs in a running stream. April. Near Swansea.
I t has a broad, flat, yellow hymenium, with a pale border,
The asoi are
clavate, and contain long filiform sporidia.
2 1 6 6 . P a te lla r ia c lav isp o z a .
B . & B r. “ Club-spored
Soft, when young nearly globose, when older expanding, subirregular,
pitch-brown; sporidia clavate, 4-6 septate.—B. &. Br.
Ann. N.H. no. 774.
On twigs of privet. Nov. Lucknam, Wilts.
Substance beneath the hymenium paler ; asoi cylindrical ; sporidia elongated,
clavate (’001 to '0014 in.) -025--035 m.m, long, 4-6 septate ; paraphyses
branched, bearing at their tips one or more dark bodies, sometimes arranged
like the joints of a necklace. The fructification is so remarkable that there
can be no difficulty in recognising it, though its external appearance does
not differ greatly from some other species. An American species P .
B, has a similar development of the tips of the paraphyses.
2 1 6 7 . P a te lla z ia liv id a . B. 4 Mr. “ Livid Patellaria.”
Gregarious, often crowded, subhemispherical, sessile, olivaceous
yellow, margin whitish ; externally minutely silky ; asci
subfusiform ; sporidia oblong, or elliptic.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H.
no. 775.
On fallen firs. Dec. Gopsal.