! (
[' il
2 4 7 9 . B . & B r. “ V a lsa rhodophila. Eose-twig Valsella.”
Pustules minute, convex, raising the cuticle ; ostiola minute
® I asci clavate ; sporidia cylindrical, oblong, curved!
®. &Br. Ann. N.II. no. 855.
On dead rose twigs. Orton Wood.
separates from them; disc
r i “ :shtrd%o“ id"iWo‘\T.frior^^^
2 4 8 0 . V a lsa q u e in e a . Curr. “ Cluster-spored Valsella.”
Perithecia ?
Sporidia slightly curved, simple, linear, colourless, sub-hyaline
crowded at the apex.—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 48 f. 141 B
& Br. Ann. N.H. no. 856. ' '
On oak twigs.
“ t o .P « •(
S Circinatce.
2 4 8 1 . V a lsa p u lch e lla . Fr. “ Beautiful Valsella.”
S permogonia.— Perithecia conico-cylindrical, mixed with the
l i / l s t r a i g h t . —TmZ. Carp.
‘decumbent, circinating;
ostiola very long, flexuous, obtuse ; asci obovate, linear ; spori-
dia cylmdrical, curved, simple, obtuse, hyaline.—Ur. n !f.N v
UcH. OT/no. 618. S.pulchella,Fr. S.AI.\i.p. 406. Fries
exs. no. 146. Nees.f. 333. Moug. exs. no. 279. Eng. Fl. y .p 25l'
S i h ? i r 9 " “ ’i? ? 2 .'-
On branches of birch and cherry. Chiefly in snbalpine dis-
[United States.]
2 4 8 2 . V a lsa quateiruata. Fr. “ Quaternate Valsella.”
S permogonia.— Nucleus pallid; spermatia, at length curved
very slender, oraTigB.—Ncemaspora crocea, Moug. exs. no 177’
Fckl. exs. no. 634, 635. Eng. Fl. y.p. 355!
generally grouped four together,
n a k e / decumbent; ostiola short, obtuse, even, pierced; sporidia
biseriate, almost colourless, cylindrical, curved.—Fr. S .V .S p
412. FcU. exs. no. 621. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. /. 48,/. 164,165.
Cooke, exs. no. 248. S. quaternata, Fr. S.M. ii.p. 409. Fries, exs.
no. 9. Fl. Dan. t. 2039, f . 2. Moug. exs. no. 179. Pers. Syn. t. 2,
f . l 2. Fng. FI.y. p . 251. Quaternaria Persoonii, Tul. Carp.ii.p.
105,1.12, f. 16-25. FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 230, t. 2 ,f. 45.
On beech branches. Common. [United States.]
Perithecia generally hut not constantly quaternate, decumbent, sometimes
when the epidermis is stripped off adhering to it, but oooasionally left behind
in the inner bark ; ostiola collected together and perforating the bark
by a little black, rugged, convex tubercle.- M.J.B.
Sporidia (’OOOl-'OUOe in.) 'Ol-'OlS m.m. long.
2 4 8 3 . V a lsa hypode rmia. F r . “ Crusted elm Valsella.”
Circinating; perithecia globose, covered with a thin black
crust; ostiola subglobose, crowded, shining; sporidia broadly
fusiform, hyaline.—N. hypodermia, Fr. S.M. ii.p. 407. Fries, exs.
no.32. E n g .F I .y .p .251. Berk.Mag. Zool. & Bot. no.2\. B. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 970* (not Currey Linn. Trans, xxii. p. 280).
Cryptospora hypodermia, FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 192.
On dead branches of Elm.
I Series 2. Tuherculostoma. Sporidia linear or filiform.
2 4 8 4 . V a ls a la g e n i f o rm i s . Gurr. “ Flask-shaped Valsa.”
Perithecia solitary or circinating, buried in the wood, procumbent,
the short ostiolum bending upwards and piercing the hark.
A minute dark circle usually surrounds the ostiolum. Nucleus
white ; asci linear, enormously long ; sporidia 6-8 filiform, the
length of the ascus.— Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv. t. 2 5 , / 16. B. &
Br. Ann.N.H. no. 1096. Sph. lageniformis, Sollm. Bot. Zeit. 1862,
p. 380. Ostropa cubicularis, FcU. Sym. Myc. p. 92. Lib. exs. no.
338. Tuherculostoma lageniforme, Sollm. Hedw. 1864, p. 116.
Rabh. exs. no. 765. Fckl. exs. no. 2035.
On Ash. Sept. Lewes.
2485. V a lsa su ffu sa . Fr. “ Powdered Valsa.’
S p e r m o g o n i a . - Perithecia hemispherical, black; spermatia
minute, fusiform, curved, h y a lm e .— Cryptosporium Neesii, Corda.
Sturm, ii. t. 51. B . & B r . Ann.N.H.no. 404. C. vulgare. Fries. S.
M. lii. p. 482.