çs"” :
IN S T IT A L E , Pr.
Stem none ; common mass containing many cavities filled with
spores.—Berh. Outl.p. 357.
I n s t it a l b e f f u s a , Fr. S .V .S .p . 447. B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no.
756. See Ptychogaster albus. Corda. ante. no. 1104.
T r ic h o d e r m a v i r i d e , Pers. Grev. t. 271. This is a state o f
Hypocrea rufa, Fr.
Gen. 2 6 2 . A R T H R O D E R iaA , Cnrrey.
Peridium spurious, indeterminate,
roundish, composed of
interwoven, strongly constricted,
jointed flocci. Spores collected
in the centre.—Berh. Outl. p.
357. {Fig. 296.)
Pig. 296.
1 877. Aithzodezma C uixeyi. Berk. “ Currey’s Arthroderma.”
Scattered or gregarious, globose or pulvinate ; flocoi branched,
jointed, torulose; spores brilliant yellow, spherical.—Berh. Outl.
V. 357. Quart. Micr. Jour. ii. p . 240, t. ix ./. 6-8.
On dead leaves and sticks.
D ivision II. SPOE.IDIIFEE.A. Sporidia in asci.
V. Fertile cells seated on threads, not compacted into a hymenium . Physomycetes.
YI. Asci formed from tlie fertile cells of an liymenium
Threads free, or only slightly felted, bearing vesicles which
contain indefinite sporidia.—Berh. Outl.p. 406.
Fertile cells bladder-shaped, scattered on the threads, which are not compacted
so as to form a distinct hymenium. Sporidia indefinite, formed from
the protoplasm of the cells.—-M’./.-B.
Threads felted, moniliform—
Sporangia irregular Antennar%ei,
Threads free. , _ . .
Sporangia terminal or lateral . . . • Muconni.
Order X X I I I . A N T E N N A B IE I .
Threads black, more or less felted, moniliform and equal in
the same felt, bearing here and there irregular sporangia.—
Berk. Outl.p. 406.
Threads mostly moniliform
Spores concatenate
Threads mycelioid, byssoid
Spores simple -