2 3 9 5 . N um m u lax ia B u llia z d i. Tul, “ Bulliard’s
Determinate, quite plane, continuous, externally and internally
black ; peritbecia immersed, ovate ostiola globose, slightly
prominent; sporidia round, or elliptical, brown then black.—
Tul. Carp. ii. p. 42, t. v .f. 11-19. Hypoxylon nummularium, Gurr.
Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 46,/. 59. Fckl. exs. no. 1062. Bull. t. 468,/.
4. Berh. Outl.p.386. Sph.nummularia,Fr. S.M.H. p. 348. Fng.
UZ. v.p. 240. S. macula, Tode.f. 106. S. diffusa. Sow. f. 373.
Schm. M.H. t. i. f 16. Moug. exs. no. 374.
On wood and bark. [United States.]
Hard, orbicular, elliptic or longitudinally effused from the confluence of
one or more individuals, |-2 in. broad, 1 line thick, separable from the
matrix, even, very slightly papillated under a lens ; ostiola d is tan t; perithecia
large, immersed.—FVi'es. ' '
Sporidia C0004-'0006 in.) 'Ol-'OIS m.m.
(Fig. 380.)
Gen 3 4 5 . EU T Y PA , Tul.
Stroma fused with the matrix.
Perithecia immersed, sometimes
in the matrix, papillate; para-
diyses few; sporidia clustered,
inear and curved, or ovate and
straight, simple, pale (sometimes
dark coloured).—Tul. Carp. ii. p.
52. (Fig. 381.)
Pig. 381.
* Sporidia hyaline.
2 3 9 6 . E u ty p a A ch a r ii. Tul. “ Acharius’ Eutypa.”
Scattered"; perithecia immersed, globose ; ostiola proceeding
from a black spot, minute, convex, slightly prominent, at length
umbilicate ; sporidia biseriate, colourless, slightly curved.—
Tul. Carp. ii. p. 53. i. l,fig . 8-20. Sphceria eutypa, Fr. S.M.ii.
p . 478. Fries.exs.no. 15,348. Fng. F l . v .p .267. Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. t. 58,/. 73. Berh. exs. no. 178. S. decomponens. Sow.
t. 217. Futypa maura, Fchl. exs. no. 1050.
On dead branches. Common.
Very much resembling Eutypa lata. Sporidia ('0002-‘0003 in.) •005-‘0075
m.m. (Fig- 381.)
Tul.2 3 9 7 . E u ty p a la ta . “ Broad Eutypa.”
Broadly effused, emergent, unequal ; perithecia close sunk in
the wood, covered with a thin black stroma ; ostiola slightly
prominent, conical ; sporidia crowded, yellowish in a mass, almost
colourless when single, curved obtuse at the ends. Tul.
Carp ii p. 56. Fchl. exs. no. 1046. Diatrype lata, Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. t, 47, f 112. S .la ta ,F r. S.M.H.p.362. Fries exs.
«0. 1 12 . Moug.exs.no. 568. Fng. F l.v . p . 245. Hoffm. V .C .i.t.
4 , / 3.
On -wood, dry branches, &c. Common. [United States.]
Generally effused for some inches, but sometimes interrupted ; staining
the wood on which it grows dull black ; rough with the slightly prominent
shining ostiola.—
Sporidia (•0002--0004 in.) ‘OOS-’Ol m.m.
2 3 9 8 . E u ty p a f la v o -v ir e n s . Tul. “ Yellow-green Eutypa.”
Unequal, rugose, black within, pulverulent, yellow-green;
perithecia globose; ostiola rather prominent, punctiform;
sporidia crowded, yellowish, curved—Tul. Carp. ii. p. 57, t.
7,/; 1-7. Fchl. exs. no. 1049. Diatrype flavo-virens, Fr. S.V.b.
p 385. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 46, f . 65. Rabh. exs. no. 48.
S flavo-virens. Fr. S.M.ii. p. 357. Moug. exs. no. 375. Fries,
exs. no. 222. Hoffm. V.C. i. t. 2 , f 4. Grev. t. 322. Fng. Fl. v.p.
240. S. multiceps. Sow. t. 394./. 8. Fchl. exs. no. 1825. var. fj.
On dead branches or naked wood.
Variable, but easily distinguished by the colour of tbe stroma. Sporidia
{■0003 in.) '0075 m.m.
2 3 9 9 . E u ty p a sp in o sa . Tul. “ Spiny Eutypa.”
Very widely effused, emergent, je t black ; perithecia at length
connate ; ostiola spinous, thick, four-sided, sulcate ; sporidia almost
colourless, curved, rounded or acute.— Tul. Carp. u p . 59.
Fchl exs. no. lOoO. Sphæria spinosa, Pers. Syn. t. 2, f . 9-12.
Moug.exs.no. 376. Fr. S.M.ii.p. 368. Fng. Fl. v .p . 244. Fries.
exs.no. 11. UZ. Daw. i. 2038,/. 2. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. i.47,
/. 108.
On hard wood. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Spreading over tbe wood for a great space, and staining it black; when
young immersed, scabrous, villous, rngose; perithecia almost free, covered
^ t h a thin c ru st; when old sub-emergent, remarkable for its large prominent,
pyramidal, or irregular, always rugged ostiola. Peritbecia ovato-
globose, rather large, joined by a thin orust.-Unei.
Sporidia (*0003 in.) '0075 m.m.