tiseptate, the second joint swollen.— D o * ./ . 88. Fr. S.M. H.p.
508. Fr. exs. no. 86. Fng. F l. y.p. 275. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no.
644. Leptosphceria complanata. De Not. Schema, p. 62.
On herbaceous stems. [Up. & Mid. Carolina.]
Very variable in size.
2 7 1 4 . Sphæ ria d e ra sa . B . ^ B r . “ Ragwort Sphæria.”
Gregarious, small, black, hemispherical, covered with rigid
black hairs, which ultimately disappear—except at the base ;
asci clavate ; sporidia biseriate, fusiform-filiform, slightly curved,
with a row of nuclei, at length faintly septate,—®. & Br. Ann.
no. 639*, t. xi./. 25, b. S. calva, Johnst. Fl. Berw.
On ragwort stems. Spring.
One of the articulations of the sporidia is sometimes swollen.
2715. Sphæ ria v e c t is . B . 4 B r . “ Iris Sphæria.”
Subcuticular; ostiola at length naked ; asci short, cylindrical ;
sporidia oblong, 5 septate, the fourth articulation swollen.— B. &
Br. Ann. N .H. no. 779,1.16,/. 16. Leptosphceria vectis, De Not.
Schema p. 62.
On dead leaves of Iris fcetidissima.
Covered by the cuticle, which is at length pierced by the black ostiolum,
sometimes regularly diffused, sometimes forming little pale patches ■ asci
short, curved, cylindrioal; sporidia oblong (-0001 in.) -0025 m.m. long, 5-septate,
the fourth joint being much swollen.—B. 4 Br,
2 7 1 6 . S p h æ r ia n ig r a n s . Besm. “ B lack Grass Sphæria.”
_ Minute, scattered, covered with the blackened epidermis ; perithecia
globose or subelliptic, depressed, base invested with
brownish hairs ; ostiola erumpent, papillæform ; asci clavate ;
sporidia fusiform, curved, suhhyaline, 5-septate.—Desm. Ann. Sc.
Nat. 1846. Exs. no. 1774. B. & Br. Ann. N .H no. 640„ t. 11,/.
27. 'Leptosphceria nigrans, De Not. Schema p .6 \.
On Dactylis glomerata. Feb.
In a certain stage of growth the black stroma-like spots are not visible,
but there are merely a few creeping flooci at the base of the perithecia, these
gradually increase in number, so as at length to form a thin darlc stratum.
The species may be recognised in any state by the fusiform spores, the middle
joint of whicli is swollen. Besides the true paraphyses there are iointed
threads in the perithecia.—
2717. Sphæzia O g ilv ien sis. B . & Br. Ogilvie’s Ragwort
Covered ; perithecia depressed ; ostiola papillæform ; asci clavate
; sporidia fusiform, bipartite, three endochromes in eaoh cell.
—B. & Br. Ann.N.H. no. 642,1.11,/. 28. Leptosphceria Ogilviensis,
De Not. Schema, p. 61.
On siovas 0Î Senecio Jacobcea. Dundee. [Up. Carolina?]
Perithecia scattered, covered by the cuticle, depressed, with a decided, obtuse,
papillæform ostiolum ; asci clavate ; sporidia biseriate, fusiform, consisting
of two apposed cones, the sides of which are slightly hollowed out,
each division containing three endochromes. Externally it resembles S. her- barum.—B . & Br.
2718. Sphæzia modesta . Besm. “ Figwort Sphæria.”
Scattered ; perithecia globoso-depressed, minute, at first
covered with the epidermis, then naked, black, short, shining ;
ostiola papillate, obtuse ; asci large, clavate ; sporidia fusiform,
rather obtuse, curved, 4-6 septate, third joint swollen.— Desm.
exs. no. 1786. ®. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 644, 1.11, f. 30. Lib. exs.
no. 244.
On dead stems of Scrophularia. May. Glen Isla.
The peculiar character is the swelling out of the third joint of the curved,
multiseptate, subfusiform sporidia. Asci clavate and not cylindrical as in S. complanata.
2 7 1 9 . Sphæz ia sahuletoznm. B . & Br.
“ Large-spored Grass
Scattered, covered ; perithecia subglobose, at length collapsed ;
ostiola pierced ; asci large, cylindrical; sporidia fusiform, nodulose.—
®. &Br. Ann. N.H. no. 650, t. 12,f . 36.
On dead leaves of Ammophila arundinacea. May. Sands of
Perithecia scattered, concealed, with the exception of the pertused ostiolum,
subglobose, at length collapsed ; asci large, rather short, cylindrical,
very obtuse ; sporidia a t first globose or obovate, uniseptate, eventually one
joint produces three endochromes, and the other four, the fourth being seated
in the centre of the compound fusiform sporidium, and much larger than the
rest. There is a constriction between eaoh endochrome.—B. 4 Br.
2 7 2 0 . Sphæzia. tz itozulosa . B . 4 B r . “ Willow Herb
Subcuticular, semi-immersed, subglobose ; ostiola papillæform ;
asci elongated ; sporidia tritorulose.—Ann. N.H. no. 778, t. 16,
/ . 15. Leptosphceria tritorulosa, De Not. Schema, p. 62.
2 Q