On liorse and cow dung.
Gregarious (-1 in. bigb, at first covered with a powdery veil, which at
length vanishes and leaves the outer portion of the plant blackish, the disc
being still white, but dotted witb tbe orifices of the perithecia, which, from
the depression of the cup, are often rather convergent than divergent.—
M.J.B. .Sporidia ( 0008-’0012 in.), ’02-‘03 m.m.
Gen. 3 4 1 . TKAM N OM Y C E S , Ehv.
Stem shrubby or simple ;
perithecia of the same substance
as the stem.
{Fig. 377.)
2 3 8 0 . Th amn omy ce s
h ipp otrich ioid es. Ehrb.
“ H o r s e h a i r T h am n o m y c e s .”
Branched, thread shaped ;
perithecia scattered, papillate
; sporidia ovate, unequal,
dark brown.— Berk. Outl.p.
385. Fckl. exs. no. 2268.
i ’i»-S77. Fng. FI.y .p. 284. Fhr.Hor.
Phy.p. 82. Sphæria hippotrichioides, Mag. Zool. & Bot. no. 94.
Sow. t. 200. Hypox. loculiferum. Bull. 1.195,/. 1 . Rhizomorpha.
Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 237.
On old sacks, matting, &c.
. Tlie perithecia are either sessile or shortly pedicellate, clothed with a close
indistinct tomentum, varying in shape from globose to ovate, with a distinct,
very obtuse, papillæform ostiolum. (Fig. 377.)
Gen. 3 4 2 . U STU L IN A , Tul.
Stroma expanded, pulverulent,
becoming indurated and carbonized ;
perithecia immersed; sporidia uniseriate,
lanceolate, curved, simple,
dark coloured.—Tul. Carp. ii.p. 23.
{Fig. 378.)
2 3 8 1 . U stu lin a v u lg a r is . Tul.
“ C om m o n U s t u l i n a . ”
Effused, thick, undnlato-rugose,
when young cinereous or whitish
pulverulent, at length rigid ; perithecia
ovate, with a short neck ;
sporidia dark brown, usually somewhat curved.—Tul. Carp.
ii p. 23, t. Hi, f . 1-6. Hypoxylon ustulatum. Bull. t. 4 8 7 ,/. 1.
Berk Outl. t. 24, f. 3. Fchl. exs. no. 1063. Sph. maxima. Bolt.
f 181 Sow.t. 338. Tode.f. 122. Sph. d eu s ta . Fr.S.M.H.p. 345.
Hoffm. t. i, f. 2. Fng. Fl. v. p. 240. Nees. f 316. Fries, exs. no.
261. Moug. exs. no. 276. Mich. t. 54, f . 1. Grev. t. 324, f 2.
Curr. Linn. Trans. tìNH. i. 46,/. 57.
On rotten trunks. Common. [United States.]
At first fleshy and pulverulent, at length naked, very bnttle , 2-3 in.
broad. Sporidia (■0012--0016 in.) -OS-'Ot m.m. H%g. 378.)
Gen. 3 4 3 . H Y PO X Y L O N , Fr.
Convex or plane ; stroma corky
or brittle ; perithecia immersed ;
sporidia ovate, or lanceolate,^
curved, unsymmetrical, simple,
dark-coloured.—Fr. S. V. S. p.
383. Tul. Carp. ii.p. 30.
{Fig. 379.)
2 3 8 2 . Hypo xylon lu teum .
Fr. “ Yellow Hypoxylon.”
Orbicular, cnp-shaped, black ;
Fig. 379. disc marginate, rugose.; stroma
pulverulent, yellow ; perithecia in many rows, emergent ; spondia
minute, elliptical, brown, generally nucleate.—Np/i. lutea, A.
& S. t. l , f 1. Fr. S.M.ii. p. 347. B e r h . Ann.N.H.no. 170. Curr.
Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 46, f. 56.
On elder. Clifton, Notts.
Sporidia (•0002--0003 in.) •005--007 m.m.
2 3 8 3 . H y po xy lon su c c en tn r ia tum . Fr. “ Tode's
Ohlongo-pnlvinate, immarginate, even, black, greyish-brown
within ; perithecia ovate, scattered, irregularly emergent ; asci
linear ; sporidia brown, uniseriate, oblong, obtuse.—®. & Br.
Ann.N.H.no. 830. Sph. succenturiata. Tode, f 122. Fr. S .M .ii.
p. 347.
On oak. Sept. ’Weybridge.
Sporidia (-0005-'0006 in.) •0125-‘015 m.m. long.
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