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2 7 6 2 . S phæ re lla ru s c i. De Not. " Butcher’s Broom
Perithecia very numerous, scattered, punctiform, glaucous or
bluish-black, rendering the leaf pale, atfirst covered with theepi-
dermis; asci linear-clavate; sporidia biseriate, oblong, obtuse 4-5
septate, constricted at the septa, yellowish.—D« Not. Schehap.
63. Erh. Critt. Ital. no. 886. Sferiacei Italici pi. 95. Sphæria
Rusei, Wallr. Fl. Germ.p. 776. B.& Br. An n .N .H . no. 639*
Fckl.exs. no. 838. Berk. exs. no. 86. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii.p?.
h x ./. 120. Sphæria atrovirens, g. Rusci, Eng.Fl. v. p. 272.
Desm. exs. no. 1281. Cryptosphæria glauco-punctata, Grev. Fl.
Ed.p. 362. Sphæria glauco-punctata, Curr. Linn. Trans.yixn.pl
hx.fig. 144. Cooke Seem. Journ. (1866) t. 50,/. 20. Cooke exs. no.
On dead Ruscus aculeatus. Common.
Sporidia ('OOOe-'OOlO in.) '0I5--025 m.m. long.
2 7 6 3 . S phæ re lla isa riph o ra . DeNot. “ Stellaria Sphærella.”
Conidia.— Tufts lax, on pallid spots, at length black; stem
erect ; comdia apical, ovate.— Stysanuspusillus, Fckl. exs. no. 174
Sym. Myc. t. i.f. 29.
SpBEMOGONiA=N«p?ona stellariæ. West.
Epiphyllous ; perithecia very small, globose, depressed, scat-
tered, black, often concealed beneath the epidermis ; ostiola
poriform ; asci elongated, containing the oval or oblong sporidia,
which are almost colourless, uniseriate, and uniseptate__
Schema di Class. Sfer. Ital. p. 63. Cooke Seem. Journ. 1866’, t.
4 5 ,/. 11. Cooke exs. no. 167. Sphæria isariphora, Desm. Mem
Soc. Roy. de Lille, 1843 ; exs. no. 1291 ; West. Bull, de Brux.
1850, no. 27.
On dead leaves of Stellaria holostea. Common.
M. Desmazieres observes th a t this species often supports a minute para-
sxtio Dana, whence its name. I have never been able to find such a parasite,
although I have sought for it diligently. M. Westendorp makes a
similar observation of want of success in verifying the fact.
2 7 6 4 . S phæ re lla L e ig h to n i. Berh. “ Leighton’s
Epiphyllous ; perithecia subglobose, pitch-brown ; ostiola conical
; asci clavate ; sporidia oblong, cymbiform, triseptate.— Cooke
Seem. Journ.1866,t. 56, f.2 5 . Sphæria Leightoni,B. & Br.Ann.
N.H. no. 659, t. x il.fg . 43.
On dead leaves of Linnoea borealis. Glen Dole, Clova.
Minute, scattered over the upper surface of the leaves, pitchy brown, shining,
narrowed into a short oonioal ostiolum. Asci clavate, sublanceolate.
Sporidia oblong-cymbiform, about four times as long as broad, obtuse,
scarcely curved. Endochrome at flrst retracted to either end ; a septum is
then formed between the two masses, which are at length again divided.
2 7 6 5 . S phæ re lla p te r id is. Desm. “ Bracken Sphærella.”
Epiphyllous ; spots greyish or none ; perithecia minute, globose,
scattered or aggregate, covered with the epidermis ; asci
clavate; sporidia elongated-fusiform, straight or curved, uniseptate,
hyaline.— Cooke. Seem. Journ. t. 56, f . 32. Coohe exs. no.
175. Sphæria pteridis, Desm. exs. no. 1295 (not Schm. exs. no. 2,
whichis Dothidea). B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 656. Sphæria Utura,
Berk. M S S . Sphæria punctiformis, b. Pteridis, Fries exs. no. 86
(not Sphærella pteridis, De Not. Sfer. Ital. tab. 99).
On dead fronds of Pteris aquilina.
Sporidia ('0005 in.) ‘015 m.m. long.
2 7 6 6 . S phæ re lla e ry siph in a . Derh. “ Hop-leaf Sphærella.”
Epiphyllous ; perithecia scattered, minute, almost superficial,
brown ; asci cylindrical ; sporidia uniseriate, hyaline, uniseptate.
Cooke Seem.Journ. t. 56, f. 24. Sphæria erysiphina, B. & Br. Journ.
Hort. Soc. ix. p. 67.
On living hop leaves.
Accompanying and mixed with Sphoerotheca Castagnei.
Sporidia ('0005 in.) '0125 m.m. long.
2 7 6 7 . S phæ re lla m ic ro sp ila . B. & Br. “ Willow herb
Perithecia scattered, globose, one or more immersed in a
minute brown spot arising from the delicate mycelium ; asci
cylindrical ; sporidia oblongo-elliptic, uniseptate.—Cooke Seem.
Journ. t. 56, f.2 3 . Sphæria microspila,B. & Br. Ann. N.H.no.
984,1.17,/. 36.
On leaves of Epilohium montanum. Orton Wood.
Sporidia C0002--0005 in.) -00S-'0127 m.m. long.
2 7 6 8 . S phæ re lla h ra ssicæ c o la . D eN o t. “ Cabbage
S p e r m o g o n ia .—Perithecia circinating, crowded, in suborhicular
pallid spots ; spermatia hyaline, minute.—Asteroma brassicoe,
Chev. Fl. Par. l,p . 449. Berk. Ann. N .H. no. 204.