Gen 2 1 6 . T R IP O S P O m um , Corda.
Mocci erect, jointed, bearing at
tbeir apices tri-radiate, articulated
spores.—Berh. Outl.p. 345.
{Fig. 251.)
1 7 3 9 . Trip o spo rium e le g an s.
Corda. “ E legant Triposporium.”
Mycelium slender, effused, brown ;
flocci slender, simple, or branched,
brown, intricate, remotely septate ;
spores stellate, brown in the centre,
rays paler, apices and pedicel
colourless.—Corda. i.f. 220. Bon.
t. 3 ,/. 75. Corda. Mucedinees t. x.
P a y .f.329. Qaehett Journ. i i .w k , t.8. B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no.
509 4-1053*.
On decorticated oak. Feb. Somerset. [Low. Carolina.]
The spores vary considerably in length
Sometimes this mould occurs with globose spores at the tips of the three
terminal processes.-A/. / B. magnified.)
Gen. 217. HELICOMA, Corda.
Mocci erect, dark, jointed, bearing on
their sides pale, flat, spiral spores.—
Berh. Cuti.p. 345. {Fig.252.)
1 7 4 0 . Helicoma lUullezi. Corda.
“ Muller’s Helicoma.”
Tufts broadly effused, tomentose,
olive-black; flocci fasciculate, connate,
simple, straight, rigid, apex somewhat
thickened, brown, pellucid, septate;
spores spirally convolute, _ 5-septate,
colourless, hyaline.—Corda.i. t. f . 219.
Elg, 252.
Corda. Anl. t. B .f. 11, no. 4. Fchl. exs. no. 105. B. ^ Br. Ann.
N.H. no. 510.
Cn dead wood. [Low. Carolina.]
The spire of the spores generally open, but sometimes closed np. The
threads also vary much. The British specimens are somewhat doubtfully
referred to Gorda’s species, as a variety. In American specimens the spores
accord with Corda’s fig., but the threads are differently articulated.
(Fig. 252.)
Gen. 2 1 8 . HELICOCORYNE, Corda.
Flocci erect, septate, simple ;
spores scattered, lateral, clavate, 4-5
septate, attenuated downwards, at
flrst spirally involved, or revolute,
ultimately incurved.—Corda. Ic. vi.
p. 9. {Fig. 253.)
1741. Helicocoiyne v iz id is.
'Cm'da. “ Greenish Helicocoryne.”
Tufts effused, olive-green, delicate;
flocci simple, olive, hyaline at
Fig. 253. the apex ; »pores large, clavate,
colourless, hyaline.—Corda. Icon. v i.f. 38. B.SsBr. Ann. N .l i no.
Cn dead wood. {Fig. 253.)
Gen. 2 1 9 . C LA SO T R ICH Um , Corda.
Flocci erect, thick, branched,,
upper joints cup-shaped or inflated;
spores large, septate.—
Berh. Outl.p. 345. {Fig. 254.)
1 7 4 2 . C lad otz ichiimtz isepta tum.
B . 4' B r . “ Triseptate Cladotrichum.”
Flocci forked, very much
branched, articulated, upper articulations
inflated; spores oblong,
very obtuse, constricted in the
middle, triseptate.—
511, Z. 5 ,/. 7.
Cn dead stumps. July. King’s Cliffe.
Widely effused, forming a thin black, powdery stratum ; flocci forked and
branched, septate from the base ; upper articulations swollen in the centre.
or above ; spores oblong, extremely obtuse, constricted in the centre, tri-
septate, the central septum answering to the line of constriction. (Fig. 254.;