h f
2 3 6 9 . N e c tr ia R u s s e lia n a . Mont. “ Eussel’a Neotria.”
C o n id ia .—Tufts small, scattered, rose coloured, at first surrounded
by erect flocci ; conidia fusiform, extremely minute,
becoming paler by age.— Clioetostroma buxi,Dehat. Ann. Sc. Nat.
ix. 1858. Fusisporium buxi, Fng. Fl. y.p. 352. Berk. exs. no. 55.
Volutella buxi, Berh.Outl.p. 340. Fchl. exs. no. 217.
A s c o p h o r e .—Small ; perithecia gregarious, globose, orange-
yellow, at length tawny, beset with hairs; sporidia fusiform,
obtuse.—Mont. Syll.p. 224. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 898. Tul.
Carp, iii.y». 98. Stigmatea Eousseliana, Fchl. Sym. Myc.p. 97.
On box leaves. Twycross.
var. (3. v iz id is . Perithecia when dry presenting nearly
black specks, when moistened, green, beset with scattered hyaline
hairs ; sporidia elliptic (-0007 in.) hyaline.—B. & Br. Ann.
N.H.no. 828.
On box leaves. Batheaston.
var. 7 . fu lv a . Perithecia straw-colour or brick-red ; sporidia
broadly almond-shaped, 'OOOd-'OOOh.—Sph. fulva, Fr. El. ii.
p. 20. Berk. Ann. N.H. no. 182. Curr. Linn. Trans. -kVo.. t .b l , f .
5. Fchl. exs. no. 207.
On box leaves. Milton, Norths.
2 3 7 0 . N e c tz ia um b iin a . Fr. U m b e r N e c tr ia .”
Gregarious, ovate, obtuse, minutely papillary, nmber, often
pruinose at the apex ; sp o rid ia—F r .S .V .S .p .388. Berh.Outl.
p. 894. Sph. umbrina, Berh. Fng. F l. v. p. 264.
On decaying bean stalks. Dec. Apethorpe.
B. Xylariei.
Stroma corky, subclavate
Stroma rather corky, discoid ,
Shrubby or simple—
Perithecia of substance of stem
Stroma convex or plane .
Stroma expanded, pulverulent
Stroma discoid . . . .
Stroma fused with matrix
Stroma globose . . . .
Stroma fleshy, epiphyllous
Perithecia none, nucleus immersed in the stroma
X ylaria.
Gen. 3 3 9 . XY I.A B ,IA , Pr.
Stipitate; stroma corky, rarely fleshy;
perithecia immersed ; sporidia uniseriate,
simple, ovate, dark-coloured.—Fr. S. V.S.p.
381. Berh. Outl.p. 384. Tul. Carp.H.p.4.
2 3 71 . X y la z ia polymozpha. Grev.
“ Many-sbaped Xylaria.”
Sub-carnose, gregarious, turgid, irregular,
dirty-white, then black, receptacle bearing
perithecia in every part ; conidia broadly
obovate ; sporidia uniseriate, dark reddish-
brown, slightly curved.—Grev. i. 237. Corda
J c .v ./. 52. Desm. exs.no. 376. Berh. Outl.
p. 384. Tul. Carp. ii. p. 7, t. xix, / . 15-21.
Sph.polymorpha, Fr. S.M. ii.p. 326. Obs. ii.
t. 2, f . 2 ,4, 5. Nees. f . 307. Reb. t. i. / . 1.
Weig. Obs. t. 3,f. 6. Mich. t. 54, f . 4. Schm.
exs. no. 28. Fries, exs. no. 221. Fng.Fl.
y.p. 234, Curr. Linn. Trans, xxv. t. 45. f . 12.
S digitata, Fl. Dan. t. 900. Sow. t. 69.
Fig 375. UcH. exs. no. 1064, 2267. Bull. t. 440, f . 1.
On old stumps. Common. [Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia C0008--0009 in.) •02--023 m.m. (Fig. 375.)
2 3 7 2 . X y la z ia d ig ita ta . Grev. “ Finger-like Xylaria.”
Between fleshy and corky ; cæspitose; heads cylindrical, reddish
brown. then black; tips sterile, acute; stem smooth;
sporidia uniseriate, dark-brown, curved.—Gr«p. Fl. Fd. p. 356.
Berh Outl.p. 384. Sph. digitata, Fr. S.M. n.p. 326. Bull, i- 220-
Schoef. t. 265. Hoffm. V.C. t. 4, f . 2 P e r s - ^ - 1-6. Fl.
Dan.t. 1306. Nees.f. 307. Eng. F I.y.p . 234. Curr. Lmn. Trans.
xxii. t. 45, f . 16.
On stumps, &c. [Mid. Carolina.]
Stems connate at tbe base, whence tbe plant is ramose-digitate ; substance
witb a simple central p ith ; perithecia immersed,^ i í i
scarcely pulverulent, soon changing to brown.-Uries. Spondia ( 0007 m.)
•017 m.m.
2 3 7 3 . X y l a z i a coznifozmis. Mont. “ Horn-shaped X ylaria.”
Corky, brittle, simple, cylindrical, curved, black, covered^ on
all sides with perithecia ; base subtuberous, villous ; spondia
uniseriate, almond-shaped, double or plano-convex, rather dark