opaque.—Desm. Ann. Sc. N a t.\i.t.2 ,f.2 . Berh. Ann. N.H. no.
n Clavaria rugosa. King’s Cliffe.
1721. Helminthosporium oosporum.
Corda. “ Egg' spored
Flocci scattered, simple, black-brown, semi-pellucid ; spores
oblong-ovate, tetradymous, yellowisb brown, pellucid.—Corda.
l , f . 200. B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no. 944. Kl. exs. no. 1789.
On sticks. Feb. East Bergbolt.
(Fig. 246, magnified.)
1 7 2 2 . Helm in th osp orium a p ic u la tum . Corda. “ Apiculate
Helminthosporium. ’ ’
Tufts effused, tomentose, very black, flocci fasciculate, flexn-
ous, quite simple, brown, pellucid, spores elliptico-fusiform,
polyseptate, of tbe same colour, apical joint apiculate.—Corda.
i.f. 191. B. ^ Br. Ann. N .H . no. 945.
On dead wood. Twycross.
1 7 2 3 . Helminthosporium ap ic a le .
B . 4 B r . “ Tip-spored
Flocci simple, even, attenuated upwards ; spores apical, elliptic,
3 septate, hyaline at each extremity.—B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no.
947, i .l6 ,/. 15.
On rotten sticks. April. Langley, Wilts.
Threads simple, even, attenuated upwards, articulated, the nltimatejoint
having two or three little inequalities, to each of which is attached an eUip-
tio spore .0 0 0 7 in. long, triseptate, dark in the centre, and hyaline at either
extremity—JB. S; Br.
1 7 2 4 . Helminthosporium a ltum .
Preuss. “ Tall Helmin-
Tufts effused, tomentose, very black, flocci slender, long, simple,
subpellucid, then very black and opaque; spores apical, oblong
or pyriform, attenuated, more or less septate, brown-black,
pellucid.— Sturm, xxvi. 1.17. B. ^ Br. Ann. N .H. no. 948.
On dead sticks. Twycross.
1725. Helminthosporium sco le co id e s. Corda. “ Long-
spored Helminthosporium.”
Tufts indeterminate, black; flocci simple, then branched,
brown, angularly flexuose, rigid, semi-pellucid; spores very long
torulose, multiseptate, brown, basal and apical joint yellowish,
pellucid.—Corda. i.f. 179. B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. 1865, no. 1052.
On dead herbaceous stems. Twycross.
1 7 2 6 . Helminthosporium rhabdife rum.
“ Peach Helminthosporium.”
B . & B r.
Flocci erect, slightly branched, very short; spores straight,
multiseptate, articulations torulose, brown.—B .^ B r . A n n .NH .
(1865), no. 1053. Macrosporium rhabdiferum. Gard. Chron.
1864,7?. 938, with fig.
On ripe peaches. Sept. Bodelwyddan.
Shallow pits about half an inch in diameter appear on the surface of the
fruit, the centre of which is occupied by the mould, bearing a profusion of
spores, so as to blacken the finger when touched ; mycelium of waved articulated
threads, giving off stouter erect flocci, with shorter joints, slightly
branched above, bearing at their tips the large spores, which are at first oblong
and pale, with one or two transverse septa. These rapidly acquire a
dark tin t, elongate, become more or less linear, with 7 - 1 1 swollen divisions,
the terminal one mostly apiculate, 3J5-255 in. long.—M. J . B .
1 727. H e lm in th o sp o r ium d e n d io id eum . B .& B r . “ Treelike
Flocci erect, attenuated upwards, articulated, ramuli short ;
spores terminal, oblong fusiform, multi-articulate.—B. ^ Br.
Ann. N.H. no. 946,1.16,/. 14.
On maple. Feb. Batheaston. [S. Carolina,]
Threads attenuated upwards, articulated ; each joint above giving off one
or two short branchlets, terminated by an oblong, subfusiform, slightly
curved, mnlti-artionlate spore, ‘0024 in. long, each joint containing a globose
nucleus.'—M. J .B .
This species seems rather to belong to Acrotkecium as emended.
1 7 2 8 . H e lm in th o sp o r ium e c h in u la tum . Berk. “ Ecbinulate
Helminthosporium. ’
Flocci fasciculate, irregularly nodose; spores hyaline, cylindrical
2-4 septate, ecbinulate.—Gard. Chron. (1870), p . 882, fig.
On leaves of carnations.
Leaves studded with large round white spots, on which a brown mould is
developed, arranged in little ooncentrio tu f ts ; threads extremely regular,
forming little fascicles, slightly branched, branches often assuming the form
of knots, and the upper knots in some cases bearing the spores, while occasionally
they occupy the colourless upper portion of the threads j spores
cylindrical, with from two to four articulations, slightly constricted occasionally
a t the dissepiments, and beautifully eehinulate, in..—M .J . B .
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