1316. Podisoma ju n ip e z i. Fr. “ Juniper Podisoma.”
Orange, clavari^form, somewhat branched ; stroma simple •
spores__very long, lanceolate, filled with elliptic granules.—Ar’.
E n g .F I.y . p . 362. Bull. t. 427 , f . l . Berh. exs.
Ko. 106._ Coohe M.F.p. 201. Coohe exs. no. 12.5. FcU. exs. no.
415 Bisch.f. 3880. Pa y .f. 354. Ann. Sc. Nat. {1854), t.lO, f .
On living branches of Juniperus communis. April.
[Mid. Carolina.]
CErsted regards this as a form of licesieKa lacerata. (Fig. 204.)
1517. Podisoma sabinae. Fr. “ Savin Podisoma.”
Red-brown, tuberculiform and clavate, simple ; stroma obliterated
; spores obovate, uniseptate.—Eng. FI. v. p. 362 Nees f.
15. P e r s .B i s p .t.2 ,f l . Eng. Bot. t. 710. FcU. exs. no. 4 l i
B is c h .f 3882-3883. Berh. Outl. t. 2, f 4. Cooke M.F. p. 201
Berk. exs. no. 107.
On living branches of Juniperus sahinw. April. May.
According to CErsted, this is a condition of Rcestelia cancellata.
1518. Podisoma fo liico lum . B . “ Juniper-Ieaf Podisoma.”
. Epiphyllous, brown-black masses, subglobose, subelliptic, or
irregular consisting of radiating, crowded, very slender, agglutinated
filaments, each bearing an elliptic or clavate, very obtuse
OA?’® m 7 ? Aer7. Eng. FI. v. p. 362. Cooke M.F. p.
201. J ckl. exs. no. 414.
On living leaves of common juniper.
Masses snbelliptiq or irregular, dark brown-black, consisting of radiating,
crowded, very slender, aggiuumaieu ma
clavate, very obtuse spore with 3-6 septa,
davate and barren.—M. J . R. borne of the filaments are simply
each bearing UlT.n RATlI n 1— —. -^a J_n e•l liptzic or
Parasitic on living plants; peridium absent; spores of one or
two orders, simple.
I Ustilago.
I Uredo.
I Melampsora.
Spores of one order—
Simple and free.
Without appendages.
Springing from delicate threads
Produced in separate cells.
Deeply seated, pulverulent
Generally nearly black
Superficial .
Yellow or brown
Not inclosed in separate cells
With peduncles.
Deciduous .
Permanent .
Subglobose or shell-shaped
Spores of two orders—
1. Spherical
2. Cylindrical, septate.
1. Sphaerical
2. Wedge-shaped, compact .
1. Concatenate, exposed
2. Sphaerical, myoeloid
Gen. 170. T I L L E T IA , Tul.
Spores sphterioal, reticulated, proceeding
from delicate branched threads.'—Berk.
Outl.p. 335. Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1847.
Fig. 205. 205.)
1519. T i lle t ia ca z ie s. Tul. “ Bunt.”
Included within the germen ; spores spherical, rather large,
black, reticulated.—Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1847, vii. t. 5, f . 1-16.
Cooke M.F. p. 202, t. v. / . 84-91. Berk. Hort. Journ. ii. p. 113.
Fooke Quek. Journ. \.p . 167. Cooke exs. no. 53. Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat.
4th. ser. ii. 1.12, f . 1-26. Uredo fwtida. Bauer Ann. Sc. Nat. 1824,
ii. t. 7 ,f. 17-20. Uredo caries. Eng. FI. v. p. 375. Bitm. t. 34.
Berk. exs. n o .113.