2 5 9 8 . Sp hæ ria r o tu la . Coole. “ Wheel-like Sphæria.”
°’’ ; perithecia globose, dark-brown,
slightly woolly or smooth, opaque ; ostiola cylindrical, prominent
ladiato-sulc^ate, black; spondia broadly ovate, slightly acuminate,
dark-brown, simple, opaque.— «a:s. no. 268.
On the ground. Near Shere, Surrey.
2 5 9 9 . Sp hæ ria sorda r ia . Fr. “ Rough naked Sphæria.”
Sub-emergent, gregarious, black ; perithecia globose, soft, collapsing
rugulose, confluent with the obsolete ostiolum ; sporidia
uniseriate darlobrown, elliptical.—Ur. S.M. ii.p. 458. Fries, exs.
no. 2/0. Fng.^ F l. v. p. 265. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f . 43.
On moist pine wood. Appin.
2 6 0 0 . Sphæria p u lv e r a c e a . Fhr. » Dust-like Sphæria.”
Pycnidia.—Crowded, black, shining, minute, ovato-globose,
even slightly mamillate ; stylospores ovate, or ovate-oblong, sim-
ple, browm—N^Aoeria myriocarpa, F r. S.M. ii. p. 459. Fr.exs.
no. 313. Fng. F l.v . p . 266. G r e v .t.\5 2 ,f.l. Coolce exs.no. 373.
A soophokb.— Crowded, small,black ; perithecia subovate, rugulose,
rigid; ostiolum distinct, pierced; sporidia uniseriate,
subglobose, or subturbinate.—Fchl exs
Z ' Y Ah*™. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f. 42. Pers. Sym. p. 83.'
' I w. 12 1 . Fng. F l.v . p.265. Moug.
exs.no. 773. S.millegrana, Schweinitz. Roselliniapulveracea, Fchl
Sym. Myc.p. 149. ’
On dry wood. [;uMted States.]
diirffotfoAolfL unequal but not tuberculate, easily
distinguished by the ostiolum. Perithecia rigid, rather shining orustaceo-
aggregate.—AVias. Sporidia (’OOOS-'OOOd in.) •007S.-01 m.m.
2 6 0 1 . Sphæria m o r o id e s . Curr. “ Blackberry Sphæria.”
Perithecia rugose small ; sporidia biseriate, greenish-brown,
then brown snhhyahne, elliptical.—Oiirr. Linn. Trans, xxii. p.
318, ¿. 5 7 ,/. 34. ^
On wood.
Like very small specimens of S. moriformis, but differing altogether in the
2 6 0 2 . Sphæ ria v e s tic o la . B .& B r . “ Garment Sphæria.”
Perithecia gregarious, ovate, oblique, attenuated above, somewhat
clothed below ; asci linear ; sporidia lemon-shaped, black.
—Ann. N.H. no. 87 4.
On the lining of an old gown. Dec. Batheaston.
Peritheciagregarious, olive-black, ovate, attenuated above, oblique, rough
helow with a few obscure flocoi or furfuraceous prominences ; asoi linear ;
sporidia at first concatenated, then free, lemon-shaped ('■0007 in.) '0177 m.m.
long, germinating at either extremity. The asoi are soon absorbed.—B. & Br.
2 6 0 3 . Sphæ ria c au d a ta . Curr. “ Tail-spored Sphæria.”
Perithecia small, scattered, or few together, conical or subglobose,
with a conical ostiolum ; sporidia biseriate, with a pointed,
snbelliptical brown head, and an elongated colourless tail,—Curr.
Linn. Trans, xxii. p. 320, t. 58, f . 50.
On rotten wood. Twycross.
This species is very peculiar in ihe form of its sporidia, the length of
which, including the tail, is ('002 in.) '05 m.m., or of the head alone ('0008
in.) '02 m.m. The perithecia are sometimes naked, sometimes almost,buried
in the soft rotten wood.—F. C.
d. Pertusce.
Perithecia smooth, flattened at the base, sub-innate, pierced,
innato-superficial.—Fr. S.M. ii.yi. 322.
2 6 0 4 . Sphæ ria p e r tu sa . Pers. “ Pierced Sphæria.”
Scattered, black; perithecia emergent, conic, subrugose,
pierced by the falling off of the conic ostiolum ; asci clavate ;
sporidia biseriate, oblong-lanceolate, subconstricted, uniseptate,
quadrinueleate.—Fr. S.M. ii.7i.464. Fries, exs. no. 389. Fng. Fl.
v.p. 266. Fchl. exs. no. 931. B .& .B r. Ann. N.H. no. 878, t. 10,
f.25. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 58, f . 53. Trematosphwria pertusa,
Fchl. Sym. Myc.p. 162.
On elm hoards. Dec.—Feb. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Differing from the typical form in not having any black stain. Asci clavate,
elongated ; sporidia biseriate, oblongo-lanceolate, for the most part
strongly constricted in the centre, uniseptate (■0007-'0008in.) *0177-'Q2 m;m.
each articulation containing two nuclei ; occasionally two additional septa
are formed, and the sporidia are curved either even, or constricted at the
commissures.—B. & Br.