2 4 1 1 . Po ly stigm a fu lv um . D.C. “ Tawny Polystigma.”
Hypopliyllous, somewhat angular, tawny ; cells immersed, of
the same colour ; ostiola immersed ; spermatia and sporidia ?—
DeCand. Mem Mus.t. 6, / . 8. Tul. Carp. ii.p. 79. Fckl. Sym.
Myc.p. 222. Dothidea fulva, Fr. S.M. ii. p. 554. Fries exs.no.
241. Eng. Fl. v.p. 286. Moug. exs. no. 271. Fchl. exs. no. 1826.
On living leaves of Prunus padus. Scotland.
Gen. 3 4 8 .
Fig. 384.
Perithecia none. Nucleus contained
in globose cavities immersed
in the stroma, with a decided neck,
and papillæform ostiolum. Sporidia
simple or septate.—Fr. S.M. ii.p.
548. Tul. Carp.ii. p. 65.
{Fig. 384.)
Section 1. Foliioolæ.
Section 2. Caulicolæ.
Section 3. Liohenioolæ.
Sect. 1. Foliicolæ.
2 4 1 2 . Dothidea n lm i. Fr. “ Elm-leaf Dothidea.”
S p b h m o g o n ia .—According to some &Vilhcn:B=Septoria TJlmi,
Fr. (See no. 1297, ante.)
P y c n i d i a .—Forming small, irregularly, stellate, aggregate
tubercles ; stylospores broadly ovate, on short sporophores, tomiparous.—
Piggotia astroidea, JB. & Br. Ann. N.P[. no. 503. (See no.
1296, ante.)
A s c o p h o r e .—Epiphyllous, roundish, confluent, convex, greyish
black, black within ; cells white; ostiola granulseform ; asci
cylindrical, stipitate ; sporidia simple, ovate-ohlong, hyaline.—
Fr. S .M .ii.p . 555. E n g .F l.v .p . 286. Grev.t. 2 0 0 ,/. 1. Fchl.
exs.no. 1013. Coohe exs. no. 184. Berh. exs. no. 192. Sow. t.
374,/. 3. Phyllachora ulmi, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 218.
On elm leaves. Common.
The asci are not matured until spring, after the leaves have laid upon the
ground through the winter.
2 4 1 3 . Dothidea h e tu lin a . Fr. “ Birch-leaf Dothidea.”
Epiphyllous, angular, but irregular, tuberculated, shining
black, black within ; cells white ; sporidia oblong ovate, obtuse,
straight, uniseptate, very pale yellow.—Fr. S.AI. ii. p. 554.
Fries exs. no.144. Grev.t.222, f.2 . Fchl.exs.no.l215. Xyloma,
D .C .M em .M u s .t.3 ,f.l. Moug.exs.no. 370. Wahl.Fl. Lap. t.
30,/. 3. Phyllachora hetulina, FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 217.
On living birch leaves.
2 4 1 4 . Dothidea h e ia c le i. Fr. “ Hog-weed Dothidea.”
S p e r m o g o n i a . — According to some authors=Nepionci heraclei.
Lih. exs. no. 51. Fchl. exs. no. 515. (See no. 1298, ante.)
A s c o p h o b b . - Amphigenous, confluent, angular,rugoso-tuber-
culate, opaque, black, within blackish ; cells white; spondia?—
Fr. S .M .ii.p . 556. Eng. F l . v .p .287. Fchl. exs.no. 722. Phyllachora
heraclei, FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 219.
On living leaves of Heracleum spondylium.
2 4 1 5 . D o th id e a p o d a g ia r is e . Fr. “ Gout-weed Dothidea.”
S p e r m o g o n i a .—According to some authors=N«)3Zon'ffl poda-
grarice, Lasch. FcU. exs. no. 514. Sept. agopodii, Desm. exs. no.
616. Coohe exs. no. 146. (See no. 1302 ante.)
A s c o p h o b b .—Hypophyllous, simple, or connate, iiregular,
rather shining, black, papillate, seated on an indeterminate black
crust; sporidia?—Ur. N.A/. ii. p. 556. Fries exs. no. 122. Fckl.
exs. no. 1024. Phyllachora HJgopodii, FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 218.
On living leaves of HJJgopodium podagraria.
Dothidea t r ifo lii. Fr. “ Clover Dothidea.”
=Polythrincium Trifolii.
2 4 1 6 .
C o n i d i a .—According to some authors=
Kze. (See no. 1743.)
S p e r m o g o n i a .— Spermatia very minute, cylindrical, curved.—
FcU. Sym. Myc. 218. FcU. exs. no. 1022.
A s c o p h o r e .— Covered, suhrotund, rather prominent, tuherculose
rugulose, black; cells immersed in a pulverulent stroma ;
sporidia?—/ r .® ! / . ii .p .435. Eng. Fl. v .p .257. Baxt.exs.no.
84. Phyllachora trifolii, Fchl. Sym. Myc. p. 218.
On living clover leaves. Common.
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