> i
:S ! ' I
N.H. no. 437* Cytisporafoliicola, Lih. exs. no. 64. C.pulveracea,
Eng. Fl. v. p. 283.
A s c o p h o r e .— Sub-innate, convex, black, dehiscing in 3-5
laciniæ ; disc whitisli ; asci c lav a te sp o rid ia minute, sausage
shaped.—Fres. Beitr. t. 8 ,f. 17-21. Tul. Carp. iii. yi. 138. P.
multivalve, Fr. S.M. ii. p. 576. Sph. bifrons. Sow. t. 316. S.
Hederás, Nees. / . 53.
On dead holly leaves. Scotland (A. J.).
2 2 7 3 . P h a c id ium sim u la tum . B . & B r . “ M int Phaoidium.”
Erumpent, cup-shaped, margin irregular ; disc linear, redbrown
; sporidia obovate, binucleate.—B. &. Br. Ann. N.H. no.
967,/. 1 6 ,/. 20.
On dead stems of Clinopodium. Langridge, Somerset.
Linear but cup-shaped, erumpent with an irregular margin ; disc linear,
red-brown; asci clavate; sporidia obovate ('0004 inch), "Ol m.m. long binucleate.
2 2 7 4 . P h a c id ium tu b i. Fr. “ Bramble Phaoidium.”
Innate, roundish, hemispherical or plane, rugulose, black ;
splitting into obtuse, unequal laciniæ ; disc whitish ; paraphyses
curved at the tips; sporidia linear, rounded at the ends with 6-8
nuclei.—F r .S .M .ii. p. 578. Fries, exs.no. 56. B. & Br. Ann.
N.H. no. 586.
On dead bramble stems. Spring.
Oen. 3 2 1 . H E T E R O S PH iE R IA , Grev.
Perithecium globoso-depressed,
thin, black, at length open above, and
irregularly torn; disc thick, placentse-
form.—Berk. Outl.p. 379.
(Fig. 356.)
2 2 7 5 . Hetezosphsezia p a te lla .
Orev. “ Depressed HeterosphEeria.”
Erumpent, sessile, free, at first
more or less olivaceous, at length
black, even; disc depressed, rarely
open, dirty white, and then crowned
with a toothed border ; sporidia
biseriate, oval, elongate, slightly
curved, mostly uniseptate, when quite mature triseptate.—Grev.
/. 103. F r .E l .H .p . 133. Fries, exs. no. 362. Cooke exs.no. 216.
Moug.exs.no. 485. Baxt. exs.no. 30. Tode.f. 121. Fckl.exs.no.
1117. Phacidium patella, Eng.Fl. Y.p. 291. Berk. exs. no. 289.
On dead stems of herbaceous plants. Spring.
Sporidia (’0007 in.) ,” 0177 m.m. long. Seldom found with perfect fruit.
(Fig. 356.)
Gen. 3 2 2 .
Fig. 357.
On willow branches.
R K T T I SM A , Fr.
Perithecia forming a confluent
mass, opening by flexnons fissures.
—Berk. Outl.p. 379. {Fig- 357.)
2 2 7 6 . R h y tism a m a x im um .
Fr. “ Great Rhytisma.’
Subinnate, very broad, even
lohed at the circumference, bursting
in fragments, stratum under
the disc white; sporidia ovate,
uniseriate.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 566.
Fng. F I.y . p. 290. Tul. Carp. iii.
p .\2 2 ,t. x v i./. 9-15. Fries, exs.
no. 250. Sph. aurea, Sow.t. 356.
adnate witb tbe
Forming búllate black patches on the young branches, i
epidermis, shining in the centre dnll towards the lobed
^ -1 X ___ •AT-.,,,*.« Trollnw Lordor. somGtime
sninmg Bne uouhro -auzx margin;
rounded, l i t h or without a golden yellow border,sometimes confluent and
extending several inches. Sporidia •002-'0026 m.m. long, ;01- ^ m.m. broad.
Cryptomyces Wauchii, Grev. t. 206. Eng. Fl. v.p_. 214. Stwtis Wauchm, Berk.
Outl. p. 375, is referred by Tulasne to this species.
2 2 7 7 . R h y tism a andzomedse. Fr. “ Andromeda Rhytisma.”
Innate, oblong, costato-rugose, shining; disc dingy cinereous-
brown.—Ur. S.M. ii.p. 566. Sturm, t. 46. Mem. Mus. iii. /. 3 ,/.
13. Fries.exs.no. 135. Moug. exs. no.116. Eng. F I .y .p . 220.
On living leaves of Andromeda polifolia.
“ Resembling pitch poured upon the leaves.”
2 2 7 8 . R h y t i sm a s a l i c i n u m . Fr. “ Willow Rhytisma.”
Innate, thick, tuherculose, black, somewhat shining, bursting
in scales; d is c yellowish, straw-colour, white within ; ascilinearclavate
; sporidia filiform or lanceolate, straight or curved Ur.
:iíí ■ 7