1 9 3 0 . E ry siph e communis. Sehl. “ Buttercup Blight.’
Hypopliyllous ; mycelium effuse, web-like, evanescent or persistent
; conceptacles minute, globose, scattered or gregarious ;
appendages short ; sporangia 4-8, ovate, rostrate, with 4-8
spores.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv. p. 171,1.11, f. 38. Coohe
Jf.®. i. x ii,/ . 240-242. Coohe exs. no. 99. Eng. Fl. v. p. 325
{partly). Tul.Carp.\.p.214,t. 5, f.3 -7 . Fchl. exs.no. 675-685.
Berh. exs. nos. 200-203, 269-313.
On leaves of Ranunculacece, Leguminosw, &c. Antnmn. Common.
[United States.]
1931. Ezysiphe hozridula. Lev. “ Bugloss Blight.”
Amphigenous; mycelium web-like, sometimes persistent;
conceptacles minute, globose, scattered, or clustered ; sporanges
20-24, oblong-ovate, attenuated downwards, containing 3-4
spores ; appendages short, flexuose, and bent upwards.—Lev.
A n n .S c .N a t.\8 5 1 , xy. p. 170, t. 1 1 ,/. 37. Coohe Seem. Journ.
Fckl. exs. no. 688.
On leaves of Lycopsis arvensis. Oct. [Low. Carolina.]
Gen. 2 8 3 . C H JE TO ia iV ia , Kze.
Perithecinm thin, brittle, moiithless ; sporangia
linear, containing dark lemonshaped
sporidia.—Berh. Outl.p. 405. Eng.
FI. y.p. 327. {Fig. 318.)
R g . 318.
1 9 3 2 C h a e tom ium e l a tu m . Kze. “ Straw Bristle-Mould.”
Perithecinm sub-ovate, base radiato-fihrose, hairs of the vertex
very long, interwoven, branched ; sporidia broadly elliptic,
apiculate at either end.— Kunze M.H.i. t. i. / . 3. Grev. t. 230.
Fr. S.M. iii.7?. 254. Fr.exs.no.459. CookeM.F. t. xii./. 257-259.
Coohe exs. no. 100. Eng. Fl. v. 79.328. Fchl. exs. no. 646. Sphceria
scopula. Sow. t. 386,/. 4. Berh. exs. no. 49.
On mouldering straw, &c. Common.
[Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
I t has been stated that Sporodum conopleoides is the conidiophorous state of
this species.—See No. 1756, ante.
1933. Chaetomium chaztazum. Ehl). “ Paper Bristle-
Perithecinm subglobose, black, surrounded by a bright yellow
spot; sporidia subglobose.—®/-. S.M. iii. p. 255. Coohe M.F. t
xii./. 252,253. Eng. Fl. v. p. 328.
On paper. Stibbington, Hants. [United States.]
_ “ The sporidia are decidedly more globose than in 0. elatum, having very
little of the peculiar lemon-like form of that species.”—M. J,B,
(Fig. 318, Perithecium and free spore magnified.)
1 9 3 4 . Chaetomium glabzum. B . “ Smooth Bristle-Mould.”
This species has never been described. I t was recorded, by
na,me only, in Berkeley’s Outlines, and, the specimens being
mislaid, that gentlemen is unable to describe it completely and
On damp straw.
“ I t grew abundantly on straw, and differed from Chmtomium elatum in
being perfectly free from hairs.”—AT. J. B.
1 9 3 5 . Chaetomium muzozum. Corda. “ Wall Bristle-Mould.”
Sub-gregarious, glaucous, then blackish; perithecinm globose,
brown ; hairs circinate, erect, septate, pulverulent; sporidia
oblong, yellowish.—Gor*. ii. t. 13,/. 103. Coohe, M.F. ea.
ii.79. 226.
On plaster.
Chastomium Indiodm, Corda, has been found in London
on paper which had come from Burmah, but it has no claim to
be included as British.— Coohe exs.no. 216.
Gen. 2 8 4 . ASCOTR ICHA, Berk.
Perithecium thin, free,
mouthless, seated on loose,
b r a n c h e d , conidiiferous
threads; sporangia linear,
containing dark elliptic
sporidia.—Berh. Outl. p. 405
{Fig. 319.)