2111. P e z iz a e rum p en s. Orev. “ Petiole Peziza.”
Minute, of a waxy-watery consistence, smooth, sessile, grey,
erumpent.— t. 99. Eng. Fl. v. p. 206. Gonn. & Rahh. iii. t.
5,/. 6. Besm. exs. ii. no. 1345.
On sycamore petioles. Autumn.
Resembling to the naked eye an Hysterium when dry, in moist weather
distending the small slit in the back of the petiole, till it attains its round
form, when the margin projects over the edge of the fissure.—
Sporidia '003 -005 m.m. broad, and 2-3 times as long.—(7,4 B.
2112. P e z iz a a tr a ta . Pers. “ Small Black Peziza.”
Sessile, subglobose, smooth, blackish, mouth connivent,
whitish.—U r.® Jf.ii.yi. 148. Eng.Fl. v. p. 207. Nee s.f. 266.
FcU. exs. no. 1869. Coohe exs. no. 284. Rav. exs. vi. no. 82. Berk,
exs. no. 68. Pyrenopeziza atrata.p. 294.
On dead herbaceous stems, &c. [United States.]
Soattered_or gregarious, 1 line or more broad, blackish, with a livid, sub-
olivaceous tinge, the border nearly white, globose at first, but when crowded
often irregular, rugulose under a \QX\^.—Eng. Fl.
Sporidia narrow-oblong, simple, *007 X *0015 m.m.--Nyl,
Sporidia acicular, *005-*008 X *0015 m.m.—^ a r 5¡í.
2113. F e z iz a cornea. E .d aB r . “ Horn-coloured Peziza.”
Minute, gregarious, sessile, at first globose, yellow horn coloured,
at length shortly obconio or turbinate, orange-brown;
sporidia fusiform, slightly curved.—A««. N.H. no 578.
On dead stalks of Carex paniculata. March.
^ Sometimes slightly hollow, but more generally flat and granulated, mar.
gin rather jagged. An extremely pretty, though minute speoies.—B. & Br.
2 1 1 4 . P e z iz a fu sa z io id e s. Berk. “ Nettle Peziza.”
^ Hemispherico-depressed, soft, orange-red, stroma not distinct
; stylospores very long, pellucid, curved.—Fusarium tre-
melloides. Grev. t. 20. Eng. Fl. v. p. 355. Baxt. exs. no. 50.
Moug. exs. no. 396. Coohe exs. no. 343. Berh. exs. no. 103.
Asoophore. Cups shallow, scattered, or gregarious, erumpent,
at first subglobose, gradually expanded, rather thick, even,
or flexuous border, orbicular or elongated, sometimes confluent,
bright orange; asci clavate; paraphyses slender, linear.—Mag.
Zool. & Bot. no. 12, t. 2, f . A. Fchl. exs. no. 1131. Berh. exs. no.
67. Coohe exs. no. 342. P.neglecta. Lib. exs. no. 22. Calloria
fusarioides. FcU. Sym. Myc. p. 282.
On dead nettle stems.
Cups scarcely a line in diameter ; substance firm.
Sporidia oblong or fusiform oblong, 'Oll-'Oll X "OOS-'OOSS m.m.—Nyl.
2115. P e z iz a microme tra. B . 4 B r. “ Point-like Peziza.”
Very minute, sessile, suhturbinate, attached by strong villous
hairs, iorownish, mouth somewhat contracted, finely striate ; asci
clavate ; sporidia filiform.—Ann. N.H. no. 773.
On dead stems of Juncus. Twycross.
Extremely minute, punctiform, horn-brown ; hymenium plane.—B. & Br.
2116. P e z iz a p a u lu ia . Rob. “ Little rush Peziza.”
Erumpent, scattered or gregarious, sessile, waxy, smooth,
subglobose, very minute, externally olive-umber, internally
pallid, mouth connivent, white, entire ; asci short, broad, suhcylindrical
; sporidia oblong, obtuse, hyaline, with two nuclei.—■
Ann. Sc. Nat. (1851), xvi.yi. 324, Rob. Desm. exs. no. 2010, ii. no.
1610. Ann. N .H. no. 960. Kl. exs. no. 823.
On Juncus maritimus. Isle of Wight.
Sporidia '01 m.m. ("0003 in.) long.
2117. P e z iz a d em a tiico la .
B . 4 B r . “ Black mould
Gregarious, very minute ; cup hemispherical, watery umber,
cileated with long hyaline flocoi ; disc cinereous ; asci rather
short ; sporidia suhcymbiform, hyaline.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H.
1865, «0.1070, i. 15,/. 20.
On dead wood, nestling amongst the flocci of some Helmin-
thosporoid Fungus, but whether at all related or not we cannot
This very beautiful, though minute species, has a mixed resemblance to an
Excvpula, and sncli Ascoholi as A . ciliatus.—M .J -B ,
22.18. P e z iz a e ry th ro stigm a . B .& B r . “ Hed spot Peziza.”
Minute, stipitate, punctiform, pale red ; hymenium at length
convex ; asci clavate ; sporidia uniseriate, elliptic, or subglobose.—
®. & Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), no. 1168, t. 4 ,/. 31.
Parasitic on Sphceriaphceostroma.
The stem is mostly curved, distinctly cellular ; asci clavate ; spores minute,
subglobose ; very minute, but a pretty object under the microscope.—
B. & Br.